(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


I've always hosted my own sites but my bandwidth couldn't keep up when my sites got popular. I went the shared hosting route at first and was very disappointed, then I went with a VPS and have been very happy.

Maybe what the future holds for Open Source projects is to go the dedicated server route, with enough of us on the server, the cost would not be that high. This way we can control our environment, we can install what we need and we're not at the mercy of some sysadmin that's overloaded.


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

From the beginning Textdrive was billed as the place for programming projects to make their home and be catered to. Don't worry, said Dean, we know what you're looking for, we're here to cuddle you in our servers.

So what the hell happened, anyone got a clue to the change of direction from the Textdrive crew? Is it time to start looking for alternatives for hosting Open Source projects where the host gives a sh*t?

Affiliate links anyone? http://forum.textdrive.com/viewtopic.php?id=12452

Free Realty: http://freerealty.rwcinc.net/ - it's the only one I've heard about.

It lets you list your properties but you'd need something like QuickBooks to handle the money end of it.


(38 replies, posted in General discussion)

Thunderbird updated to today for me also.

Now those Firefox users that didn't download 2.0, will end up getting the 2.0 update message soon.


(1 replies, posted in General discussion)

I found this in my travels: http://mailing-list.us/


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Hi Andrew,

I spent 10 years in the Tampa area, Brandon to be exact.

As for what to do, 1.2.14 is your best bet, it's solid code. When 1.3 comes out, it would just be a matter of bringing over your design to it. The styles are changing in 1.3, but I don't see it being that hard to move over to it.

Now if you start making mods to the underlying code, then it will be harder to move to 1.3.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yes, it's working, this is what you'll get:


Plus all the top menu options, like users, search, etc.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

kakado wrote:

At present rather I'm desperate to find a working solution and am looking into taking the present 1.3-dev and forking it.

At present, 1.3-dev is not finished or in a state that would be worth forking.

Wait till 1.3 is released, determine if you can accomplish what you desire between what's in the core and what's released as official extensions. I'll bet you that you'll be pleasantly surprised.

As for PunBB being ugly, I find it elegantly spartan wink

Spartan removes quite a number off your list wink

I use singapore, it's what I've found to be rather easy to use but I would love to see you try out all the galleries you mentioned and come up with your own assessment.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Go into your administration section:
PunBB version PunBB 1.2.14 - Check for upgrade
    © Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Rickard Andersson


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

Check out these themes: http://azertyskin.free.fr/english.php


(18 replies, posted in General discussion)

I like Reddit better but I check Digg also.

It's funny when you see the same things on Reddit, Digg and Slashdot.

We made a Nucleus CMS to PunBB bridge plugin that does some of the things you'd like to do.

Have a look at the plugin and you can use some of the code for your own purposes.



(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rickard wrote:

I've tried "Check for upgrades..." in FF1.5, but still nothing.

I don't think upgrades to 2.0, there's a new upgrade mechanism that's making it's way into


It's better to download the new 2.0, remove and then install 2.0.

http://secunia.com/internet_explorer_7_ … fing_test/


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

Firefox 2.0 final is out, if you're running RC3 then it's the same thing.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0



(19 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Good initiative, hope it goes well for you.

Kato wrote:

I hated Netscape and FireFox and looks and reminds me too much of Netscape.

I've always used Netscape, maybe it didn't have the slickest interface but it worked well for it's time.

From the beginning the mail client acted like a mail client should. I always knew what email client a person was using when I would see them quoting me under their reply or the lines went on forever. Outlook was the worst thing to hit the net, bad quoting, no line wraps and html mail.

The browser, well it had it's issues but I liked that all my settings were in one place and I could easily back them up to a zip drive and carry my settings from work to home and back. I even have a Netscape t-shirt I wear proudly, it's a bit worn by now.

If IE7 were the only game in town I'd be using Netscape 4.x wink

How to keep IE7 from getting installed in Windows Update on November 1.

Then I'll do a backup before I attempt the plunge, thanks Richard.

Any gotchas to report on Windows XP?

I'd hate to f*ck up a perfectly running system with this update.

Looks like we'll get it soon in the Windows Update process.


(95 replies, posted in News)

I got mine also for PunBB 1.2.14:

PunBB Newsletter <dontreply@punbb.org> to hcgtv Oct 15 (4 days ago)

A new version of PunBB has been released.


Rickard Andersson
PunBB Developer
sirena wrote:

The project has recently released 'Suhosin' 0.9.6, the first stable release of their new Advanced PHP protection software, which punBB users who have the ability to modify their Apache/PHP setup might like to check out.

Does anyone use this and can relate their experiences?