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Just a little site me and a few friends are playing with. Just a week old and in its very early stages. Anyway, I hope to make some major changes in the whole appearance, but this should do for now.
Kennel wrote:
Does that mean that you want me to show you or are you just happy that I will make it easier in 1.1?
I'm looking forward to 1.1 already!
Then I'm okay with it.
ps21 wrote:
I'm working on it. In particular I am in the process of trawling through old posts looking for questions relating to styles and/or templates with the intention of adding a FAQ at the end of the quide. I am certainly going to put more stuff about templates, how to put a 3D border around the whole board without graphics, how to add graphic logos, how to make rollover menu buttons without graphics , how to add graphics for those who just have to make the board match the rest of their site etc. And just as I am finishing it Kennel will release v1.1 and it will be back to the styling board
Very cool! I'm looking forward to the next release already and the positive impact it will have on my boards. By the way, I've already recieved compliments regarding the style of my forums, big thanks to you for the help!
Well, I'm slowly getting there. My forums just broke 100 posts today but the activity is going up which is really encouraging.
Rows: 3107
Size: 522.89 KB
Frank H wrote:
if the category still is invisible for normal users if all the forums within that category is admin/mod only ... then I don't see a problem with it
Not bad. What's the purpose/theme of your boards?
ps21 wrote:Was there anything you thought could have been done better/different, anything missed, anything you would like to see added etc.
Well...I would certainly welcome an even deeper guide. Maybe just some cool little tricks, or ps21's top 10 ways to make punBB look sweet.
I was just curious, aside from the official forums here, what are the biggest PunBB forums out there?
WootyLost wrote:
Why me? I need to talk and straight out with my Host Manager. I'll hope I will come out with an update soon.
Ummm...Is anyone else confused by this post?
Drop me an email and we'll talk. Just give me a description of what you want for the boards. Look at my first post for a full list of info.
Cactuz wrote:
Kennel with the magic fingers
You said it.
Little late on the response, but correct none the less.
Honestly, I'm perfectly fine without hosting any boards. More webspace for Hewitt.
His is a better deal, I can't get FTP.
Ah, I see what you are talking about.
PunBB is totally independant software created by Kennel. The phpBB team is an entirely seperate group of programmers that makes software for the sheer love of programming. They are cool guys if you ever get a chance to talk to them.
How was I supposed to know? But glad to hear things are running smoothly again.
Thanks. A lot of the credit goes to you, and Kennel of course for making the forums in the first place.
Thanks again ps21! You are truly a lifesaver.
Okay, check out the forums now with an updated style that's even matches the site better!
ps21 wrote:
Hewitt wrote: Netscape is old so that may be the culprit. However, I still prefer Opera over the competition.
Old Netscape is always a problem. I was wondering who the 0.08% of surfers still using NS4 were. Now I know.
Hey, don't hate because I'm out of date.
I just use Netscape on rare occasions to see what something looks like from an alternate viewpoint, my IE and Opera are very up to date!
Very nice work ps21! Okay, did you just put the entire board in a table and set some fixed widths? I'm kind of assuming you did. By the way, thanks for the guide on skinning for PunBB, I had never done any work on forums before and it helped a lot! Netscape is old so that may be the culprit. However, I still prefer Opera over the competition.
Don't worry, Kennel will take good care of you.
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