Well, the way around it is to either upgrade PHP or to recompile PHP without the configure parameter --enable-mbstr-enc-trans.
7,826 2003-08-06 11:44
Re: first four characters deleted (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
7,827 2003-08-06 11:14
Re: first four characters deleted (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)
Glad you like it! The problem you are experiencing is a known bug i PHP 4.2.3 (and possibly other versions as well). Read more about it here: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=19518
Edit: I removed the posts in the "1.0 preview" topic.
7,828 2003-08-06 10:36
Re: Markera och kopiera (22 replies, posted in Archive)
Varför ska du alltid bli så irriterad? Givetvis kan man söka efter mer information om det där textmarkerinsproblemet med Google. Jag hittade t.ex. denna diskussion på första sökningen:
http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wik … 04573.html
Inledningsvis snackas det om DTD:n och att det kan vara ett problem med den, men efter ett par inlägg kommer de in på att killen har hela sidan i en div och att det är detta som ställer till det. Prova pilla med div:en i ditt forum så löser det sig säkert.
Du borde dessutom se till att den går igenom validatorn på w3.org för att minimera risken för problem.
7,829 2003-08-06 09:33
Re: Markera och kopiera (22 replies, posted in Archive)
KOJV wrote:
Jag vill inte ha någon spyware-modifikation av min webläsare.
KOJV wrote:
Det borde inte heller behövas för att kunna kopiera text på mitt forum, när det funkar här på PunBB.
Verkligen inte. Varför det blir så har jag däremot ingen aning om. Jag har sett fenomenet på en del andra sidor, men jag vet inte vad den gemensamma nämnaren är. Det borde inte vara svårt att hitta lösningen med hjälp av www.google.com :P
7,830 2003-08-06 09:30
Re: OverallHeader.tpl (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Have a look in include/template/
7,831 2003-08-06 00:01
Re: 1.0 Preview (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
* Added text encoding and LTR/RTL-orientation to the language packs in
preparation for supporting more languages. The template files have been
updated slightly because of this.
7,832 2003-08-05 19:02
Re: The PunBB website (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
smilie wrote:
I have a question i´m wörking on a cms system dthat bases on php and sql
I want to have conntect to the maker of this board.
You can reach me at smilie108@hotmail.com ( msn )
thanks forward smilie
I don't use MSN, but you can contact me on IRC (Quakenet) or over ICQ (6290764).
7,834 2003-08-05 15:51
Re: Gnagare med Pun =P (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Nu blev det nog lite bättre.
Förresten, du borde nog skriva ett ord om att ert regelverk är mer eller mindre kopierat från SweClockers.com. "Citering är tillåten om källan anges" är det som gäller med material från SweClockers.
7,835 2003-08-05 12:03
Topic: PunBB at HotScripts (0 replies, posted in News)
I just received notice from HotScripts that PunBB has been added to their listing. Here's a direct link to PunBB at HotScripts: http://www.hotscripts.com/Detailed/24705.html
The voting form to the right works now, so if you feel like it, drop a vote for PunBB.
7,836 2003-08-05 10:46
Re: Gnagare med Pun =P (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Jag tycker det ser sjysst ut. Jag antar att det är lite av "klubbfärger". Jag kan kanske tycka att pun_con3 är lite väl gul.
7,837 2003-08-05 00:53
Re: 1.0 Preview (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
* Changed a few things in commondb.php and the two DBLayer classes. PunBB
now prints out a little more info when a connection to MySQL fails for
some reason.
* Removed classes A:link.ul and TD.punheadright from the styles. They were
7,838 2003-08-04 20:25
Re: The PunBB website (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ah, now I remember. Didn't quite know what you meant when you said "the .Dev project" though. 3 million hits per day is _a lot_. I just checked out the stats for Sweclockers and it gets ~4 million hits every day. Hits aren't all that interesting though. A website like running vBulletin, PhpBB or any other very graphic BB gets loads of hits because of all the images and shit. A website running PunBB will receive a lot less.
I actually played around with that the other day. There's a cool plugin for Mozilla called Live HTTP headers ( http://livehttpheaders.mozdev.org/ ) that displays all the headers that get sent between the browser and the webserver in realtime. Loading up a vBulletin page and comparing it to a PunBB page is quite amusing. You can really tell how hard the webserver has to work serving a forum like vBulletin.
7,839 2003-08-04 19:56
Re: How to use HTML in names and titles. (1 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Titles: Open up common.php and look up the function get_title. Replace "$user_title = htmlspecialchars($user['title']);" with "$user_title = $user['title'];"
Ranks: Same as above but replace "$user_title = htmlspecialchars($value[0]);" with "$user_title = $value[0];"
I think that'll do it.
Allowing HTML in usernames requires a lot more editing since it is printed out in many different locations in the code. I don't thinks it's a good idea anyway considering that users select their own username when they register and if they register with a username such as </table>, the layout of the forum will be screwed up.
7,840 2003-08-04 19:45
Re: The PunBB website (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hmm, actually I can't remember :-)
7,841 2003-08-04 11:58
Re: The PunBB website (37 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hey, you guys seem to like it. I'm so happy :)
I don't know if you've noticed, but the frontpage changes appearance depending on the style you have selected in your profile in the forums. I think that's kinda neat :)
7,842 2003-08-03 16:53
Re: forum.nonet.org - 1.0 on pgsql (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
I can't say I have much experience administering pgsql, but it sure has support for lots of cool stuff :-)
7,843 2003-08-03 16:51
Re: Kolla om man är inloggad (9 replies, posted in Archive)
Alternativt titta i config.php hur det görs där om du inte vill/behöver inkludera config.php.
7,844 2003-08-03 16:51
Re: TeH PuNbB B0xx0R (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
gribber wrote:
Tell me the secret, how do you use those computer with that amount of cables? magic?
I´m sure thats not possible in my appartment :)
Hehe, looking at your pictures I can see that you might want to know that :-) The secret, my friend, is Ikea Koppla. A plastic tube thingamabob that you lead the cables through. It's excellent!
7,845 2003-08-03 13:32
Re: Kolla om man är inloggad (9 replies, posted in Archive)
Aha, hmm. Någonstans i common.php avslutas alltså skriptet. Kan du kanske testa lite och placera ut echo-satser på lite olika ställen i common.php och på så sätt ta reda på vad det falerar?
7,846 2003-08-03 13:30
Re: Kan fortfarande inte logga ut med opera (4 replies, posted in Archive)
Det var skönt :)
7,847 2003-08-03 09:29
Re: Kolla om man är inloggad (9 replies, posted in Archive)
Ja, fast tvärtom. Om is_guest är 1 så är användaren en gäst och alltså inte inloggad.
Om du får problem med att PHP inte hittar filer som inkluderas i common.php, så kan du prova att göra såhär istället:
Sen behöver du inte ange sökvägen till forum-katalogen när du inkluderar. Alltså:
include 'include/common.php';
7,848 2003-08-03 01:29
Topic: TeH PuNbB B0xx0R (7 replies, posted in General discussion)
Here she is in all her glory!
She's the one on the right btw :)
Edit: Below the black keyboard on the right is my girlfriends pet guinea pig Tolvis!
7,849 2003-08-03 01:17
Re: 1.0 Preview (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
* Made a HTML page out of include/INSTALL.
* Fixed logout and "Mark all forums as read" not working in Opera.
7,850 2003-08-03 00:10
Re: Kan fortfarande inte logga ut med opera (4 replies, posted in Archive)
JAAAAAAA! Äntligen har jag löst det här problemet. Opera gillade tydligen inte att man satte samma cookie två gånger (med olika värden) :P