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Anyone that cannot get this extension to work remember you cannot use it with fancy url's.
I wish you could but until it gets figured out make sure you shut off fancy URLS to get this extension to work.
It's a compromise but one I will gladly make to use this great extension.
PS. This is separate from the issue I posted above.
Chaosmaker wrote:Another thing that came to my mind: Even with the setting "Display 'New messages (N)' link at the top of every page." enabled, you don't really have a well visible indication for new messages (the "PM" is simply displayed bold then). As I don't like to change built-in extensions too much, I wrote my own little extension-extension for that purpose: …
It's not the Oxygen style in that forum, but it should be clear enough to see how it works. Unfortunately only one link allowed in this post, so please copy&paste. ![smile](
Any thoughts on that extension?
I have this installed and think it is not necessary.
Instead I used this
<span style="color:#C60000;">
Now the PM link turns Bold and Red when a new message is received
Work great for me
Edit: Functions.php in pun_pm
Installing the extension does break this extension … elink-001/
Which is too bad because them working together would be perfect.
I did that already but when installed I get this message at the bottom of the forum
Currently installed 2 official extensions. Copyright © 2003–2009 PunBB.
I used this to get rid of it …
(That is one of the last working downloads someone may want to preserve it)
Not sure if this old extension breaks anything else so I will report back.
It works better than multi quote because you can quote multiple times or selct the text to quote so it basically does both functions.
Anyone working on an update to this?
Visman wrote:try
.post:not(.firstpost) h4.entry-title {
display: none;
Of course, good old fashioned css when nothing else works.
Thank you for the piece of code, it takes care of seeing that title repeat again and again.
abdulhalim wrote:Do you want to disable post headers ( Topic and RE: ) ?
just go to style\Oxygen\Oxygen.min.css
go to line : 2629
find out :
.post-entry .entry-title{
text-indent: 0;
visibility: visible;
font-size: 1.2em;
line-height: 1.2;
font-weight: bold;
position: static;
add Display:none ;
like this
.post-entry .entry-title{
text-indent: 0;
visibility: visible;
font-size: 1.2em;
line-height: 1.2;
font-weight: bold;
position: static;
Just like this , but PanBB.RU wrote a great plugin for this
Thank You PanBB.Ru ![smile](
Works, except it removes the title from the first post too, it would need to stay there.
The extension everyone is talking about seems to be a dead link so I tried the edit above but to completely remove the titel is not an option.
That worked remarkably well, it brings the extension to a whole new level.
Just wanted to say, this works perfectly
It also keeps out other member groups that do not have permission.
You can see the forum on the board but when you click on it you cannot read unless you have the specified member level.
I edited my language file to say....
This forum is restricted to a specific member level.
Perfect so add two groups and 2 forums it looks like this right?
! $forum_page['is_admmod'] && $forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' && $forum_user['g_id'] != GROUP NUMBER1 && $forum_user['g_id'] != GROUP NUMBER2 && $cur_post['fid'] != FORUM NUMBER1 && $cur_post['fid'] != FORUM NUMBER2
! $forum_page['is_admmod'] && $forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' && $forum_user['g_id'] != GROUP NUMBER1 && $forum_user['g_id'] != GROUP NUMBER2 && $cur_topic['forum_id'] != FORUM NUMBER1 && $cur_topic['forum_id'] != FORUM NUMBER2
I understand I have to enter forum number and group numbers instead of the name forum1 or group1 so don't worry about that part in my example, I only did that for clarifiacation.
That so fixed that annoying issue, I cannot tell you hoe much I appreciate that fix !!!!!!!!
@Visman, do you have paypal in Russia?
Would I be able to commission you to do something for me?
I am now using the above edit modification but I have 2 forums where I want all users to be able to edit all the time.
I do not know what is involved in writing that but I would gladly pay you for your time and I do not mind if you post it here because if it helps anyone else I am ok with it.
I added this smiles extension to my forum and it puts a nice smile icon in my toolbar
The problem is once you click the smilie the smilie box does not close and you have to click the icon in the toolbar to close the box. Probably some forward compatibility issue with the latest version of PunBB.
Does anyone know what part of the code I would have to change to get the smilie box to close when a smilie is clicked?
Yay.... that worked ![smile](
Thank you so much for the help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PanBB.Ru wrote:If you are using a theme Oxygen , connect these styles
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.postbody, .posthead {
margin-left: 0.2em;
.postbody .post-author, .posthead .post-byline {
width: 7.5em;
margin-left: -1em;
.author-ident .useravatar img {
display: block;
padding: .5em 0;
max-width: 40px;
height: auto;
This guy said he had it working but I don't know how to add that code to my standard oxygen css file.
I also have a thank you extension installed that has the thank link under the post stats. We have modified the Thank to like and the members on mobile are saying they cannot get to the like link.
SO if I get the avatar and post statistics to show up on sideways view on mobile then it will work.
I am using the factory oxygen theme and it goes to mobile view when the phone is held upright but when held sideways like in the picture I need the avatar and post statistics too show up.
This is the forum on a phone held sideways, I need the avatar and post stats to show up
That little notifier was exactly what was needed!!
I also found an extension that sends an email when a pm comes in.
Marvelous work.
Chaosmaker wrote:I also ran into the problem on mobile devices and changed the css style Oxygen of the extension adding this:
.pun_pm_list .td4 {
.pun_pm_list td.td3 a {
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.pun_pm_list .td5 {
.pun_pm_list .td3 {
.pun_pm_msg .td1 {
@media screen and (max-width: 460px) {
.pun_pm_list .td3 {
Im not sure whether the first part - width for td4 - is really necessary, but it helped me whenever the other rules messed up, giving it at least some minimal width.
On smaller screens the column "Last edited" will be hidden and the "From" column gets narrower, giving the subject enough space.
The change for .pun_pm_msg .td1 on small screen is for the header (From / Sent / Subject) when reading a message, in the original style it would be too far on the right.
Another issue is that the collapsed menu on small screen gets the title "Profile Menu" although it's the "PM Menu" - however, at first sight it looks like a change for that might need some changes in the forum software itself. As it's not very important for me, I didn't look into it any further.
Worked like a charm, excellent job!!
I'm trying to make it so when a member turns the phone sideways the avatars are visible.
We have a thank extension installed and the link is under the avatars. Members see the optimized screen on regular view but when they turn the phone sideways they get a bigger view but the avatars are not visible.
The code above was supposed to fix that but I don't know how to add that to the oxygen css.
PanBB.Ru wrote:If you are using a theme Oxygen , connect these styles
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.postbody, .posthead {
margin-left: 0.2em;
.postbody .post-author, .posthead .post-byline {
width: 7.5em;
margin-left: -1em;
.author-ident .useravatar img {
display: block;
padding: .5em 0;
max-width: 40px;
height: auto;
I would love to implement this but don't know how to add this to the oxygen.min.css file.
I added it to the bottom and it made no difference.
What is meant by "connect these styles"
Please forgive me, I am learning.
See mine needs to be bigger
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