(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

You have removed the guest user which is required in punbb.


That is what the guest user has so you have to re create it with them settings. I dont have a better way of giving it to you.

This is the best tool to removing uses without doning something you shoudnt.

User Management. Created by Connorhd. The User Management plugin can be used to prune user accounts based on the age of the account and the number of posts made by the users. Additionally, the plugin can also be used to add new users. Updated 2005-03-01.

Also you should make backups of your database before doing things like this.


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

When you save a file it will save the html... If you look at the source for  a config.php file its notthing wink


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You can go to a config but seeing as they arnt being called anywhere they cant see it.  I think all other web applications do it and its worked fine for them.


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well you have no configurations, no posts or forums.

gstar wrote:

Hey Utchin thanks for the help I will try do that. One last question: Since 1.3 is in development, does that mean I will constantly need to be updating the script?

Chances are yes. Fluxbb is hopefully going to be released soon, which is not the final version but will have most major changes in. You can download the latest fluxbb SVN then wait till the next released, You will be notified that there is an update when you log into the forum.


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

IBTB wrote:

Yes, I'm running version 1.2.x. I started with 1.2.17 and have updated it. Atm I got 1.2.20.

When I open my config.php I find the info:

$db_type = 'sqlite';
$db_name = 'forum2';

This is correct, I installed sqlite.
When I log onto sqlite I see a DB named forum2 ...but this DB have 0 tables in it. So it kinda leeds nowhere. I also find 4 other databases in it (who of them I've created I can't remember):
-PunBB (17 tables, all starting with fs_*)
-web (36 tables, all starting with jos_*)
-mysql (17 tables, no pre-marking)
-information_schema (16 tables, no pre-marking)

This is the reason I manaully changed the IP adress in the cache file, because I never found o_base_url.

I don't really think I created a DB here before I installed the forum for the first time, as I didn't exactly know what I was doing. After reading alot about PunBB over the last year, I now have a better understanding and would know how to set up a forum from scratch again. But since I don't want to loose anything on my existing forum I wonder if there's any way of saving the one I got smile

Anyways, thanks for the reply!

The last two files are made by phpmyadmin and are required. Web sounds like a joomola open source database.

Changing the IP in the chace is useless as the cache is updated according to the database.

The best way from here is delete your config.php file and reinstall it to forum2. This will update it with the correct databases and base url.

Btw, o_base_url is located on the second page of config database wink


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

johnson4x4 wrote:

is anyone else worried about having your mysql username and password stored in a config.php file that sits on a webserver?  Seems like a disaster waiting to happen.  What's the recommendation on how to secure this?

Why would you be worried?

The only way people can see it if they have access to the file by FTP. Which hosts arnt meant to have, and are allowed to access. And if anyone has access to your ftp that you don't then A) you have been irresponsible with your password or B) Your host has a security flaw in.


(15 replies, posted in News)

Not relli.




(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Personaly i would move to fluxbb becucase there will be more extensions created for that and more support and community benifits.

If you ask me that question when Fluxbb 1.3 is released then I will consider making it, as it wouldnt be hard.

If you are using fluxbb 1.3 Then i can create a hook to disable the registration email checks, And 1.2 i can modify the registration.


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

1) This will be an extension, not a core feature

2) guests can post if you set access to the forum, go in the admin side and edit the forum

3) a valid email is nice to have if you or another member want to contact the person.

There is no need to lose all your forums. Just go and download the 1.3 ( which is still in development) and move the files, you will have to run a db_update scirpt but it will tell you.

Any other help, register at fluxbb and post theree.


Note to developers: This is a classic situation of members downloading the software expecting they are going to get something, So having all the extensions you have here isntalled should come with the package.

Well Punbb Has a team of developers behind it, Now Id go with fluxbb becuase its active, the developers all talk and  you can talk to them on a personal level.

The thing with punbb is that its owned by a company, and we have no idea where this compnay will want to take punbb. Have a look at fluxbb and see for yourself.

For 1.2 You will have to use a mod which will reqire a lot of edits to the core files, Might be best of going with 1.3

The best place is from Fluxbb: http://fluxbb.org/downloads/dev.php

this is punbb 1.3, you are using 1.2?






(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

You woudnt have much controll, People can attach viruses via images aswell so it isnt a good idea.

How about you upgrade to the latest release, 1.2.20 And then see if it happens

best way to do that is set a portal page to use a diffrent template then set the main one to use a template without the right hand side bar.

if they use a proxy there is notthing you can do personaly... just enable admin verfication on accounts and somehow know if its their account


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Yes its called GOOGLE!!

seriously use it!

christ i just typed in "optimise my forum for google" and guess what, the first page helped!


I get so many questions about phpBB search engine optimization that I am finally writing up the definitive mod for this. There are several solutions out there and webmasters are confused about what works and what doesn't. Some mods work with older versions of phpBB but do not work on 2.0.6+.

Version 2.0.0 of the Able2Know Search Engine Optimization MOD contains roughly 70% of the search engine optimization work that Able2Know features. The rest will be added after it is perfected and documented so this mod will change many times in the future. Suggestions for this MOD are welcome.

This MOD is not a typical one. It does not add bells and whistles to your forum. In fact, it removes some! This is a MOD for serious search engine optimization but because it removes as well as adds pay close attention to the following explanation about what this code will do.


Due to the session IDs most forums are not spidered by search engines very well. Sometimes not at all. The primary goal of this MOD is to make the phpBB URLs spider friendly. Not just to Google but to ALL spiders.

Making the URL's search engine friendly is not all that is needed. Google has recently penalized phpBB pages. viewforum.php and viewtopic.php now have a much lower page rank than they had earlier so keyword frequency and pagerank drain are important to consider. This modification will greatly improve both of these things.

Directing search engines to the right pages is also important. The topic pages are what you ultimately want to have indexed. Other words, links and images are actually diluting this. This MOD will help focus search engines on the right pages and text.

UPDATE: Static HTML pages are search engine candy. The latest version of this MOD has the ability to generate static HTML urls for search engine spiders and guests.

Able2Know Search Engine Optimization 2.0.0

Read the following explanations for what this code will do. If you wish to skip a step you may. Ask for help if you get stuck, just remember not to post a link or Able2Know moderators will be all over you like hairs on a gorilla.

1) Remove the "View Latest Post" icon and link on index.php (Craven de Kere)

This is a page rank drain issue. The link is restored but the image is removed because it makes the page too "busy" and because the images are not as attractive as the text link we will subsequently create using the last post date.

2) Make the date of the last post link to the last post like the icon did on index.php (Craven de Kere)

3) Unlink the username of the last post on index.php (Craven de Kere)As explained above the latest post link is now accessed from thelatestt post date. There are a few reasons for this. First of all a text link is almost always better than an image link. Secondly the text link will change (as the dates change). This makes the link more attractive to search engines but most importantly it provides a slight chance at more keyword traffic by branding the link with a date and time as a keyword.

For example, if a post on 9/11 was indexed that day might have a slightly better chance of being found under long search engine queries that contain that date. It's a minimal improvement but ties into making the page less busy and small improvements add up when SEO is concerned.

You can see an example of this on the index page.

This is purely for page rank drain and to direct the search engine spiders to the content. Pages with too many links are penalized by some search engialgorithmsyms. The links to the profiles are also not the focus of the site. Most users are not searching the internet for information in your users' profiles. So this helps direct the search engines to the content on the topics instead of the many other links search engines could follow.

You can see an example of this on the index page.

4) Remove listing of moderators on index.php (AbelaJohnB)

This is a MOD by John Abela. It removes the listing of moderators on the index page. This helps make the page less "busy" and also helps direct the spiders toward the content and not the profiles. It reduces the index page's queries by 2, so it also helps improve forum speed a bit.

You can see an example of this on the index page.

5) Remove session IDs for all search engine spiders (Darlantan?)

This is a crucial part of this mod. It is based on code that was posted by a user named Darlantan but it is unclear who wrote the original snippet.

This code removsessionion IDs for all guests. This means ALL spiders can spider your forum without session IDs in the URLs.

NOTE: This means you can't enable guest posting to your forums. It won't hamper guests in any way other than disallowing them to post. phpBB recently improved security with their session IDs so this code strikes a perfect balance between session ID integrity and search engine spidering.

6) Unlink the username of the last post on viewforum.php (Craven de Kere)

This is purely for page rank drain and to direct the search engine spiders to the content. Pages with too many links are penalized by some search engialgorithmsyms. The links to the profiles are also not the focus of the site. Most users are not searching the internet for information in your users' profiles. So this helps direct the search engines to the content on the topics instead of the many other links search engines could follow.

You can see an example of this on the forum pages.

7) Remove the "View Latest Post" icon and link on viewforum.php (Craven de Kere)

This is a page rank drain issue. The link is restored but the image is removed because it makes the page too "busy" and because the images are not as attractive as the text link we will subsequently create using the last post date.

8) Make the date of the last post link to the last post like the icon did on viewforum.php (Craven de Kere)

As explained above the latest post link is now accessed from thelatestt post date. There are a few reasons for this. First of all a text link is almost always better than an image link. Secondly the text link will change (as the dates change). This makes the link more attractive to search engines but most importantly it provides a slight chance at more keyword traffic by branding the link with a date and time as a keyword.

For example, if a post on 9/11 was indexed that day it might have a slightly better chance of being found under long search engine queries that contain that date. It's a minimal improvement but ties into making the page less busy and small improvements add up when SEO is concerned.

You can see an example of this on the forum pages.

9) Unlink the author username on viewforum.php (Craven de Kere)

This is purely for page rank drain and to direct the search engine spiders to the content. Pages with too many links are penalized by some search enginalgorithmsms. The links to the profiles are also not the focus of the site. Most users are not searching the internet for information in your users' profiles. So this helps direct the search engines to the content on the topics instead of the many other links search engines could follow.

You can see an example of this on the forum pages.

10) Remove signatures for guest views (Craven de Kere)

This modification removes repetitive text from the topic pages. As signatures are text that is not usually relevant to the topic they distract search engines dilutelute the key words. This makes the signatuinvisibleible for guests so that search engines (and guests!) focus on the content of the topic. it also helps if you allow users to put links in their signatures as you will not lose any page rank through these links anymore.

11) Remove avatars for guest views (Craven de Kere)

For a busy board this will greatly reduce bandwidth use. What it does is make avatars visible only if logged in. Search engines prefer small pages so this helps them focus on the topic content as well.

12) Remove personal info (Profile, IM, PM, AIM, etc) for guest views (darbyrob)

This removes all the personal info icons if the user is not logged in. This way the links and images do not distract search engines.

13) Unlink the username of the last post on search.php (Craven de Kere)

This is purely for page rank drain and to direct the search engine spiders to the content. Pages with too many links are penalized by some search enginalgorithmsms. The links to the profiles are also not the focus of the site. Most users are not searching the internet for information in your users' profiles. So this helps direct the search engines to the content on the topics instead of the many other links search engines could follow.

14) Remove the "View Latest Post" icon and link on search.php (Craven de Kere)

This is a page rank drain issue. The link is restored but the image is removed because it makes the page too "busy" and because the images are not as attractive as the text link we will subsequently create using the last post date.

15) Make the date of the last post link to the last post like the icon did on search.php (Craven de Kere)

As explained above the latest post link is now accessed from thelatestt post date. There are a few reasons for this. First of all a text link is almost always better than an image link. Secondly the text link will change (as the dates change). This makes the link more attractive to search engines but most importantly it provides a slight chance at more keyword traffic by branding the link with a date and time as a keyword.

16) Unlink the author username on search.php (Craven de Kere)

This is purely for page rank drain and to direct the search engine spiders to the content. Pages with too many links are penalized by some search enginealgorithmss. The links to the profiles are also not the focus of the site. Most users are not searching the internet for information in your users' profiles. So this helps direct the search engines to the content on the topics instead of the many other links search engines could follow.

17) Link the user post count to a search of the user's posts (Craven de Kere)

The user search page is a good way to capture more search engine traffic. This provides a link for the spiders.

18) Make Auth list on viewtopic.php invisible to search engines (Craven de Kere)

The "You can post new topics" etc text is removes as it's usually confusing to guests anyway and it's repetitive and diluting text. This makes it only visible if logged in.

19) Make the previous and next topic links invisible to search engines (Craven de Kere)

This is an important change. The previous topic and next topic links are horrible for search engines as they change depending on what topic has last been posted to. In short, if a search engine indexes one of the links it will later be a link that goes to different content (as the next topic may change depending on what's posted). This modification makes the previous/next links visible only of logged in.

20) Removes the site name from page titles, improving keyword weight (Craven de Kere)

This is by far the most important keyword modification. The page title is the most important real estate for search engine optimization. This reduces the dilution by removing the site name from the title and the topics will now have pages with more relevant titles (at the cost of some site branding).

21) Change the page title of the index page to a hardcoded site name because of the site name removal (Craven de Kere)

This is a change to allow you to hardcode in a title for the index page. It could be anything you want or can even be skipped.

22) Hide forum stats from guests and spiders (Craven de Kere)

This change eliminates all those useless (to search engines) links in the forum stats portion of the index page and displays it only for logged-in users.

23) Static URLs with mod_rewrite (Craven de Kere)

This is a very very important change. Many search engines prefer static pages like HTML pages over PHP pages. When the PHP pages have variables they like them even less.

Some search engines don't index pages with variables at all. So this part of the MOD allows you to have static URLs for guests and spiders.

For example:


The reason it's only for guests is to prevent logged in users who don't use cookies from loosing their sessions.

There will be more work done on the static URLs later.

That dosnt specificly relate to punbb but that will do! just READ IT AND LEARN


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

funny that, isnt this what happend over at feed.informer

Eveyone is ALSO complaining that they owners couldnt give a toss about the community anymore. And it seems that way here aswell. And that is what i expected what would happen and so did half the ex-punbb community...

If the developers acualy cared about the forum and community then anatonly woundt of put his name (on leave) without  telling us. Now im not saying that you have to "doccument" your life but it would be nice to know we wont be able to get in contact with the developers for ages, and i dout the other 3 guys will talk, they only do extensions.

Come on, Buck your idea's up. And dont say, thats when you do come back "email me with all your problems" becuase i have  and it didnt get anywhere.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

tbh you should be thanking the fluxbb dev team!!

TJ_TeeJay wrote:

Do the FluxBB people answer questions for PunBB problems?

I've thought about moving my forum over to FluxBB, but it would mean I have to start from scratch, right? I'd like to avoid that because I have a lot of mods and I don't wanna redo everything, at least not before version 1.3 is out. I know that I'll have to do things from scratch at some point, either when changing to PunBB 1.3 or indeed moving to FluxBB 1.3, but I'd like to wait until either final version is out.


Yes the fluxbb forum is active with regular posters and knowledgeable people.

if you moved over to flux you just upgrade to 1.2.20 which is bascily a carry on from the punbb ones so no you wont have to do everything over again. But like you said you will have to do everything over again with 1.3 however it will be allot easier with the use of extensions and upgrading.

if you want to move over to fluxbb ( a fork of punbb) then your get more help, if not... wait for someone to read this.