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Pun_approval 1.1.0 for PunBB 1.3 has been released. Its description can be found
New features in comparison with the previous version:
Registration approval added. Now you can approve all new users registering on your forum.
Feel free to make suggestions and report bugs.
In order to change menu strip color, you need to edit "background" and "border-color" properties for #brd-navlinks id on line 224 in Oxygen_cs.css.
Hello sharadbyte!
Unfortunately post approval is not available in PunBB.NET.
You can use it in php PunBB only.
This is the first release of pun_approval extension for PunBB 1.3. Its description can be found
Feel free to make suggestions and report bugs.
You can participate in testing of BBCodes
Right now there is no way to use PunBB themes in PunBB.NET. The difference between them is not big, but it takes place. In order to use these themes in .NET version, CSS files should be edited and some code changes should be made.
Hello everyone!
We are now working on BB codes support for PunBB.NET.
And we need experienced ASP.NET developers to solve some problems.
Is there anybody who is interested?
Vbird2k wrote:Do you have a version that can be added to web application?
Making PunBB.NET easy to integrate with other applications is one of our purposes. But unfortunately right now we don't have a version that can be integrated with existing application without any changes...
Vbird2k wrote:do you have the sql statements and we can just run them?
You can find all the statements in Install.aspx.cs starting from line 253
I have just tried to download it and run using MS VisualStudio 2008. Everything works fine. Can you please describe in more details the way you do it?
Thank you! We will take it into account
programista wrote: i think i will wait for your opinion on my thoughts and then
i will start to writing here what U need to or should change to make the project more " compliant way".
It would be great! Please write about everything you think is important!
Hello everyone!
Thank you for your posts. We were not able to answer you before. Sorry.
I agree with everything said here. It is true that developers worked with php alot. And even now we have to write php scripts working on other projects. That's why we want you guys, who have a lot of experience in development to help us in making better. All your opinions and complaints are valuable!
juan99 wrote:I'll try to write something about my experiences and give some suggestions for design goals.
We will appreciate it a lot!
Thank you for your words guys! It is a good support fr us!
epikarma wrote:Hello.
Is it possible to publish PunBB as a subfolder of a main application?
My provider doesn't allow me to configure more than one web application and I would like that PunBB is located in a subfolder.
I know that I have to integrate my web.config with PunBB web.config but I don't know the exact procedure.
Have I move any other folder?
Is there some tricks to make this deploy simple?
In theory it should not be difficult.What you need to do is copy data from the sections of our config into yours. For example <ConnectionStrings> section of your config should contain our connection together with all the data which was there before. The same way with all other sections.
We haven't tried to use PunBB as a subfolder of another application. But we'll try it on our test server, and will let you know the result. If you have already made an attemp and it was not successfull, please describe problems here. We are ready to help.
Thanks for your support of PunBB.NET!
Yes, theoretically it's possible to accomplish what you are talking about. But it may not be easy. We are ready to help you, to provide information you need.
lie2815 wrote:Your demo does not work.
The server was off due to techical reasons. Now everything is fine.
patheticcockroach wrote:When I saw this PunBB.Net news I almost had an heart attack
All you guys who are so discouraged because of PunBB.NET should understand that this project will make absolutely no harm to PHP PunBB. I've already wrote it here, but it seems to me i should do it again. PunBB and PunBB.NET are two separate projects. If you don't want to support PunBB.NET it's your choice. And we assure you that PunBB.NET won't replace PHP PunBB.
patheticcockroach wrote:I was feeling bad I didn't find the time to finish my extension, now I'm pretty happy with that...
I think you should finish your extension
PunBB.NET demo is available here
Utchin wrote:Can I run sql server 08?
Yes, it works with SQL Server 08
KeyDog wrote:You're not worried about that? (much smaller market)
There are plenty of opportunities to find free hosting for ASP.NET ( example).
And amount of those who use IIS is also really big.
More than that. A lot of users have to use IIS and don't have other options. PunBB.NET is the only possibilty for them to join PunBB community.
Utchin wrote:Im unable to get the project loaded in Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Express Edition with 3.5 installed.
Use Microsft Visual Web Developer 2008 Express Edition. It can be downloaded here.
Open the folder with source codes as a web site (File->Open web site).
When we were creating PunBB.NET beta, .NET framework 2.0 was used. So in order to have your codes compatible with codes we have now, use the same version of framework.
All this information and more will be added to the wiki page in the nearest future.
fixed wrote:you're killing a wonderful piece of software.
We are not going to replace punbb you are used to with asp/microsoft-centric punbb. It's just one more option for users. is not supposed to make any harm to PunBB. You are free to choose!
Utchin wrote:In the beta version, could you give us the project file aswell, so we have the same set up as you.
To have the same setup as we do you only need to download files folowing the link on Wiki page and unzip them.
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