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I am switching hosts, I already have the new board set up and added some more mods which changed the tables. Ive never backed up but had over 320mbs of posts, I pruned it some but it seems to big to do anything with. I would like to at least save the user info, the name, pw, registration date, etc. I tried but I have know I dea what Im doing and the dbm plugin didnt work, php admin just did nothing and its not a very big file.
Someone tell me please how to save the users and load them to the new database?
Thanks in advance
Remy wrote:Is it possible to view the IPs of users/guests currently browsing the forum? Perhaps something like "Online: User (, Guest (, Guest (, User (", or perhaps, using the acronym tag to display the IPs by hovering over the names. This, of course, is something I'd only want administrators and moderators to see. Is such a thing possible, or would it require a mod? If so, are there any mods that exist for such a thing? I tried searching the forums, but couldn't find exactly what I'm looking for. I'm having some issues with people using proxies attempting to sign up and cause problems, so I'd like to catch them before they have a chance, and I can't do that if I can't see the IPs beforehand.
I had this problem. Make a forum just for new user so when they register they(that new user group) can only see that board, then make a post telling them to tell you something before they can be approved (where did you find us, age etc) then when they post you can check the IP before they have a chance to cause trouble for everyone else. If its a go just switch their user group ![big_smile](
ok can some one tell me how to delete the "you are not logged in" "last logged in" and move the the stuff on the right hand side about show new posts and marking topics as read to the footer. Also how do I move that border up?
Thanks to anyone that can answer any of this stuff.
I moved it up like I had it on my old board but it looks different now. Can someone tell me if the code has changed?
(this is what I want it to look like) see the login box with the border directly below
(Its listed twice) its giving me the box plus logged in as blah blah which I dont want. How can I remove all that stuff?
Reines wrote:I started work on a mod for punbb 1.2.* that allows people to subscribe via paypal, and automatically upgrades them to a new user group upon successful payment. It could be used for pretty much what your suggesting, if you simply have the initial member group without access to any boards.
However I would like to try tweak a little bit of it before release, and was considering charging for it (seems only fair since the mod is for use by people who are wanting to charge for membership to their forums).
I'm not sure if you were looking for a mod like this, or if you were wanting input on how you should go about coding one yourself. Thought I might as well mention it though.
A little more info: PunBB Subscription Mod.
when is this coming?
Awesome I will check it out.
anyone know if its possible to have a shopping cart that would take money (subscription) then switch a user to another user group then after 12 months if the user hasnt signed up for another 12 months switch them back to another user group? Or one that can do part of that? Suggestions on how to go about this or where I might look to get started would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,
I need something similar. Anyone want to take this on? Thats two people that need it.
generally I have about 60 people connected at a time on a given weekday. Sometimes as much as 75. I once had 104 before the board crashed "unable to connect too many mysql connections" it slows noticeably at 70 people. Is this standard. I would like to have more posters but I dont search for them because it seems we are near capacity now. What are the mysql database limits? anyone have more people connected and posting than that? Is it my host? Seems bandwidth may become an issue and my current storage limit isnt enough.
Thanks for any input you guys can give me!
Hey can anyone tell me how I can center it in the part with the "powered by punbb" and the "jump to" box? I can only get in after the powered by and it wont center on the page, it only centers only between the Jump to and the powered by which places it off to the right
Paul wrote:I meant do this
<p style="text-align: center">
Your timer in here
And yes, the timer creates a load of invalid markup.
haha man Im not a pro.
Hey can you tell me how I can get it in the part with the "powered by punbb" and the jump to box? That would be nice centered in there.
Got it. I just used <center>
when I add
before the <embed> stuff it actually adds the text "style="text-align:center"" before the countdown timer.
Am I supposed to do something else?
Paul wrote:align="center" isn't valid xhtml. Try style="text-align:center"
That might not be enough to fix it though. You have a hugh amount of markup in that page which isn't valid.
lol I just add stuff that Ive been told here till it works. Unless you mean that countdown timer itself?
Thanks I'll try it.
at the bottom I put a countdown banner but its on the left, I want to center it. I placed code after the <pun_footer> in main.tpl to get it there. What can I add to center it on the page?
Thanks in advance!!!!
oh great I tired to use the admin options link and got forbidden also.
Smartys wrote:Well, PunBB does not throw 403 errors: it's a server issue and your host should be able to resolve it ![wink](
ok thank you smartys.
Ive had 100 before but it seems when I get to 65 everyone gets "to many connections" error. Is this normal for mysql? Anyone have more than that?
Smartys wrote:I would talk to your host, it sounds to me like a mod_security issue
They have been testing the board but cant seem to figure out what the problem is. This is sucking.
I have several forums on the board and some posters suddenly dont have the ability to post or start threads in certain forums (they did before the move) but can in others. They have permission I just dont know what the problem is.
I just deleted all the cache files and it helped with everything but the links and the email being forbidden.
I can install this but where is the ap? What folder do I put this in?
anybody? Is there a switch for these? for links maybe?
deleted the files in cache and now the admin is working
still cant send email "Forbidden
You don't have permission to access to this document on this server."
still cant post links "Forbidden
You don't have permission to access to this document on this server."
any help?
my host moved me to a new server. Just copied the files etc now I have all kinds of problems!
I cant use the email it says "Forbidden
You don't have permission to access to this document on this server."
some posters cant post in certain threads or forums
When I try to change forum access in admin I get "Error: Unable to write quickjump cache file to cache directory. Please make sure PHP has write access to the directory 'cache'"
alos I cant post link anymore! Seems if I remove the http// part and just leave it works, is this a setting or is it the server?
Posts found: 101 to 125 of 251