(85 replies, posted in News)

Try install this version 1.4.4 on server working on php 7 and more...

Use 1.4.5 version for php 7 and more... PanBB_1.4.5_Download

The extension of Pan Quick Jump Forum is the same painfully familiar, but at the same time, there is very little used jump on the forum, located at the bottom of the page. A new jump on the forum is made up, just below the status line (bread crumbs). This drop-down list is available on all pages where there are bread crumbs, since the jump on the forum is tied to this block.

In fact, the bottom of the site is not the place for this option. In many forums, this function is available by default and is at the top or at the extreme bottom, but above the quick response form.




Download extension Pan Quick Jump Forum

The Pan uLogin extension is a simplified user authorization on your forum. To start using the extension you just need to install it on your forum.

The extension is simplified to the impossibility, there are no additional settings. Possibility to authorize approximately 20 different social networks.

https://punbb.info/uploads/images/2017/09/b9d8b566bc636ec0998c53ab0ba68009.png https://punbb.info/uploads/images/2017/09/917c55dee9eb2d8d578c694b1d885621.png

Download Pan uLogin

The Pan PDF Viewer extension allows users to view PDF files directly in topic messages. The script is very simple, you just need to make a link to the PDF file clickable. The extension itself converts links to PDF files for viewing in a frame.

ATTENTION! The user browser must support viewing PDF documents. In modern browsers, this is usually not a problem.


Download Extension Pan PDF Viewer

Открыть файл viewforum.php и поправить блок:

if ($forum_page['page'] > 1)

// Generate paging/posting links
$forum_page['page_post']['paging'] = '<p class="paging"><span class="pages">'.$lang_common['Pages'].'</span> '.paginate($forum_page['num_pages'], $forum_page['page'], $forum_url['forum'], $lang_common['Paging separator'], array($id, sef_friendly($cur_forum['forum_name']))).'</p>';

Напишите админам и модераторам в личку, может они лучше знают. Sorry.

Откройте шаблон main.tpl, там есть блоки, посмотрите внимательно какой за что отвечает. Я не помню точно как называется, не за компом. Что не нужно просто уберите и сохраните файл.

Here it is impossible. Attach your lang files on our forum punbb.info, extension uploader, attach files and images


(115 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Try Pan Moderator.


(2 replies, posted in Discussions)

Before moving on to PHP 7, patch your forum.

Please, attach your language files of extension. We'll be try.


(7 replies, posted in Discussions)

yes, but how can you use the extension for shopping on the forum? if we write it ....
there are examples of how this will work?


(7 replies, posted in Discussions)

how do you imagine it on the forum?

You need correction forum_urls


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.4 additions)

Need write individual stiles. Or see extension kt_mobile


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

depends on how you configurate your forum.


(49 replies, posted in General discussion)

If anyone wants to Convert their forum Phpbb3 to Punbb 1.4.4, then I'll be glad to help you with this.


(33 replies, posted in News)


See in file parser.php


(33 replies, posted in News)

When all hosts will go to PHP 7, then it will be just necessary. Or owners of their forums will have to switch to other CMS.

no, you need to first convert your forum into mysql.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Use extension Pan Smilies


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

There is no such extension, you need to write it.

It will not be easy, the parser removes many hash tags.


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Ask for help from this user. I think that you will understand it better than what I will tell you in my bad English.


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

This is possible, but it takes a lot of work to write new hash tags and their parsers. Use ready-made visual editors.

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … unwysiwyg/
http://punbb.informer.com/forums/topic/ … -sceditor/

So, we meet another database converter for a paid forum engine IPB (Invision Power Board). Although IPB can be installed completely free of charge, but in the future you will have to fork out a good idea, as it is a paid engine. The CMS itself is built less logically, simpler than a twisted phpBB, but still has its own peculiarities.

Now we will try to transfer messages, topics, forums, categories and users. The extansion of Pan Converter and the IPB to PunBB module will help us in this. We download and install the module for converting IP Board-3.4.6 to PunBB 1.4.

First of all go to phpMyAdmin and create a database dump in the form of a PHP array. Select the desired type of database in the drop-down list and save it to the PC.


Extract the saved archive and load from our converter settings page our dump with the extension .php.


After a successful download, go to the module tab and select our dump from the drop-down list.

Enter the table prefix below into the form, it is asked to enter it when you first install IPB. Usually looks like this ipb_ or prefix_.

If the prefix does not exist for the tables, just leave the field blank and start the first conversion step.
At this stage, the conversion table prefixes will be checked and converted.


At the final stage you will be asked to confirm the action and if the conversion passes without errors, then everything is OK.


We go to the main page and check the data.

The script transfers the following data:
+ Users
+ Messages
+ Themes
+ Forums
+ Categories


+ It is important to understand that this is the initial version, which will need further development, but most of the work it will perform.
+ Keep in mind that the content of each separate forum has its own characteristics, especially since the data of the IPB forum are stored in HTML. Therefore, after the conversion, content is cleared from all HTML tags. To save the markup, you need to write regular expressions to process the tags.
+ Note that the administrator's name with the user ID = 2 will change to what was used in IPB with ID = 1. It will not affect authorization, you will remain in the system. Just enter the new name the next time you log in.

More informarion you can find on our forum. & Download Converter from IPB (Invision Power Board) v.3.4.6 to PunBB 1.4

If you decide to convert the phpBB forum database into PunBB, then the following instruction will help you to convert the database yourself. I assure you, there is nothing difficult in this, the main thing is not to be lazy.

What do I need to transfer the forum from phpBB3 to PunBB 1.4?
1. A new, newly established forum.
2. Expansion of the Pan Framework
3. Extension of Pan Converter
4. Database dump in PHP array format

So, install the forum, there is nothing complicated in this, in the installation of PunBB everything is extremely simple and understandable. After installing the forum, you do not need to delete or create anything (forums, themes, users, and change the settings, leave everything as is).

The only thing we need is to install extensions: first the Pan Framework and then the Pan Converter.

After installing the extensions, download the module for the phpBB To PunBB converter and load it directly from the extension control panel. The script itself will unpack it where necessary. After successful unpacking, one more tab will be added to the submenu, but for now we do not proceed on it.

First, we create a database dump in the form of a PHP array. To do this, you need to open the phpMyAdmin database of the phpBB forum and select the Export tab.


If the file is saved in the archive, then unpack it to the file with the .php extension. On the main settings page of the Pan Converter extension, we load the dump onto the server using a special file upload form. After that, go to the page of the converter module phpBB To PunBB. You will see your downloaded dump in the drop-down list.

Before you start converting necessarily change the table prefix to the standard phpbb_
To do this, enter the prefix name in the text entry form.


Now you can start converting forum tables. Everything, all your themes, messages and users are transferred to PunBB!
This module carries the data of the tables:
+ Groups
+ Users
+ Messages
+ Topics
+ Forums
+ Categories

Download the extension and module in this topic

In the future, according to your wishes, we will expand the capabilities of phpBB To PunBB module. Offer your ideas, wishes, and of course help