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PunBB Forums → Posts by CodeDuck
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I'll do - no problem. But, Rickard, how is 1.2 coming along and are there any major changes in lang-packs from 1.1.5 to 1.2.
The real question is, should I do the lang-pack for 1.1.5 and upgrade to 1.2 when it comes, or wait?
You could make a database abtraction layer wrapper encasulating ADOdb providing a naming scheme consistent with the rest of PunBB :-)
I suggest the microsoft bugtracker, it kind of do-it-yourself, but at the same time it's from microsoft - what's not to like?
I think that PunBB's no-bloat philosophy applies not only to the feature-set but also to the execution time. Adding an immediate PunXML tier, would definately increase execution time, and while this trade-off for modularity and code reusability might very well be worthwhile, the question is; does it fit Rickard's philosophy?
By the way Rickard, when is 2.0 going to be released :-)
In regard to the spam harvestors and profiles - what they are doing is grabing the profile page, linking to that, then using it to spam back so they can harvest. The way around this is to place a robots.txt file in the root where pun is, so the robots can't index it.
I highly doubt that email-harvesters read the robots.txt and follow the rules in it. Why should they, it would only mean less emails harvested.
As I read the GPL there is no problem charging for software based on or containing GPL'ed code. The problem is selling it to more than one customer, as the first customer has the right to distribute the product, thus possibly making it harder to sell to other customers.
A way of getting around this is not to sell the product, but providing the hosted website as a service instead. That way the product is not distibuted and there is no requirement to distribute the source.
An alternative route is asking Rickard, the copyright holder, to sell you a commertial license of PunBB, thus avoiding the whole GPL issue. But I have no idea how much such a license would cost.
Not being a native Swede i might be wrong, but wouldn't "färska inlägg" be a correct translation of "recent post":-)
Yeah I know it sounds a bit odd - but it is a translation....
Iran (just got a package from Iran today, a book I ordered from Amazon that for some reason was shipped from Theran, Iran - the wonders of ordering online :-))
Maybe you should put some of your announcements on freshmeat too, to boost you vitality score.
Windows 98
Maude Flanders
Looks great, I really like the descriptive error message as well. You sure know FUSE=MC^3 :-)
if they do this for then next id to be registered does the avatar appear on this users profile?
I see it as a feature, not a bug - it is very useful for adding a free bonus avatar to say the 1000th registered user :-)
Haha! I'm an idiot. I just figured the invites would appear as e-mail. I then spotted "Invite 6 friends to Gmail" in the lower left corner :)
<subtle_hint>Do I qualify as a friend? :-)</subtle_hint>
I might just do that after my thesis defence next week...
What seems to be missing is in dk_common.php from 'Maintenance' and the following 15 lines of which none are translated. 'Unstick topic' and 'Stick topic' have been switched and so on. I would recommend going though the files by hand and not relying entirely on PunTranslator. (Don't forget to report any bugs in PunTranslator to zaher).
Grammar error are primarily present as words not properly agglomerated into compounds; such as "Start etiketten" which should be "Startetiketten" (I would recommend using "starttagget" though, and yes, "tag" is a word approved by DSN).
Otherwise good work.
PunBB Forums → Posts by CodeDuck
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