(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

@zaher: Very nice saying, more delicious than honey is free vinegar... I can't say I agree though, since nobody says honey can't be free sometimes. Usually none is sad
But the saying is still quite good.

@Rick: as the dual licensing mode shouldn't mean any additional costs to you, I'd say go ahead and who knows? You might make a buck or two.

However, don't rely much on that, on my experience, large companies design their own software for these "small" things, and small companies really prefer to save as much money as possible. Which leaves the middle-sized companies... I've never done well with them, so it might be worth trying.


(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

On a linux machine, it loads much faster so you're right about that. I'd bet on lack of OS specific optimized code, though. Most programs that compile on multiplatform trend to run faster on unix-like machines cause the CPU threads things better. Or so used to be looong ago... when C compilers didn't produce better code than ASM compilers wink


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

Awww after all the time I've invested in getting this little critter up & running... after all the (still ongoing) recompilations... after installing everything for the second time... after browsing the net for every bit of info... after hacking the apt install tool... you want me to change distributions? Ouch, that hurts wink

Might try that one, I'll go fetch the info. But now I really know a lot about rpms, apt, yum, and other little helpers.

I'm really not that happy with kde, but I really wanted to try the Quanta tool, which seems to be very interesting. Fortunately kde apps do work with the gnome environment... but I still need to update the required packages or the app won't install.

However, I must say that the linux kernel has definitively grown since I last compiled it (one of the 1.x versions), it took 2-3 hours to compile the 2.6 version on a PIII-500!!! It used to take minutes on much older machines. Is that normal, or an effect of doing it within a terminal on the GUI instead of directly on a console?


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

Weeell, might be partly my fault. You see, last time I used Linux, you had to recompile everything if you wanted to get past the lilo boot prompt. So I'm used to pretty much do things as I want. I read in redhat that v9 was their latest free stable release, so I went for that one instead of Fedora, cause if it works, the machine will be production. Of course I don't see the point in paying for linux, in that case I'd rather stay with MS, so the enterprise version was excluded.

The thing is, I was wrong. v9 is somewhat dead, and the new KDE and the likes won't install over it. I now have a mixed Fedora core 1/Redhat v9 install... where KDE seems to hiccup every now and then.

Since the latest Quanta thing will work only on the latest KDE... you see the problem, right? Now I'm DLing the whole Fedora core 1 release, and will see what I can do with that.

Well, I'd say with Windows you install everything and it runs and you don't know what the hell's going on inside (I remember when they started to seriously use the registry with Win95... nobody knew how that worked). With linux, either you learn from the start how everything works, or you won't be able to do anything done smile

I've stumbled into a couple of very nice tools, though, that serve to ease the pain of package dependency checking when updating one package:

Have you ever heard the term RPM hell? Well forget it. This "apt" package brings Debian's excellent package management system to Red Hat. And as a bonus there is a cool graphical front end. RPMS have never been easier. Keeping your system updated has never been easier. Installing the coolest Linux apps has never been easier. apt for RPM along with http://www.freshrpms.net/ are two Red Hat must haves.

I'd add the GUI Sinaptic to that, but that's a very nice tool that checks repositories and updates all necessary packages... when possible, that is sad

I'll check Eclipse as well. The WYSIWYG part is important to me only because I can easily move around to find the controls I need to change.


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

Well, I managed to install an older version of Quanta, which seems to do ok.
However, yesterday I was totally unable to install the newest version which offers much extended php support (or so they said in the webpage).

So... I'm trying today smile

I really don't need a too fancy environment to work out, just to be able to see what I'm doing in case I make a mistake, and good search capabilities within code. And file management, and if possible css support (that is, ease of use :-).


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

Nevermind, I'm giving up. I seem to be unable to install the appropiate packages, it seems to be impossible without a major uninstall of the whole KDE and others. And I thought I was experienced... well, I guess you have to learn the hard way sometimes. sad


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

only standard web apps: html, xml, asp, php, cfs and the like. all possible variants included. Not all developed apps will run on linux servers, but that shouldn't be relevant, test environments are ftp accessible.

Syntax extensions shouldn't be a major problem if we're talking opensource and it's already present. The interesting part is class management and WYSIWYG.

Anyway, if there are several possibilities, I'll try them all and judge what. If there's a site with comprehensive listings of linux only development environments, that works ok as well.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Oh, I had yet forgotten to answer why Spain was attacked?
NOBODY can say, of course. Me, I can only speculate.

First thing, you need to know about the background between Morocco and Spain. The two lands don't have much sympathy for each other, but they need to work together:
* Spain fishes at Morocco's seas. That's the economical reason why Spain as a country is interested in Morocco.
* Spain has two cities in Morocco's natural territory, that's the political reason why Spain is interested in Morocco.
* Morocco is much less developed and produces much less richess than Spain, therefore spanish companies can outsource in Morocco and thus lower their costs, while Morocco notices a small but steady flow of money.
* Spain is the natural bridge between Morocco and Europe. That's the political reason why Morocco is interested in Spain.
* Both lands are really neighbours, and like it their governments or not, when you get to know your neighbour, differences erode and you are more receptive to see him in a positive light. Therefore, regardless of governments, democratic neighbours are usually (notice the usually, please) destined to understand one another and to benefit from each other.
* Both lands have their own terrorist and separatist groups. Each of them as fanatic as the other, none too eager to put bombs on their own land unless attacking determined "political" objectives, but not so reluctant if the civillian lives lost are outside "their land".

I am afraid that all proves I can produce about those facts would be either in Spanish or French (I can't read arabic), probably there are newspapers that have translated articles or so, but that would be much harder to find. Now, what I've said here are known facts, ok? From now on starts my speculation, more or less reasoned and more or less wrong. This is made from taking known facts and giving an explanation that suits them and my "feeling" of the situation.

For the past years, it has suited fine to the spanish government that there were terrorist groups in Morocco. Not that they have been actively promoted, but they have been tolerated and not actively prosecuted. A sample of that is the bombing in Rabat which has found burocratical obstructions in all leads that passed through Spain.
Of course, that doesn't generate simpathy, but has given the government a lever with which to press for fishing rights, which are diminished every year by the Moroccaner government.

On the other hand, Spain has a large base of inmigrated moors, either legal or illegal. Most of them come looking for work or just pass through to upper countries in europe.

Some of these people are respected members of the community, but integration takes time, cause there are lots of prejudices on both sides, and the speed of inmigration flows, "overflows" the speed of integration. Besides, it's not the best economical moment you've ever seen, and unqualified jobseekers have a great deal of insecurity. Most of the newcomers arrive illegally trying to find a job to survive them and their families (which they try to bring to Spain as soon as they can). However being illegally in Spain, asides from the inherent lack of security, allows them little or no rights.

Where leads all this? To lots of people who come searching for a better life, some good and some bad (like everywhere I guess) but all foreigners. If even the locals turn sour due to the difficulty to plan a future in the land, how would that be different with foreigners? Some have nothing to loose, so they simply turn to easy money: delinquence. Therefore the amount of delinquent foreigners grow, and the perception of the locals is that all foreigners are delinquents.

This generates lots of mistrust, and ressentment. Lack of integration and ghetto-like residential habits for foreigners. Some of them are forced to go back to their land, where they seed resentment (as you'll understand, those who go back aren't the happy ones!).

Also note that most of the islamic terrorism comes from relatively well-established citizens. Universities are favourite recruitment sites both because people are young and easily influenced and because there they have access to details about how the rest of the world is and how their land is seen or evolves or whatever (I'm not that sure of how that is exactly, cause this is hard for me to imagine, so don't come hard on me on this point, I should simply state that most planning and seeding terrorists are literate people... relatively literate people).

So, we have resentment and we have now a model that inspires them, the so-called "AlQaeda organization" has jumped to the news due to their 11-S "success" (that is, they succeeded in jumping to the news and generating more hatred). They simply follow that model, and find justifications where they can.

You must understand that hathred feeds on injustice, but goes much further away. Therefore fighting it with injustice (or more hatred FWIW) leads to essentially much more hatred than you had before. High motivated people who want to do something "for their people" will always be easily redirected towards hating outsiders. That happens even in democracies, and to you and me and to everyone. Only not at these levels because we have a different background and objectives.

So, if instead of feeling abused as countries, they could redirect their own efforts to make their lands better, they'd do it. However they see no solution and therefore resort to violence. And that's what's happened in Madrid.

This murders are much more related to what happened in Casablanca on May the 16th. Most likely they are the same group. I wish more was known about what happened there and why, but it didn't make the news, and Morocco is NOT an ally of the USA or something like that.

Besides, it is hardly an objective of terrorists to change other people's mind unless they can be totally aligned with their own, which is usually a flawed reasoning that never works. In this case, it is highly doubtable that a group radicated in Morocco would want to stop the war in Iraq by attacking one of the allies of the USA. It's much more likely that they *could* easily attack in Spain and therefore searched for an argument to do so. But note that had it been France the country nearby, that would have been the objective, and the reasons, the opposition of the government to the religious "rights" of the muslims.

So, no, the objective of terrorists wasn't stopping the Iraqi war. The reason why Madrid was bombed is obvious: press coverage and ease. They can easily move around, and fly back. These aren't suicidal attacks, I remind you, this people do not want to die, but to do damage.

So, no, sorry, the Iraqi war has only given them a reason to justify their attack. The global behavior of the whole Western world is what leads to the hatred of the ground people who are manipulated by extremists. Not that much different from what happens in the USA, or in Spain or everywhere else. Democracy per se is no solution unless the right tools for development are implemented.

Who wants freedom when they don't have bread, and their neighbours throw away the food, not allowing them to even gather the rests? You just want to hurt them.

We all carry a part of burden in this situation. Of course not something that justifies this barbaric situation, but we are nevertheless somewhat guilty. Life is never white or black or so easy as most politicians would want us to think, therefore I refuse to think in those terms and that's my way of fighting for a better world, which I consider legitimate, mind you.

And last but not least, I would like to make something very very clear:
I am always in for a polite debate and I regret if I sometimes become too personal, but I assure you it's nothing negative in this case, since I have come to appreciate the persons behind the opinions exposed, even as though they are not mine... or better said: because they are not mine. Broadening my horizons always makes me feel like I've accomplished something. So thank you for taking the time to read this, and for your eventual reply. Disregard any offensive "jaws" as rethorical figures if necessary :-)


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nope, that's a flawed argumentation, point two is what the US are CREATING.

First things first: if invading Iraq was such a good jab agains terrorism, how can you explain that NOW every country is afraid they might attack their land? Including the USA, that is. Terrorists should be hiding and trembling and not finding any possibilities to organize themselves.

If you understand that the reason why they are able to find refuge in other lands (which happens, mind you) and do the teaching to children, is not because people everywhere is evil and hate americans, but because the perception of what americans do is hardly the perception of what americans see that they are doing. Most people in Iraq feel they have been humilliated by... the occidental occupation troops. Not by Saddam.

What do you think that happens when you institute a full militarized society, that is prepared to defend themselves against the raging threat of terrorism? Israel. And tell me what happens when people have nothing more to loose because they're taken everything away, and they are killed one by one? Palestin. Add two and two.

A militarized solution is an oxymoron. You can only achieve that by killing everyone who doesn't think like you. Might as well drop the nuclear bombs, FWIW. But don't think you'd be free of terrorism even then. There has been terrorist groups every time, and never have they been perceived as such a threat as now. Why? I think the answer is something I'd rather not tell. Mainly cause it would serve no purpose to engage in that discussion, cause there's nothing we can do about past facts but to get angry, either with someone else or with one another. Which serves no purpose but decrease our health status :-)

However, I would like that you get to your own solution about that, if you're interested. The track is: why did the 11-S mass-murders happen? And let me remind you there was no Iraqi war back then.

Just as a matter of apology for the "jaws against the US", that's my personal problem, cause I cannot forget that the US trained the main AlQaeda leaders, they placed Saddam in a power position, and due to their attempts to influence the rest of the world solely to their economical benefit, have gone down to a very weak moral position in the rest of the world while they used to be admired. You might say that the USoA are my fallen youth idol land, and I see no interest there to recover the past situation.

And no, we are not all play things in this situation, as long as we can still be critical and act individually. Collective results come sometimes as a surprise, or just look at the recent spanish elections. The latest poll shows that 2 out of 3 spaniards *wanted* the previous government to leave, but 80% of them didn't think it was possible. Now, the attack in Madrid changed the fact that those who wanted the change went out and voted instead of passively waiting in front of the TV (which, mind you, *I* did, shame on me). It's always a long shot, since although individuals trend to align with the right thing, an groups trend to align with the most egotistical thing, but fortunately, there's flukes. And these flukes can change the outcome totally.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Nope, the thing with terrorism is that the rules of play are totally different. I can assure anyone that the terrorists who managed this mass-murder, did not even have in mind changing the government. They simply wanted to hurt.

The reasons why such people comes to exist, and how they can be manipulated into doing those things is quite complex, but they do think they are doing the right thing, which is obviously not the case.

And yes, fighting terrorism is not an option, it is a need.But fighting it correctly, which is the ultimate interest of all of us (even that of the terrorists, even if they don't know it) means a much harder and complex effort than simply invading a country or even simply killing a whole country, which is another form of terrorism, just for those doing the invasion or destruction but for the invaded or murdered.

This is exactly the same situation as the 11-S, where the terrorists hadn't even dreamed of all the "success" they were going to have.

As long as the tools available for mass destruction are available one way or another, they will be used. And as long as there are so extreme differences betweed countries, there will be resentment. Unfortunately, we can't do much about the one or the other (as citizens or even as government members), but there are other steps that can be taken.

IMHO helping really solve the israeli-palestinian situation would do much much more to improve world-wide stability than any war will do.

And yes, it's a shame how we have come to a point where the medias manipulate the individual. But what's hardly news, is that governments use the mediums available to manipulate their own country. Not that long ago, they used the church to achieve their own goals, and thus corrupted great part of it. We have not yet come to that point with the press... but we're almost there. Look at Italy, which is a democratic country.

Our society is ill, and slowly declining, but that's the story of societies, they emerge strongly, then they conquest and then they evolve, dying in the process.

SInce the 11-S and the incredibly bad management that G.B. has been doing with that situation (and don't think that politicians can't be manipulated themselves), I've always said that we've witnessed the begining of the end of the USA supremacy over the world. It'll take years, and I'm unsure who'll be next, but that period is clearly coming to its conclusion. Let's hope we've learnt something in the process and it gives us all the possibility to evolve to something better.

But just in case, enjoy life today... who knows what tomorrow will bring smile


(19 replies, posted in Programming)

Not sure this belongs here, but it's close.

I've been thinking about migrating my development environment to linux. At least the web application parts.

So I installed the latest free Redhat distribution (9) and proceeded to look for a tool that provided me both a WYSIWYG and syntax highlighting environment.

I've heard about Quanta, but I'm finding lots of problems because I need several libraries which need several libraries... you see the problem?
So, while I'm there installing more and more packages every day, has anybody hints about what development environtments have good functionality for linux?


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Ehhh I'm not so sure that the troops will be retired. Already the international tide of media exposure is starting to allow for a compromise of the government over that. Well, that's the part about politics, which I strongly hate.

The whole point was to raise a voice against the now called neocon voices started mainly from the USA. Not only from there though. Fortunately many other people have felt the same and at the very least, we have managed to make people think about it, that it's not so "simple" as the media stated at first.

Amazingly, and back to subject, now the former spanish government start to say that the voting was manipulated and that it hasn't been fair and they'll fight it... on the next election. Perfectly respectable democratically, but demonstrating a total lack of insight and analysis. I had them for much more intelligent people, but I guess hard times show what you have inside.


OTOH, I agree, the Iraqi war is something different from this election, but not totally sepparated. What I still cannot see is how the h*** the USA politicians are stating that this war has helped deterr terrorism. It's obvious that it wasn't so, and there's at least 196 spanish dead bodies that prove the contrary. But as long as you shout about something else, people stop thinking about the obvious.

Sometimes I think that G.Bush must be grateful that the USA secret services trained the former nucleous of AlQaeda integrists. Otherwise he would already be looked at as one of the worst presidents in history, strictly judging from what he's done for his country.

The most important failure of the USA politicians (they keep doing it again and again) is that they lack the capability to understand people who are on another frame of reference, therefore every time they try to solve something, they create a new and different problem.

Of course, it could be argued that for the opposite reasons, the europeans never act on anything. Not without reason.

Mi kingdom for an average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No way! It's 4:47 here, I should go to bed... if I can still find it wink

Have pun smile

Ok, first thing, you didn't modify the query as I suggested, which as I also stated might not be well done unless you have an 'id' field in the table. In this case, simply take the $id out of the while condition, cause the fields won't match.
Second, that's my error (sorry) you need to comment out the list command immediately after the while condition.

That should solve your problems.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, either that or he'll read this thread wink

Try this:

// Fetch some info from the faq
$result = $db->query('SELECT id,faq_name, question, answer, disp_position FROM '.$db->prefix.'faq ORDER BY disp_position') or error('Unable to fetch faq info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
if (!$db->num_rows($result))
    message($lang_common['Bad request'], true);

if ($db->num_rows($result))
    while (list($id, $faq_name, $question, $answer, $disp_position) = $db->fetch_row($result);
    list($faq_name, $question, $answer, $disp_position) = $db->fetch_row($result);

        <td class="puncon1" style="width: 240px; vertical-align: top" ><p style="margin-bottom: 0"><b><?php echo $lang_faq['question'].$disp_position.'</p><p style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px"></b>'.$question ?></p></td>
        <td class="puncon2" style="vertical-align: top"><p style="margin-bottom: 0"><b><?php echo $lang_faq['answer'].'</b></p><p style="margin-left: 10px; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px">'.$answer ?></p></td>

Please note two things:
1) I assumed there's an id field on the table. Might not be so.
2) Since you're not using the $id variable you could take it off, but if you want to make links to these faqs or something, you might need it. Can't say.

I just erased the $id=... from the while and substituted it from the real one. You should as well erase the first one, or you'll always miss the first record. I think the recordcount should work exactly the same, but if it doesn't (if you get an empty recordset) you'll have to change the while bucle to a do while or erase the recordcount if and use a trafficlight variable inside the bucle, so as to know if the recordset was really empty or not (that might be the most speed effective solution, although not the most elegant) that way, I'd do something like:
while {... $light=false;}
if ($light) then echo('empty');

Hope that solves your problem.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well, you're right that we cannot assess the real situation in Iraq from here.

However, from the independent and unofficial reports from most journalists there, the situation hasn't really improved since the fall of the former government. As a matter of fact, in spite of what GB recently stated, the very first independent poll shows that barely 39% of the people in Iraq want what they call the occupation troops to stay. about 49% of them want them to leave. And because the reconstruction there now is a joke, they are starting to feel that maybe past times were better. If that's the goal... well, by all means, stay there.

Last reports show that the companies that win most money are american and australian security firms, and that the so-called bags of terrorism (remnants of the former regim) are more and more deslocalized and renewed.

I do not think the former Iraqi government was a wonder of wonders, and I really don't feel much pain to see it gone, but there were certainly other ways to do so. This war has made things much worse than they were. You might argument that they will have freedom (which they don't have as well now), but you can't eat freedom.

The very first failure here is the misunderstanding between philosophies. These lands are really different, and while mid-term goals can be achieved with effort, there's NO short-term solution, whatever you might think.

Regarding the first point (I just noticed now I am being a bit disordered), well the difference is that the government KNEW that it hadn't been ETA, and they FORCED the press and even the UN to say so. Please note that this is not an opinion, it's a fact. Just today we could read the complaint that the associated press agencies presented against the former government. It's all written, but I guess that won't make the news much further than Spain.
And of course the news you get are manipulated, aren't they all? Even what I write is manipulated, consciously or unconsciously, but as long as many people can understand that it might be that this election is not how some want to paint it, that's enough. Spanish people is not coward, that I can assure you, I have lived that.

So essentially, yes, you are right, due to the press treatment of the events, one might (maybe must) be led to missconceptions, and that's precisely the reason why I write about it. Generally I don't waste much time with political things, I hate politics, I'd even go as far as to say that any politician who actually wanted to be a politician should never be allowed to be one.

No offence taken. And mind you, all my opinions about the Iraq war are only opinions, I can't be too sure about the facts there, as can't be anybody. My point goes mainly towards what's happened in Spain, not towards what's happened/ing elsewhere (but Germany, Poland and Denmark, where I now move around, that is).


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Thanks? That's it?
I thought you were gonna send us some nice fat checks for contributing... wink

Nice to see the site's healthy and successful. And let's hope it doesn't become too successful, I wouldn't want it dying of bandwidth costs!

Congratulations to you!!!!

Well, you've got several options there, then:
either get the user cookie from the forum and update it to your gallery's or whatever, or use the same cookie, or use a session that you associate to the cookie or just duplicate users and pass the login as a form (I do the latest with one site where the forum is on a quite different server, this way they remain totally independent).

What you propose belongs to scenario 2, with one small possible problem: any user who hasn't been registered at the forum does receive an is_guest=true cookie (so if you disable registering... the problem aggravates), but nothing prevents them from changing that manually.
In this case, I'd rather validate the userid received from the cookie agains the user database.

Yeah, sure, you've got to add the line:
list($faq_name, $question, $answer, $disp_position) = $db->fetch_row($result);
inside the while loop. Otherwise, the variables don't get updated.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hmmm since RIckard allows changing the copyright line, that's not infringement of GPL, not because of that. However, he should make the sources available (note the version number!). That is GPL infringement.

JFYI, I think the GPL copyright holders have their own lawyers and all the necessary circus. Not that I suggest applying it here, but in case things go sour, they are very wary of that, since any unwanted but forcefully permitted GPL infringement would lead to a very unpleasant situation for all GPL programmers in the world.

OTOH, that site particularly seems to be from a private person that's starting his own business, and offers free setups. He doesn't say he sells the source, or anything like that, so it's a mild infringement IMHO.

Up to Rick, anyway. He's the copyright holder. smile


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

I forgot to say: in the end (or the beginning) it turns out it was NOT ETA. Although it wouldn't have surprised me that they undertook such an action (violence is not alien to them, that is clear so far), they would have taken responsability for it. If anything, they characterize for being totally oblivious to people's feelings.

Of course, for some other governments it's much more convenient to say that this is Ossama Bin Laden and AlQaeda. Well, I for once, doubt it. I think it's LIKE AlQaeda, same reasons, same type of people, but I never really believed that this was the allmighty organization that they're trying to sell. At least, I won't believe it while it's the means some governments stay in place.

My bet is that it's a group of fundamentalist terrorists who probably came of Morocco (and not in any moment endorsed by either their government or their people, in Spain we do know what it is to have terrorists around, against which one can do nothing but chase them) and were inspired by the current events to hit one of their objectives.

And once again, like in the 11-S (although this time they were much better prepared) they hit hard on people who had absolutely no defence against them. It is obvious that this kind of acts do not imply any political benefit for the perps. The new government does not believe in a war against Irak, but that doesn't mean they don't believe in a war against the REAL terrorists, and to that effect, all possible measures will be taken, by the previous, the next, and any government that we might have.

That's it. Sorry it took so long :-)


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Amazing that there's somebody else in Spain/Germany here. Hi SEM.

Well, there have been several important events going on in Spain lately, and since I've already come into some misconceptions on the matter, let me clear as much as possible out, so that you can get some firsthand impressions on the subjects, not the confusing things you read today on the newspapers, that might turn out tomorrow to be wrong.

Sadly, one of the most important events was the terrorist attack in Madrid. 201 lethal victims up till now, and at least 1300 injured, many of them severely. These are only numbers and might not even seem too high, but we're talking human lives here, don't forget it. Lives that will never be the same for them and their families. The numbers multiply then manyfold.

At the moment of the explosions I happened to be talking (by phone) to a friend in Madrid. After finding out what was going on, he hurried to the area and spent the whole morning trying to locate his wife, who was in one of the trains. I tried to keep in touch but it was almost impossible, and of course he was quite distressed at the moment. His wife survived, and he located her in a hospital, although severely disfigured and had to undergo several operations with unkown outcome, she will survive. The strenght and vital force of some people is extraordinary, and I managed to speak to her yesterday, and she sounded happy. I really doubt I would feel anything but anger if I was in her place. She's lost both legs.

Well, that of course raises our indignation and our sense of impotence to levels you cannot imagine. At least mine, and that from all people I've talked to.

The second thing that happened, is that the government of the country tried to use this attack politically. They blamed the terrorist group ETA, which has been one of the targets and tools of their political campaign. Please note that I would NEVER condone murder of innocents, and my definition of innocents is much broader than that of the ETA terrorists, mind you.

Our spanish society has been during the last months/years split in two sides, and the way that the government has handled the country is not alien to this sepparation, only comparable to that of before our civil war.

They ruling party had an absolute majority and thus required not to give explanations to the other political parties... but many of us feel they forgot they still had to give explanations to ALL people in Spain.

Unlike in other countries, the fact that the government lied miserably to everyone in the attempt to win the election, was the last thing we could tolerate. Under these circumstances to most of the Spanish people, it was unacceptable that this goverment should receive the absolute majority... or any kind of majority. And of that I cannot feel less than proud.

I won't say that the new government is better than the one before, how could I know? In the end none of them really make what they promise. On the contrary, I should state that the prior government has created a status of economical growth during very difficult times to everyone. And yes, I do feel that some of their decisions weren't ethical... based on *my* ethics. But that's the problem with democracy: they don't listen to me *only* smile
Yes, I might think that the fact that more than half the population of the land was against the Irak war, should have made them think twice what they did... which they apparently didn't. But that is also part of the democratic game: not everybody thinks the same.

But I would simply have been ashamed to say I'm spanish, if after finding out that the government tried to manipulate the death of people to simply serve their interests, they would have been re-elected. And I assure you I am not the only one. The amount of people who decided to vote thought the same. And please note that the current government received almost the same amount of votes that they did last time. Less than a million less. More people were however moved to vote.

So please, next time you hear someone state that spanish people have caved in to terrorists, or that "now we can expect terrorists to dictate our governments", please try to explain them that although terrorism *must* be fought against, that ends do not justify the means. And that spanish people are strong enough to be able to recognize what's right and what's wrong and act accordingly.

Terrorists did not dictate our elections, but merely precipitated the loss of face of our government due to their own doing. I wish other countries were so bold to do the same, and I can think of no other thing that would make me feel prouder of bein spanish than the behavior and courage I observed in people both during the attack and during the elections.

And I'm sorry if I sound somehow too politized or too inapropiate, and it's truly not my intention to hurt anybody's sensibilities, but I guess I had to say it or explode.

Now I'm gonna wipe away my tears and don't you dare laugh at that.



(39 replies, posted in General discussion)

Weeeelll, after a few very... interesting weeks, here I'm back.

Firefox seems to work quite well, although it has some hiccups with some control properties and javascript, it has helped me make 100% compliant code and review what it is and is not compliant. So I can't complain.

Outside from that, it's certainly not slower or faster than MSIE, I guess that comes on the connection and the pages one visits.

I've had some major problems with the security settings, which seem to be solved now, although now and then some forms stop misteriously working.

All in all, the tab thing beats IE anyday. I can have just three or four firefox windows open, each with several sites, so I don't have to go alt-tab ten or twelve times.

Haven't found the mouse gestures thingy, it was disabled by default, with no chance to activate it, when I installed the little critter.

Still, I'm lazy, and most of my passwords are stored on my IE, so when I need to post, I must go through it.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Hmmm taking Paul's idea only a bit further, and to avoid excess of new code, a modified forum section page where displayed topics would be those subscribed, that's a "subscribed topics" section, that'll be individual for every user, but is fully integrated, and you can just view any topic and unsubscribe it.

But I really don't see the need for that, cause if the topic's dead, you won't get any emails, and if it's alive, you can unsubscribe directly.

A cure for compulsive subscribers could help the most acute cases, though smile