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esupergood wrote:I look forward to hearing reports about what extensions work or don't work with this upgrade. Should there be many issues expected?
Think that no. These could be some extensions dealing with search, moderate and viewtopic pages. Extensions like pun_pm, pun_repository, pun_bbcode, pun_quote should work fine.
rajuru wrote:no changed files package? i thought it would be one click upgrade
You can find packages with changed files in the download archive. Though they will not be very useful since there are many files with changed copyright year only.
db_update.php is to be run during the upgrade. You have to turn maintenance mode on, otherwise anyone can run db_update.php.
Let's ask lexazloy ![smile](
I'll be able to see later what's wrong.
PunBB 1.3.3 is released. 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 changes:
a lot of bugs fixed (CSS & markup, defects in language files, correct response header placement upon errors, hook rearrangements, parsing posts in feeds, correct language pack detection during the final stage of the install process);
contains fixes of security flaws (which were fixed by hotfixes in previous versions);
it is now possible to limit searches to topic subjects or message bodies;
users are not allowed to change their e-mails without entering their passwords first.
The already existing styles and language packs should be checked for compatibility with the version 1.3.3 before the latter is installed. After checking, the version 1.3.3 may be installed.
How to upgrade:
make a backup of the database and files;
turn the Maintenance mode on (via admin panel);
overwrite old files with new ones;
after owerwriting, verify that cache, img/avatars and extensions (for pun_repository) directories have enough write permissions (usually 777);
clear cache directory;
go to the forum index and run db_update.php script;
turn the Maintenance mode off.
To developers' notice. Please, check your extensions, styles and language packs for compatibility with the version 1.3.3. The following may be of use to you:
Downloads: get the latest PunBB on Downloads page or via Subversion repository.
Ok, then I gave a correct link to the error location. Moreover, function send_subscriptions() is called inside add_post().
malc wrote:the version is: PunBB 1.2.15
This forum runs PunBB version 1.3. You can upgrade your forum. Instructions:
Do not forget to make a database backup (actually you have to make a DB backup since some users have encountered some issues of the upgrade script). If you have installed mods for PunBB 1.2 they will stop working.
KeyDog, in what file and line is the error? This information must be also displayed.
Works fine for me.
Though the error can be related to this 'WHERE' clause: … .php#L2508
kalle11 wrote:Version mismatch. The database 'test_test' doesn't seem to be running a PunBB database schema supported by this update script.
Maybe your database name differs from 'test_test'? Verify database name and prefix in a DB admin tool (for example, phpMyAdmin) and in the file 'config.php'.
+1 query on post adding doesn't lead to a significant increase of the server load.
I think the array must contain these values:
'seconds' => 'second/seconds/seconds',
'minutes' => 'minute/minutes/minutes',
and so on.
There are no official migration tools.
You could manually do such a conversion after studying the database tables structure if you are familiar with SQL.
InnoDB support was introduced in FluxBB 1.3. We do not follow them in this question. Apparently, strings with 'InnoDB' were imported by mistake.
First two strings have been already fixed. I've added the third string.
You can change the user title in his profile.
I think it's better to use the function utf8_substr, not substr. utf8_substr is defined in the forum core.
I think this extension should be used with caution. For example, a user can send a PM, then "unsend" by changing the message status to 'draft', then send it again. The receiver will have two e-mails. Other shortcomings were described in this topic: … ail-alert/
Maybe it's worth to make an additional field in the message table, 'pm_email_notified'. pm_email_notified is 0 by default and becomes 1 when the message is sent first time. E-mail will be sent only once (before setting pm_email_notified to 1), whatever sender does after.
pun_pm 1.2.5 is released.
There is a reason for such identing. HTML-code in *.xml and *.php files should be aligned to make correct identing in HTML-code of the output page. In other words, idents for XML, PHP and HTML are independent.
Smith, I've made a commit to SVN (pun_pm@1130, zip). Please, test it out. If everything is Ok, I'll release it.
A text inside [ code ] tag is not parsed.
Now there is no changelog yet. You can look at the timeline. When 1.3.3 is released there will be release notes and diff files.
Everything works fine for me in both FF and Chrome. Try to clear the browser cache (there can be stored old css files).
Ok, thanks. We'll fix this.
Could you post a screenshot, please?
Since PunBB 1.3.2 was released a lot of bugs have been reported and fixed.
We have updated Forums to the last revision from SVN. Please, test it out.
If no new bugs are found, PunBB 1.3.3 will be released next week.
Edit: Demo forum is updated to the last revision too.
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