At the top of the file:
PUN_ROOT = '../';
require_once PUN_ROOT.'parser.php';
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PunBB Forums → Posts by MattF
At the top of the file:
PUN_ROOT = '../';
require_once PUN_ROOT.'parser.php';
A good age to learn the correct use of the English language and forum etiquette then. Seriously, whatever corrupted text/message language you are using really is becoming a chore, (and not a worthwhile one), to read.
If you stop using all of the PHP terminology and just say what you are actually wanting to achieve, precisely, you may get further with your question. Your question makes pretty much bugger all sense at the moment.
If one fancied doing it with some code, you could quite easily adapt admin_prune.php to do the job. Rewrite it so that it dumps to file in a given format instead of deleting the threads, (or both).
elbekko wrote:What it says.
can u be a little more clear ... i am new to hosting and english
You have a proxy server in front of the web server which is filtering the client connections.
Well, according to his examples it was both possible with and without the underscore. Or atleast, that's how I saw it.
My apologies. I hadn't noted the first example.
Wish list:
- "Today's Birthdays" in index.php
- Friend list
- GPS coordinate input + link to see all my friends on google maps
Those would definitely fall within the extensions class.
$user_id = '/userid_?'.$pun_user['id'].'_(.*?)/';
That first question mark is a bit out of place, is it not? One assumes he would implicitly expect the underscore to be there.
The ^ means it's only starting the match from the beginning of the line. Remove the ^ and it will match that expression anywhere within the line. For pcre/regex, the best source of documentation is the pcrepattern section of the manpage over on
ok ... so if i let the vaildation what will happen in every pro way
Hope i can also get support too if i have problems
That's what the troubleshooting forum is for.
I'd still like to know where the code is handled for creating a (sub)forum and where the actual link is created on which users click to enter the (sub)forum.
Does anyone happen to know?
forums.php for the forums index listing, and admin_forums.php for the forum generation.
include/functions.php. The cookie generation functions and such are near the top of the file.
It's only visible to mods and admins.
Check with your local Business Link, (or whatever name they go under). They'll be able to advise. Getting some advice from the Inland Revenue might be worthwhile too. They'll be able to tell you if there are any caveats or considerations for someone of your age.
Apply the changes again for the PM mod to include/functions.php and/or header.php that you've removed during the update.
Just out of curiosity, is anyone planning on making out a basic set of security/best practise notes/guidelines for mod devs? Just been having a look through here and over on Punres, and it already appears there are somewhat debateable methods in some of the mods. Just wondered if it might be worthwhile putting something up earlier rather than later?
error when i update portal sittings :
I know about this, it's punbb issue can replace:
$form = array_map('trim', $_POST['form']);
$form = @array_map('trim', $_POST['form']);
in admin/options.php on line 44
Rather than suppressing any errors, have you thought of doing it the correct way and using empty|isset or whatever applies on that array? I'd not class that as a PunBB error, but rather as a problem in your code, unless I've missed something?
What changes have you made to post.php?
But more to the point, one is open source, the other isn't. Nothing further to compare for me.
That pretty much sums the main point up. The pgsql support is also another major point, (in my book), too.
That's a hellishly poor attitude on their part.
That is merely a token gesture. You can access the db, you can access the content.
That is the regular, (standard), MySQL option.
$cookie_seed. Add some extra, random, alphanumeric characters to that string.
PunBB Forums → Posts by MattF
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