Actually yes. But db_updater.php will say that there is nothing to update.

You may delete db_updater.php after updating. And do not forget to turn Maintenance mode on before start updating.

abclf wrote:

Please can you confirm a new message is an unreaden message (then one has a new message link active until he truly read his messages).


abclf wrote:

Something like
New posts (12) Active topics (5) Unanswered topics (6) New messages (0)

It would be nice but every number requires minimum a query to the database. One can cache these values but it should be an extension. Anyway I think this feature contradicts PunBB foundations to be a fast and simple forum.

"New messages" is a pun_pm link. You can easily modify it:

    'New link'                => 'New messages',
    'New link active'        => '<strong>New messages (%d)</strong>',
    'New link full'            => '<strong>New messages (!)</strong>',

First value stands for no new messages, second value stands for some new messages, third value is used when the inbox is full.

VincentBroccoli wrote:

But is bad to remove the htaccess file?

Not as bad as avatars that are not displayed smile

You may delete .htaccess since the only thing it does is disallowing avatar extension other than gif, jpg and png.

Deny from all
<FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpg|png)$">
    Allow from all

It's included in 1.3.2.
Or you can look at the changes and make them manually.

This bug have been fixed and the hotfix have been released.

Do any errors appear while uploading avatar?

VincentBroccoli wrote:

If I click the space with the right mouse button the correct path to the avatar is displayed, but I can't see the avatar.

Can you see the avatar if you open this path in the browser?

VincentBroccoli wrote:

I'm using a windows server

What web server do you use?

This error appears when pun_repository fails to fetch the extension info from
You can manually check that update server works fine.

1. Try to clear the pun_repository cache (use the link "Clear cache").
2. Ensure that PHP is able to open remote files.

db_update.php reloads page too. Are there any error messages?


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)




(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)

Thanks for report.

Garciat, what do you think about this fix?


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

The_Fiddler wrote:

I want to know how do you upgrade to the pm extension in 1.3 from 1.2.

Sorry, but there is no tools for upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3. If you have experience in SQL, you can manually export the message data from mod table into pun_pm table.

Please, post the link to the mod you are using. We'll add the migration tool to the task list.


(27 replies, posted in News)

PunBB 1.3.2 has been released. Apart from minor bugs, the following security flaws have been resolved (reported by Stefan Esser):

As usual, security hotfixes for versions 1.3 and 1.3.1 have been released.

Downloads: get the latest PunBB on Downloads page or via Subversion repository.

clowntje wrote:

Does anyone has any ideas on a workaround for this?

You can delete the code depending on token_get_all:

                    $tokenized_hook = token_get_all('<?php '.$hook['content']);
                    $last_element = array_pop($tokenized_hook);
                    if (is_array($last_element) && $last_element[0] == T_INLINE_HTML)
                        $errors[] = $lang_admin_ext['extension/hooks/hook error4'];

But you should be sure the extension you install has no errors.

Place in the 'in_qr_get_cats_and_forums' hook something like this:

$query['WHERE'] = $more_sql.' AND ('.$query['WHERE'].')';

Please, wait till Monday. I'll tell Anatoly about it (he's busy now).


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Ok, I've got it. Then you have to comment some code in manifest.xml to hide pun_pm from other users, because there are a few features that can't be disabled via admin panel.

The hooks you have to comment are 'pf_change_details_settings_email_fieldset_end', 'aop_features_avatars_fieldset_end', 'vt_row_pre_post_contacts_merge', 'pf_view_details_pre_header_load,pf_change_details_about_pre_header_load'.

And if you going to test pun_pm, please, try to set inbox and outbox limits to a small number and see how the extension works when boxes are overfilled. We'd appreciate your help.

hcgtv wrote:

I'm wondering what's the point of enabling an extension that shows badly.

I've just installed the last version from SVN. Is it ok? Or is it better to disable the extension?


(41 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

Neck wrote:

Well... I prefer to have a separate file, dont think it matters

require may be a bit slower. Though it's just an advise, make as you like smile

Neck wrote:

In this case it is strongly bound to PunBB's functionality and wouldnt work without them, so might change license in next release (altho I dont think there's much diff between cc-by and gpl).

Maybe. But it's a law.

Neck wrote:

the chat could run completely out of PunBB (what it was doing originally ) so it can be considered as a separate (javascript) application.

I agree.


(154 replies, posted in Supported extensions)

Fixed and 1.2.4 is released.

However it will be not easy for users without "New messages" link. They will not know they will have received a message.


(41 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)

I think you could place the function inside the hook instead of including a file:


By the way, a extension can't be released under a GPL-incompatible license since the forum is under GPL. Creative Commons is incompatible.

The forum can check are there new versions of installed extensions or not. pun_repository allows you automatically download and upgrade them and install other extensions.

Do you still have this problem?

maststef wrote:

Well, I could still use it to have quick access to the repository content (seeing all official released add-ons in the latest version with download link).


maststef wrote:

Or is there anything that speaks against this?

No. This should work fine. pun_repository checks extensions for new versions once a day, as I remember.