(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

The css files are pulled in this order:



(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

elbekko wrote:

Sorry, I was confused tongue It's the "online" table.

Sweet.  Thanks man.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Weird.  When I go in to phpmyadmin, I don't have a login table.  Is it hidden in some other table?


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Out of curiosity, this is something that I haven't seen and don't think PunBB even does this, but I want to ask to make sure I don't miss anything.  When you get a guest on your forums, it tells you that you have 2 or 100 guests or whatever. Does PunBB log any IP's or anything of those guests or is there a way to do so? I'd like to know if there is a way to know if the guests are actual people or bots crawling the forums.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

It all depends on what theme you are using. Then you have to edit the css files for that specific theme to change the background color.

gog wrote:

I know what you mean, SMF is a pain in the ass when it comes to this smile

Hey. When you did it, did you move change the directory in PunBB admin first or did you change the directory and then try to change it?


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Something I just thought of, but when I was setting up my left bar, I tried to move the #left code to where it was in front of the main page information. I wanted it to load the sidebar before the actual page...but when I did that, it messed a lot of things up.  Did you try to put your #right below your #left code just to see what happens?


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

sameoldspud wrote:

Please do try. I really need to have left and right bars. If you succeed, I'd appreciate a snippet of the code, or maybe the whole thing.

I can't right now as I'm at work and can't upload the files, but I can do that later tonight.


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, your container and #right are both floating to the right.  That may be what is throwing it off. I might have to go try this on a test site and see if I can get it to work.  I use Connor's setup on my forums as well and the left bar works great, but I haven't tried to do the right bar.

gog wrote:

I think not, I had to chanche from /punbb/ to /forum/ after I'd complited the migration and everything works like a charm...

Really?  It's that easy?  If so, then that's just incredibly awesome.  I've tried to move some other installations of forums and other things and it's a royal pain in the ___. I'd be very impressed if that's all it takes big_smile

Is there any guides or anything that would help me out here.  I have been considering changing the directory that my PunBB is installed in. It's currently in http://domain.com/forums/   I would like to move it too http://domain.com (instead of doing a redirect to the PunBB Forums I use).

I know you can change where the home directory is in your admin settings, but do you have to do anything else other than move all the files and file structures over to the correct directory?


(15 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I'm not sure about the 2nd and 3rd problem as I'm not a php guru by any means, but the first problem would be easier to help fix if you could provide your main.tpl.  Adding a right side bar can be done, but we'll need to see your main.tpl and the css inside of it (if you did it through Connor's portal setup, the css is in the main.tpl) to try and help figure out why the right bar isn't showing up properly.

I had that same question come up and got it fixed real quick.  Run a search and you'll find the exact place to change the code so it opens in a new browser.


PunBB is set up here and I have the miniportal set up. If you go in to a long post, you will see the gap I am talking about along the left side of the screen. It's black and just looks a little out of place.


(5 replies, posted in General discussion)

IE Tab
Tab Mix Plus
Web Developer
All-in-One Gestures

That's what I have here at work, I think it is a little different at home.

If anyone could give me even a shred, the tip of a bone or something to try.  Is it even possible?


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Wow.  That's pretty crazy.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

hcgtv wrote:
Kato wrote:

BUT, PunBB community is not without it's own problems. There are a lot of things that could be done here to increase and promote the community and make it more accessible to everyone.

This is really up to Rickard, does he want to conquer the world or remain under the radar.

I understand that, but I do wish he would...take it by the horns to say.  The split is where it all started and things have been misplaced since then from what I can tell and I haven't even been here long. Someone should unite the sites and just take control. Even if it requires some good/heavy moderation of the forums, I feel that there is enough support and intelligence that we can appoint enough moderators to at least keep things in control. They may not have to be able to answer every little php question and be some codemonkey guru, but just keep things in line and make sure posts stay and go where they are supposed to go.

Plus, there are other things that could be done in this community to just make it easier for those that don't know how to code. Things that will allow them to change their site or do things to help them on their own. PunBB is just fantastic forums software and it has the mods to make it what you want, but getting to that point can be pretty difficult to someont that is not a coding guru.


(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

quaker wrote:

Enhanced Simple PHP Gallery seem to be using the functions of a lightbox java script. That what I used when I create my light box login and lightbox register mod for punbb, but it blacken out the background and only shows the form.
light box login--> http://www.punres.org/desc.php?pid=262
lightbox register script---->http://www.punres.org/viewtopic.php?id=1624
I'm currently working of designing a lightbox gallery script

Punbb seem to have always the best live support(quick turn around time frame for forum posting) and the best response from members.


Not to detach and derail this thread, but I do agree.  PunBB does have a lot better support than some other forums I have looked at. 

BUT, PunBB community is not without it's own problems. There are a lot of things that could be done here to increase and promote the community and make it more accessible to everyone.

This has really been bugging me.  I have tried all kinds of different things from tables just css code to anything I can think of.  How can I make that box dynamically fill the empty space to the bottom where the footer is?

If you need the site to look at what I am talking about, I can provide it for you.

I'm on a windows machine, but your text and stuff up to the top left worked perfect for me.  Nice modding work here.

tamlyn wrote:

Are you sure you're reloading the css? I got the different colour link working fine on www.sgal.org/forum/

Heh...yeah.  Thanks.  I just got it working.  Helps if you close the last tag smile

pogenwurst wrote:

@Kato: I guess the easiest way would be to have Javascript set a cookie.

Probably so, but I really want to avoid the popup method.  I'd rather look at changing the color of the message for "New Private Messages" or whatever it says. I have been trying to change it through the css and I try to change the font color just for that specific div, but it just doesn't ever change. I've tried to add the code in to my style.css and even in the main.tpl.  None of them ever change that font color though.  It's really kind of annoying.

Mark wrote:
guardian34 wrote:

The requested file does not exists.

seems to work fine for me hmm

When you get to the download page and try to download, the file does not exist. It's been removed.

pogenwurst wrote:

Try this instead - change:

$tpl_temp .= "\n\t\t\t\t".'<li class="pmlink"><strong><a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['New messages'].'</a></strong></li>';


$tpl_temp .= "\n\t\t\t\t".'<li class="pmlink"><strong><a href="message_list.php">'.$lang_pms['New messages'].'</a></strong></li><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">window.open("message_popup.php","NewPM","width=500,height=250,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes");</script>';

Does that work?

Please note that I didn't bother to add back in the newlines and indents so if you want your markup to look pretty you'll have to do that.

After I created the message_popup.php file and told the javascript where to find it, it worked great.
The only problem is that it loads that popup on EVERY page until you have read that new message.  Any ideas on how to make it so that it only does the popup once?