You're welcome Mariwal. smile Nice site, btw.

For the life of me, I can't remember which thread you were asking about the contact form in. big_smile The link below has a contact form with captcha included:

You need to download Mediators Image Verification mod:

and copy the three files ran.php, ran.class.php and anticlimax.gdf into your root forum folder. Put the contact form in there, and you should be good to go. The form also requires that all fields are non-empty, and the e-mail address has to be entered twice and match.

Edit: Remember to change the extension back to .php from .txt.

Must admit, for straight article use, I took quite a liking to Genu. It's separate from PunBB, but I took a shine to the devil for some reason, so used that. big_smile Just have it as a link on the titlebar of the forums.

Pagination was never added because it's not really in keeping with the concept. A frontpage for the forums is exactly that. Going to the forums will give you access to all the other info. Pagination on that index page would be severe overkill.

bingiman wrote:

Looks great.

Cheers. smile I'm quite chuffed at getting a thumbs up from yourself. smile

bingiman wrote:

I don't understand the link for PHP-Fusion though? You can also check out the PHP Fusion site at run at: and see my work.

I use fusion for the downloads site. Same as with the Genu link, which has the articles. Those two aren't directly tied into the forums, but the forums are the main port of call, so decided to lump all the logos there. smile The downloads/articles sites contain all the external info for the main forums. I've spent a good while checking out some of your themes when I first set php-fusion up. You've created some absolute corkers there. smile

Just wanting to know what the general opinions are on the latest incarnation. big_smile big_smile Anything I've overlooked, or which needs tweaking?




(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

For goodness sakes. You've been given advice. Heed it. Forums are for advice, not wiping your arse because you can't be bothered.


mysqldump -u root -p [database_name] > [database_dump]


mysql -u root -p -D [database_name] < [database_dump]

Read the Mysql documentation, and you'll know how to restore just the parts you require.

Download the package for whichever distro you are using, or download the source and compile it yourself.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Firstly, mentioning your level of expertise, (or lack of), in the future would help when you ask questions like this.

Secondly, it's irrelevant if you don't know the commands. That is what documentation is for, and there is shedloads of it on the mysql site.

As there is for phpmyadmin too:


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

TFD wrote:

ok that doesnt help but thanks. I need to at LEAST get the user stuff uploaded and its not working

The advice Jeremie gave you is perfectly valid. Use the commandline tools supplied with Mysql itself.

Not annoyed. Just dislike having to repeat everything twice in the same thread. big_smile

If you're setting this up on a hosted server, make sure all the prerequisite software and facilities are available. If you are setting this up on your own server, you need a SQL server, a httpd server, Php and PunBB, (obviously).

cisco4networking wrote:

Yes those video tutorials are great to use the PUNBB itself which is great. But as I asked for the requirements in the beggining of my question that is what I have been consentrating on yet.

Just to make some more clarification.

So now, instaling MYSQL on for example  a Linux box making it a web server right ?
Then installing the PUNBB in a rootfolder of my host am I correct ?

What have I written above? Stop asking the question if you're going to ignore the answers.

Also, no. Installing MySQL does not make your Linux box a webserver. Installing a httpd daemon makes it a webserver. You install in the web root dir or some child directory thereof.

Jérémie wrote:

It's only the 13th time I've explained why, on these forums alone smile

big_smile big_smile Didn't mean it to sound blaise, so to speak. Just meant it's better to quantify the answer with a definition. Just makes it easier if this topic ever pops up in a future search by someone. smile

Jérémie wrote:

Doing it unconditionally, and doing it with the target HTML attribute, is a very, very bad idea.

Meaning? Issuing a warning like that would be far better if a brief description of why, (or an alternative method to use), was provided. smile

You need a SQL server. Either PostgreSQL, MySQL or SQLite.

Upload them to wherever you want them in the root dir. If you want the uri to be the base domain name, then the files go in the root folder. If you want a base domain/path scenario, then upload the folder to whatever named folder/path within the root dir, i.e:

http://your.domain/ [The PunBB files would need to be in the root web dir]

http://your.domain/forums/ [The PunBB files would need to be in a dir named forums in the root web dir]

Install it, then configure it.


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

quaker wrote:

i see where you siad something about a flatfile system.
that why i was asking about if some other site had a list of ip that thsi script could connect to.. even send the spam ip to...the site.

The Spamhaus lookup in that script is already checking your registrants against a spam database. If you really want to redirect them, blackhole them. I wouldn't personally, but if that rocks your boat.... However, if you use an external list, they would NOT appreciate you redirecting the rejected users to their site. They all have disclaimers on their sites already due to people doing those tricks. If you want to redirect, you'll either have to blackhole them or provide your own redirection site. You should, out of common courtesy, give them an explanatory notice, however, merely for the false positives that you will incur at some point. All the users you will reject will not be spammers. That is a guaranteed fact. As to a flatfile, you could easily create, over a period of time, a flatfile lookup system. Obviously, the onus would be on you for the maintenance and legitimacy of that list, however. Other than the reserved addresses for spoofing, everything else would be a manual entry job, to all intents and purposes, as it would be with any other lookup. A spam abuse list is an ever evolving beast. You could cron log greps and such, and enter the data by scripted methods, but you obviously need a reference point to reject them to start with.


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

quaker wrote:

cache server? ok that alittle beyond my scope....

It merely means you're caching DNS lookups. The second time you make the lookup, you have it stored locally with your own server, (for a pre-determined length of time), so the query is resolved far more quickly, as it's cached locally.

quaker wrote:

u got msn or aol yahoo?

Nope. big_smile

Edit: This is the ISC, (Bind), site, btw:


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It's straight forward enough. All you need to do is just set it up as a caching resolver, and add an entry for your RBL. It's worthwhile having a local caching DNS server anyhow, as it will help with your DNS traffic and speed for cached lookups. All you'd need is a named.conf file consisting of roughly:

// Local rbl zone(s)

zone "spam.rbl" in     // Or whatever name you use with your rbldnsd zone(s).
        type forward;
        forward only;

// root servers

zone "." in
        type hint;
        file "named.root";

// End of file

That's about all you need for a caching server and forwarding to your RBL server, (if I remember correctly). You could probably just use the IP of the RBL server in that above script instead of a hostname?, but you're getting a caching resolver to boot, so it's worth setting it up just for that. It also gives you the option of using the RBL for other servers/purposes, where as a flatfile lookup would be tied to the forum.

Don't look?


(28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

You mean then to create your own blacklist from IP's that have spammed your forum?

By far the best method, I would say, would be to run MJT's rbldnsd server and compile the list for that so that you have your own local RBL. I use that method for the MX, and it works a treat. It's been running several years here with never a single glitch. Just set up Bind/named to forward to it for your local zones RBL entry.

Here you go. smile

Renaming the pages without imposing access restrictions upon them will do sod all for security, if that is your concern. Removing the links is beneficial, (merely from the point of not displaying links that a guest cannot access, thereby them being irrelevant within the context), but the actual access restrictions should be within the pages themselves.

If you do a search, somewhere on here is a script that Bingiman and Quaker knocked up for the news index.