(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Just to let you know that Beta testing will be closing on Wednesday and will be the last day to test out the site, give comments and feedback.

Can i say a big thank you to all that have participated in anyway to help with the development during the beta stand, and to all who have gave feedback and reported bugs.

We haven't got any more dates set for final project release date or the next beta stage as outside commitments are more important. When we do open again the site will work in all browsers and will be valid coding. However feel free to leave any suggestions here.

it will work if you have done the correct SELECT code..

that will get the id of the current user.. or what ever is in the [''].. that what you mean?

open register.php and:

after line 200 =

    // Add the user
    $db->query('INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix.'users (username, group_id, password, email, email_setting, save_pass, timezone, language, style, registered, registration_ip, last_visit) VALUES(\''.$db->escape($username).'\', '.$intial_group_id.', \''.$password_hash.'\', \''.$email1.'\', '.$email_setting.', '.$save_pass.', '.$timezone.' , \''.$db->escape($language).'\', \''.$pun_config['o_default_style'].'\', '.$now.', \''.get_remote_address().'\', '.$now.')') or error('Unable to create user', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
    $new_uid = $db->insert_id();


    $strSQL = ' INSERT INTO '.$db->prefix.'**TABLE*** (**CAT***, **CAT***) VALUES(**VALUE***, **VALUE***);';
    $db->query($strSQL ) or error('Unable to add games ('.$strSQL.')', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

and just edit the query to your needs

Are all the services started?

See what smartys says but you could try reinstalling wamp, as i have installed it allot of times and its been fine, you may of had a dodgy install... just a thought

The link wont work for us as it is a local install...

How have you got your localhost set up? did you manaualy set it up or with a package


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

PUNster wrote:

Paul, are you interested in doing a custom skin? (paid ofcourse)


I dout verry much as he prob has all his spare time working on 1.3


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

MattF wrote:

I wasn't inferring either yourself or Liquidator in that comment. I had occasion to read the other participants website, and when they are stating things such as this as their strongpoints:


proper, easy to use/edit Coding, Typography, Accessibility (yes, so that even blind people can easily use my websites), Navigation, Content and Search Engine Optimization.

End quote.

then in my book, that makes any lack of validity, (which by virtue also ruins accessibility), a perfectly good and honest criticism. As the saying goes, if you are going to stand yourself upon a pedestal....... big_smile

Lol smile i recognize that comment.. personally its a bit OTT. I generaly dont like to interfer with Zimmers work as we could have disagrements about something, and if i change something he needs, then we may have troble getting it back, however i made the header simply so i can use it in FF.. At that stage i dint plan for it to be public.

I have been too busy with making the clan functions to have time to do other parts of the site...I had 4-6 hours to get the site up to a usable state, and since release i have been working on bugs..

For the next beta we will have the css/xhtml up to a good standard.


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

( i know this is being changed in 1.3)

I set the time in my profile to match up with my pc, and then a few days latter it seems to become out of sync...? however the time area is the same??


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

i think its sleek wink


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Mark wrote:

i kinda like it tongue



(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

orlandu63 wrote:
matt1298 wrote:

I would help, but .. im too tired lol... ( happy new year wink ) and im sure you can do it, if a 15 year old can

Since when does age play any part in programming?

Apologies bingiman, i must admit i was a drunk and want thinking clearly...Apologies agen


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

I would help, but .. im too tired lol... ( happy new year wink ) and im sure you can do it, if a 15 year old can


(11 replies, posted in General discussion)

all you will need to do, is create it as a config option in the database, if you want add a field on the admin config part, then do the pun_cofig varibale. And clear the catch


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Forget i said anything, i have had "disable external images" off on my developer tab and it applyed it to evry site lol..


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)



(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)


Nice style...

You know some of the links go off the page right?

like i said, i will start this After my gcse (if its a good idea) in june wink sorry lol

i can be used on any serious website (like punlancer...) Where it would be more...professional to have support tickets instead of a forum


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Is possible. smile

Provide support for people. You will be helping out the community aswell smile

design mods/styles, Add to the commnuity.

foxmask wrote:

it's looking like trac  from edgewall.org but written in php, isnt it ?

Even if it "looks" like trac, it it is not possible to install it on a shared server, I have tried, and failed. This would be integrated into punbb and wouldnt require much to install.

At the moment, i know how to do all that stuff smile just finding the time to do it, the stats i could do, the graphs i will have to investigate, but I'm always up for a challenge

PunSupport is a support system for punbb, It includes :

Ticket system
FAQ / Articles Section


Unique ID
Each ticket has a ID that the customer can use to search for there ticket.

Type of Ticket
The user and admins can select what category the ticket comes under, and once the ticket is closed, is it public or private.

Email Management
Turn  emails into tickets and have them put on the system. Also users will be emailed/PM'ed when a update has occurred.

Print Support Tickets
Backup your customer emails and keep records the traditional way.

Each ticket has a status ? such as Open, On Hold or Closed.

FAQ / Articles:

Add categories to the sections
Organise your FAQ / Articles with categories

It ill be a all-in-one, can have it installed on a fresh copy, or install it on to your current forum

I am thinking of making this when i have done my gcse's so im planning it at the moment. Would anyone be interested in this? would it be worth it?

Add questions and replys
Users can submit a request for a FAQ / Artical to be added.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

To be fair bingiman, Stevenbullen feels that mega-pun 4.0 could be a worry for new users, who may have little knowledge of how this works. You didn't state what you were going to do once you had seen been told about the flaw, Post shows you "ignored it" and didn't mention it in your next post. As a new user i would of found this worrying that someone has noticed a flaw, and the developer has not commented it on.

And you started the name calling at #14, till then Stevenbullen could of been sarcastic in his replies but in my opinion not provoking the insults. You don't want abuse, don't give it!

Also Apologies Patrik For this wink

What have you achieved so far for this project?

And i didn't want to go into detail about why i didn't like something else, because i wanted to stick to the topic wink If i bring up points, we may end up having a discussion about it, when possible a fantastic project is what we are meant to talk about smile

I will always put a link back one way or another to punbb, I'm proud (so to speak) that is using what i believe the best forum software, And i encourage others to use it too.

persoanly i never liked DaFun Spirit, just they way ot was presented, and puntal.

What does this give us, compated with a standard punbb instalation?