
(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, by importing that CSS, you are altering how all the links look. You should use the style attribute as I showed you above or create new CSS classes for your links in the css-files in style/.

If you want to change all links that appear in the footer, you just have to change the other <a> tags in footer.php as well.

2364/20 equals 118,2. So, there are 119 pages.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Have a look at row 49 through 58 in file footer.php. There you will find the <a> tags for the links. To change the color, simply add a style attribute. Row 49 could look like this:

echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<a style="color: #FF0000" href="search.php?action=show_new">'.$lang_common['Show new posts'].'</a><br>'."\n";


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Could you save the source (HTML) of the complete page and e-mail it to me?

Well, for recent discussions I refer you to the file extern.php. Open up that file in a text editor and read the usage instructions at the top.

About the login box. It should be to basically just add the HTML code of the login box from the forum. Something like this:

// Try to determine if the data in HTTP_REFERER is valid (if not, we redirect to index.php after login)
$redirect_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && preg_match('#^'.preg_quote($pun_config['o_base_url']).'/(.*?)\.php#i', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : 'index.php';

<form method="post" action="login.php?action=in">
    <input type="hidden" name="form_sent" value="1">
    <input type="hidden" name="redirect_url" value="<?php echo $redirect_url ?>">

    Username: <input type="text" name="req_username" size="25" maxlength="25"></td>
    Password: <input type="password" name="req_password" size="16" maxlength="16"></td>
    <input type="submit" name="login" value="Login">


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

TwaN wrote:

TwaN från forum.com har skickat ett meddelande till
dig. Du kan svara till TwaN genom att svara på detta e-postmeddelande.

Meddelandet lyder:

forum.com E-posttjänst
(Svara inte på detta meddelande)

Tyckte det såg konstigt ut att man ska svara på mailet för att maila tillbaka, men sen står det att man inte ska svara på mailet?
Hur ska du ha det? :)

Edit: English? :P

True. I'll fix that in the next version. It's not so important that it needs fixing directly.

And, please speak english :)


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Oh, sorry. It's misc.php.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Muggen wrote:

The "Send e-mail" function doesn't seem to work.

Bad request. The link you followed is incorrect or outdated.

Go back.

You are absolutely correct. I've updates the release once again! Thanks :)


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Three bugs have surfaced. They really needed to be fixed directly, so I've updated the release. The bugs were:

- The post report function was broken (grrr).
- The delete forum drop down in Admin/Forums had invalid HTML in it which made it look wierd in Opera (reported by chacmool).
- Form e-mail was broken.

If you've already installed 1.1, please download again and update the scripts misc.php and admin_forums.php.

Edit: Added the form e-email bug.

Very nice! I believe something like this has been requested before, so good job :)


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

That should be enough :)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've updated the front page now. Post any further impressions or problem reports to this topic instead.


(25 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Post any problem reports or just your impressions on PunBB 1.1 in this topic.


(0 replies, posted in News)

It's here! All 13982 lines of it. PunBB 1.1 is quite a large upgrade from 1.0.1. Most of the changes have been made "under the hood", but quite a few new features have been added as well. Some of the more important changes and additions are:

- New, cleaner syntax for the BBCode quote tag.
- Completely rewritten user list.
- Form e-mail. It is now possible to send e-mail to other users via the forum.
- Easier website integration via extern.php.
- RSS feeds for recent discussions via extern.php.
- Templates for e-mail messages that are sent by the forum.
- Stronger encryption. PunBB now utilizes the SHA-1 algorithm for password hashes (if available).
- More powerful banning options including expiry date and ban message.
- MSN Messenger field in user profiles (due to popular demand).
- HTML posting is disabled permanently.
- Information about last visit and last action is now saved in the database instead of in cookies.
- PHP script inclusion from the templates (via <pun_include "*">).
- The infamous "Unable to delete search results" bug is fixed.
- Move/delete/open/close multiple topics at once.
- Delete multiple posts at once.
- A FAQ (yay!).
- More powerful debugging via PUN_SHOW_QUERIES.
- New subscription system.
- "Go to first new post" feature.
- A simple announcement system.
- All JavaScript popup messages are localized.
- New structure of config data in the database.

On top of this, PunBB 1.1 incorporates a large number of bugfixes and smaller tweaks. Please note that the size of PunBB has not increased noticeably and that it is still as fast as you are used to. Fear not. There are no new images or any other kind of bloat.

For installation and upgrade instructions, see the included install.html.

The format of the language files have changed quite a lot, so language packs from 1.0 will have to be updates. I will send out e-mails to all lang pack authors and ask them to update their translations. Hopefully there will be more lang packs available soon.

For a complete list of additions and alterations, see the changelog. Now head over to the download page and grab your copy of PunBB 1.1! Post any problem reports or just your impressions on PunBB 1.1 in this topic.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

spetero wrote:

Maybe you would have the opportunity to choose between more pagenumbers in the userlist. Otherwise I think there could be a lot clicking to get to the correct page if you have very much users. Isn't there enough space down there for more numbers? Just a thought. (sorry for my bad english)

Maybe. I'll give it some thought.

alexz: Ok, here goes:

1. That error occurs when you try to run the update script more than once. You probably ran it before, but it didn't finish thanks to the bug that chacmool pointed out. What you have to do is to restore your database to the way it was before you ran the update and run it again (download the update again to be sure).

2. The error "Unable to fetch ban list" is more of a mystery. I'm not quite sure why that error pops up. Anyway, hopefully it will not occur once you've completed the update process.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

It looks like it'll have to wait until I wake up tomorrow. How the hell can it be 5.37 AM already? :/


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Password in PunBB are encrypted. Or rather, a checksum of the clear text password is generated and saved.

I will probably write some kind of howto on website integration of PunBB. Just give me a few days :)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Elijah wrote:

Today I did a fresh install of PunBB 1.1 and have installed Mod PunPoll 1.1.3 with no problems. I vote yes! ;)

Ok, I'll take your word for it. It'll be up within the hour :)

Elijah wrote:

I really like the new layout of the User List. :)

Thanks. I had to redo it a little. It used to have "alphabet links" to show all users with usernames starting with A, B, C etc. However, it turned out that it was basically impossible to generate those links in PHP with more "exotic" languages like chinese and hebrew. So, I redesigned it a bit. I'm glad you like it :)

Elijah wrote:

[Edit]Instead of:  Copyright 2002, 2003, 2004 Rickard Andersson
Can I just put: Copyright 2002-2004 Rickard Andersson ?[/Edit]

Sure. Actually, I think I'm gonna do that in the release as well. The GPL doesn't allow it, but the copyright in the footer isn't as "formal" as the one in the source.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

So, whats the verdict? Should I post it to the front page now?


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've updated the archives (fixed the to the two bugs).

Edit: Since I have now made changes to the project in the year 2004, I changed the copyright notices to include 2004 as well. The years in the copyright notice state the years under which different releases of the product were finished.


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

alexz wrote:

Error: Unable to fetch ban list.

And now, what should I do?

chacmool wrote:

I've found an error in the update-files:


There is a "$db_prefix" missing there... change to:


Thanks. I'll fix it.

alexz wrote:

Error: Unable to fetch ban list.

And now, what should I do?

Did you get an error message when running the update script? In that case, what was the error message?


(1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm glad you like it. I have no idea who this Victor Svedberg is, but I'm glad he likes it as well :)

See faq.html that was included with the release :)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've found one small bug. Open up header.php and locate:

header('Expired: Thu, 21 Jul 1977 07:30:00 GMT');    // When yours truly first set eyes on this world! :)

Replace it with:

header('Expires: Thu, 21 Jul 1977 07:30:00 GMT');    // When yours truly first set eyes on this world! :)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I've uploaded what I hope will be 1.1 to the download directory. It would be great if some you could download it and give it a go. If no showstopping bugs are discovered today, I'll update the front page until later today/tonight.

Please report any problems or general impressions in this topic.

Also, please take time to read the FAQ included in the package. It took some time to write :)

Edit: Oh, and I almost forgot. Make backups! :D It's not that I feel generally unsure about the quality of the code. It's just that I feel I've been somewhat pressured lately (not only by you guys) and I honestly haven't had much time to test the update script.