I don't know what is difference with MySQL and others
SUM usually tends to be the main sticking point in most mods, with regards to db queries, and then the db installer itself, (if there is one). Either of those apply?
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PunBB Forums → Posts by MattF
I don't know what is difference with MySQL and others
SUM usually tends to be the main sticking point in most mods, with regards to db queries, and then the db installer itself, (if there is one). Either of those apply?
I can log in/out on anothers computers, but on my 98% used - not.
First thing I'd be trying is a bog standard delete cookies in your browser, if another machine or browser is working fine.
Not related to your question whatsoever, but that WALL-E Gamecube on your site looks ever so cute.
You asked this same question, (or one extremely similar), several months ago. Any and all answers are still the same.
I found that there isn't any changes in file moderate.php in Hdiff update.
Edit: Only
if (@preg_match('/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/', $_GET['get_host']))
I noticed that too. The first db query is the same as the one it replaces, and the second one just doesn't exist in mine, hence why I asked earlier if I had missed a previous update. Or is the patch file misleading?
Just a quickie. The patch file seems a bit inconsistent with regards to moderate.php. The preg_match change is fine, but the other two seem out of whack. Have I missed an update out previously, or is the diff slightly incorrect?
Glad you're sorted. Just for future reference, with you using OSX, simplest way to create a standard text file is just upon up a terminal and use vi or vim, (not sure which they use on OSX).
Just whilst we're on this JS/AJAX type discussion, is there a non JS method for the go back link used in the message function, (is that still used in 1.3, btw?), other than the back button in the browser?
If you used Dreamweaver, you've probably saved the file as rich text rather than plain text. Create it again with notepad and upload it again. See if that sorts it.
i read it very will ... i know its not how HTML works ... but it has a solution that work ... so if u have a solution why dont you solve it rather then saying that that not how it works ...
Reading and paying attention to what it says are not the same thing. Which part of the following is so hard to understand?
if you're using HTML you should know how it works. We couldn't possibly write a regex that would match every possible HTML tag where you would use a URI and if we did, it would likely be slow.
It's your responsibility to make URLs work properly, not PunBB's.
why it is not added to the core punbb 1.3
Good God. Just for once can you actually read something and pay attention to what it actually says?
It would appear that should work fine: https://www.paypal.com/IntegrationCenter/ic_nvp.html
Unless I've misunderstood their page, the token you send is self generated, and the token they return in response is generated by them.
Should be fairly straight forward by the looks of it.
Start session > submit & process > insert into db and generate ID > submit to paypal and complete transaction, and/or, allow an option for possible alteration and submission at a later time.
It doesn't really make much of a difference, I just find the one-liner neater
Personally, I prefer the if clauses, (throwback to my preference of shell scripting), but your one liner is more in keeping with the code as written. Neater to keep things in style with the existing code.
Make a copy of the admin_prune script and use that as a base for writing the archiver. That was my base idea for a future archiving project. The functionality is already in that script for searching topics 0> days old, and adapting it to output to file rather than delete the topics should be fairly straight forward. You could create a simple cover all html dumper and date dependant archiver in one script.
What is the cartID specifically? Is it an ID you generate yourself, or one that they supply to you for the transaction? Is that what you'd be using to backtrace the order afterwards? (You can probably guess where I'm leading here......).
It's more in keeping with that code he posted. Must admit, I did post without paying much attention to the previous posts. T'was just a quickie.
You submit the form once all choices are selected? Why can you not process everything into a single total on form submission?
You seem to be not getting the problem I have
Possibly. I was working on this sentence:
But with something like what I was working on, where you select which items you want, would require the script to make tons of separate requests to PayPal.
However, why couldn't you store the items, tally the amounts and then submit it as one single total? Personally, apart from missing the middle step, I can't see where the problem might lie.
And the DB is a good solution if you only want to open up the shop to registered users.
Adapting the default cookie wouldn't be hard though. And that would be enough for tracking their shopping quest.
if (isset($_POST['form']['new_field']))
$form['new_field'] = $_POST['form']['new_field'];
And I advise to use a session actually. It's much easier to keep track of the current cart that way.
If you're storing in a session, why would you need to submit things separately to PP?
I know what you mean with the session. I have been bouncing this idea around in my head for the last week or so. Simplicity and most other things suggest sessions are the way to go, but the db has resilience against unforeseen incidents, i.e: server or client going offline for above the session timeout period, therefore allowing resumption once back online. Storage of the order for future reference could be used whichever method is used, but for ruggedness, db is still winning. Shouldn't make the script that much more complex either, as far as I can tell. Possibly using cookie tracking to keep user/db entry in sync?
Was wondering because I'm mulling over the idea of creating a store/shop type setup, (not with Paypal integration however), for my setup. Could you not have a temp table in the db where the order is stored, and then submit it as one single transaction once completed? Been mulling over whether to use sessions or the db itself for mine, and I'm leaning towards the db at this point in time.
Yeah, I started on a store mod with paypal integration once. I read through alot of docs and such, and the problem I always ran into was handling multiple items at once.
In what regard? Remembering several items that had been selected, or several items with regards to Paypal submission?
Just use the relevant parts of the code from the portal mod and display it where you want it.
When the user is lost, he generally chooses the 'easy/bad way', like dolbex did...
That is their choice and risk. This question has occured multiple times and almost always people have ignored the advice given. Documenting it until it comes out of ones ears won't stop people going for the easy option.
PunBB Forums → Posts by MattF
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