The copy you just pasted lacks the Image verify option, which suggests that you haven't followed steps 7-8 on the copy you pasted

OK, I'll try to go through this slowly.
You didn't follow steps 7-8 properly. Undo what you did for steps 7-8 and do it the correct way.

Undo what you did and follow the instructions properly wink


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Mmm, I'd try reuploading the files


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Create a new file, put the following code in it:


Then check what value it shows for display_errors


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That's probably the issue: the script is most likely timing out


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

So there's a folder named English in the language folder (it's case sensitive)?

Is display_errors enabled in your PHP install?


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

Am I right in thinking that there is no way of a moderator or an administrator recieving notification of a new post on the forum unless I add install a mod such as


I also noticed that this mod has only been downloaded 363

I'd say that's not an insignificant number wink

is there anyone who can advise if this works ok or is buggy etc

A better place to ask would be in that topic wink

and what happen when I need to upgrade my version of punbb will this mod still work.

Assuming you use something like the patch files or the hdiff. If you just replace files and you replace a file you modified, you'll overwrite your changes

I must be missing something here it seems mad that there is no automatic notification of new posts on the forum by email.

I am not expecting a massive number of posts to my forum and there will only be two moderators myself and one other.

I can understand if you are running a forum with a massive number of posts per day and then loads of emails a day being sent to the moderators becomes a problem but how many forums when they initially start recieve this kind of takeup.

As I see it at the moment in order to be notified of a new post I either check my forum every 15 min or check the RSS feed of my forum every 15 min.

Am I missing something here or is there an punbb out of box solution to this?

Decent feed readers should have the option to automatically query the site for you and pop up a notification if there's something new
As for emailing, as you said, it's a problem once the forum gets more than a few posts per day. Especially if a spammer realizes that the admins/moderators get the emails and decides to spam hundreds of posts. It's just a feature that only a small subset of users would be able to take advantage of.

Looks like you added the text after instead of before


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Not to worry: lets see if I can dig any up...


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

So you're randomly getting 500 errors and no error log entries? Talk to Godaddy's support


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

MDiamond: The topic text is a modification you added. Just adding a <br /> into that code should fix it


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Could you paste a link to your forum?

Moved to Integration
You would be better off asking in the PunLa forums

Tathar: That sounds like a host issue, there's no place where PunBB would output that string
As to your question, I'm afraid I don't understand: could you try phrasing it a little differently?


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Moved to PunBB Discussion
Paul would be able to say more, but yes, PunBB is very accessible


(38 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Like I said, sounds like a cool extension smile

Moved to Modifications

Moved to Modifications

Moved to Modifications
PunBB has no "Forums" menu item, only an Index

This is more of a PunBB Discussion, so I'll move it there wink

But first, I'll answer a couple of your points:

Anyway, why cant people just download and install the forum/portal software all in one. It would save all the hassle of having to spend around 20 minutes integrating the dam thing then. Surely it?s easy enough for the developers to put together?

PunPortal is a modification, not a part of PunBB: It was created by the community, not the developers. PunBB is meant to be a lightweight forum: if a user wants a portal, they can choose to add a portal created by members of the community.
As to the difficulty, I can only say that it varies depending on the quality of the mod, the iquality of the install instructions, and the expertise of the person installing the mod. However, adding modifications will become simpler for everyone in 1.3 with the new extension system

Also, when ever i mess up a mod (say one I haven?t used before) i have to completely start from fresh by restoring all the files from HD to my host and restoring the SQL file using phpmyadmin, but even when doing that your left with a load more errors.

If you have a complete backup of your forum from a working state and a restore doesn't work properly, that's an issue with your backups wink

And finally, why is that once i've installed the punbb forum software and check the user list i can see "Chris Powell" id=2  (profile) if i'm the admin of the board and i've just set it up shouldn't i be id=1

Check your database: the guest is ID=1

summitwynds wrote:

Oh, gosh.  I got egg on my face.  Totally forgot to change my personal style to Bluedenim.  No wonder it wasn't working when I logged in.  THANK YOU for all your help.  So can I delete all the other styles so viewers only see Bluedenim?

I'd use this plugin to change the settings for all users before deleting the other styles, but yes


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Moved to Show Off wink

Moved to Integration then wink
Edit main.tpl, remove <pun_navlinks>, add your own code in its place: I believe that should do it

What do you want to change about them?