Deleting this line should help'hidden';
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Grez
Deleting this line should help'hidden';
Or... you could use jQuery and do it (imo) nicer-looking (with animation), easier (no "onload" in <body>), cleaner (don't forget about people who doesn't use JS)
Just check documentation or one web i tried it on
Like in stopforumspam extension; insert a table that shows
Done. Download link
BTW I found nice bug with this topic You can't search it (I tried "checker" "url checker" but I didn't found anything - guess I'll have to look whether search uses caching), but more importantly, this topic didn't show up in topics list for this forum - check out images)
Is splitting topics core part of PunBB or is it an extension? Just thinking whether it could have any connection
Damn "IS" forgot about that
v1.1.2 Fixed bug in installation process (described in this post)
It's function authenticate_user in ./include/functions.php and it should load all fields from users table automatically
this way when they right click they just download the transparent image
And if they use brain, they will have your image in next 10 seconds by looking at source code (not speaking of print screen)
IMO watermark is only solution
Guess you really hate spammers, right?
Anyway I believe the SQL query should be something like this
DELETE FROM punbb_users WHERE num_posts = 0 AND registered < NOW()-2592000 AND (signature IS NOT NULL OR url NOT NULL)
//should delete all users older than month with zero posts and sig or url not null
But I suggest you to make a backup since I haven't tested it (yup, still without Internet connection at home... I HATE MY PROVIDER arghh... )
Added "IS"
@TomeOne: Before installing extension change line 35, at manifest.xml from this
if (!$forum_db->table_exists('pun_pm_messages'))
to this
if (!$forum_db->table_exists('stopforumspam'))
I know about this error (and I have fixed it at home), but I've got problems with internet connection so I can't upload it
Check this wiki page
Well, there's always a way. For example at admin/install.php you can check lines 1562-1586 or you can try to change it in Phpmyadmin. But personally I don't recommend that. I could cause some problems
Even if I'd be dead curious to see how a completely <div> driven forum would perform
Actually, you can - this forum doesn't use tables at all
Guess nobody wants to monetize his forum as you do
But you could try to add adsense into your forum's Announcements
a) This is illegal in many countries
b) It's immoral
c) There are more important (requested) things to do.
But if you are ok with that, you can try to look into phpmyadmin
Hi, yea, I guess this can be useful for some people
I see just one flaw here...
who's not the admin (uid!=2)
IMO better would be $forum_user['group_id'] != 1 - guess you wouldn't like to get emails when you would gave administration to someone another one day, and sometimes (for example when you migrate from another forum), you don't have to have id 2 at all
I'm not sure yet, but I've noticed the urls change daily. The spammers are using fast flux etc and are extremly adaptive... I guess this will all be very "beta"...
Damn it, how shifty they are!
Improvement idea:
Yup, I guess I could do that
Ok, so problem fixed and extension seems to be working. It's cross-checking URLs you try to put in your signature or post.
It's checking only precise match with csv file (so the isn't fetched as "spam" but the is) (because of the youtube and so on )
Oh, and btw I changed the .csv file a little bit - I erased all white-space before quotes. I need that because I'm checking URL with those quotes (for exact match and not only part of it)
The only remaining problem is how to update the list? I think i'll have to check how works updating of official extensions
Well, I could try to (well ok, I admit - I'm working on that right now, but I've got a little problem here which I probably leave on tomorrow) programme an extension, that would cross-check urls in posts and signatures
I'd have put it in ADDITIONS
True, I guess you can move it there
but you should be asked to join the developers of punbb - as you seem to have time and expertise, in my opinion...
Well, I've got time now, but I guess it will change when school starts again in September
Well, almost two years later than I first time asked about this, but now I've got at least my own migration tool Try it out
//I know, it's a little bump, but I guess some people can be subscribed to this topic...
I didn't know which section to choose, but I guess the main thing is that this tool finally exists and not section in which it is published
Backup your phpBB3 forum! (both db and code, I don't know what could possibly go wrong, and I guess you don't want to end up with totally new forum without any posts, right?
Delete all phpbb files and install brand-new PunBB forum
Download phpbb_converting_tool
Extract it into rootdir of your forum
Using Administration install the phpbb3_login extension
Run the phpbb.php file, choose what do you want to convert, fill in the phpbb database prefix (if any) aaand
Trigger it
PMs //if extension installed
BB codes
Admin's in original "admin" group and admin performing the conversion
Forums permissions
and some unimportant stuff
2010-08-05: Published & first satisfied customer
Currently has been tested only on localhost on forum PhpBB 3.0.1 with approximately 700 users, 300 topics and 5000 posts. The script took 3sec on my crappy PC
Hi, great extension. Still I have some "ideas" of what could be better.
- Firstly, you should check, whether the language file exists in admin's language, before trying to include it. They get error otherwise.
hook id="aop_start"
if (file_exists($ext_info['path'].'/lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/'.$ext_info['id'].'.php'))
include $ext_info['path'].'/lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/'.$ext_info['id'].'.php';
include $ext_info['path'].'/lang/English/'.$ext_info['id'].'.php';
- With this is little bit connected the URL which you are using for including files. I believe it would be better using pre-set variables rather than absolute url.
require FORUM_ROOT.'extensions/subject_index/admin/subject_index.php';
require $ext_info['path'].'/admin/'.$ext_info['id'].'.php';
- Other thing, for "cosmetic purposes" is that shortened name of topic would look better, if it would be followed by "..." (In HTML it is as entity …)
- And finally, last thing - at Administration you are increasing $forum_page['fld_count'] each time, instead of just once per input/label, which leads to <label> and <input> not being connected together
Oh, and btw - don't forget to add your extension in Wiki
Unfortunately, some of them don't - or at least don't work properly Especially those with Javascript usually have a lot of problems with different browsers (actually, this is problem of official extensions as well )
Moreover, when you see an extension, which's last tested version 1.3 you treat it otherwise than that with lasttestedversion 1.3.4 and last update two days ago
But, well I should write there some info, that those extensions are likely to work, but it's not 100%
Well, it's little bit "against" philosophy of PunBB (but I guess it could be part of pun_bbcode extension)...
PunBB Forums → Posts by Grez
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