Does anyone know a good planet-planet like (xml feed public server aggregator) software?
The original one, I was never able to set-it up (it's very user unfriendly and I don't know python).
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Jérémie
Does anyone know a good planet-planet like (xml feed public server aggregator) software?
The original one, I was never able to set-it up (it's very user unfriendly and I don't know python).
Buh... It's just 9 bytes to add...
Could the appropriate English language XHTML/XML attributes being added to the forums?
It would help with various tools (spell checking, vocal reading, and so on).
Check your language file, it's in it. However, it only change the charset header, not the set of your content.
I was only talking about and Textdrive, nothing else.
Because it's badly set. I don't know if that's still the case, but like a year ago, the whole block of a French ISP was banned on TXD by their mod_security set-up. And the ISP wasn't neither small nor particularly bad (way less than AOL for example).
I would suggest disabling the mod_security entirely.
And if the reader doesn't have javascript on its UA?
I'm guessing, he asks about the disk space usage of PunBB (not counting the DB).
The only things in disk space that grows is the avatars files...but that's easy to limit or foresee.
I knew there were a lot of different hosting companies, but I never really realized how many there are. I thought it was mainly like a top few with the rest not even worth considering.
That's the case; remember that a lot of people recommend their host without having the skills, knowledges or experience to really assess them (on some case it's quite fun to hear them saying wonders on their host despite your warnings, and a few month later hear them rant about the same one). But worldwide, a ?few? still mean several dozens of companies.
Yup absolutely. Well, not fluent by himself, he can get advices from other people, other websites, the legal dpt. of the company he works for, etc. That's just a translation work, on something not very large.
Let me rephrase that. It's like what we have right now...PunBB can be translated into, I don't know, Euskal Herria for example. But nobody has. So if I need it, I will do it myself, or get someone to do it. The only difference between admin-frontend "fields" and the lang pack is that these fields are different on each forum install.
Yes, PunBB currently supports multiple languages (or using a language other than English) everywhere except the admin interface
That has some impact on the front-end too. The biggest issue I think is the lack of localized forum rules (because some need this to limit their liability as forum host/admin). On the same thing, but less critical, are the others front-end messages set in the backend (announcement, forum tagline, group name/title, even forum name on some cases) that could use i18n capability.
Valid strict XHTML and CSS. Fast and light.
That's quite nice.
Note to self: check language selection at registration, and localized tos.
A small question. Is the 1.3 release is planned to support multi-lingual boards (localized registration, board messages and text, and so on).
I can't remember if that was already said somewhere, or not.
You could install a small neat CMS (like Textpattern) and charge them for it ;-D
Textdrive is quite young, and it's facing (badly, but that's another topic) the same issues every other host has to deal with when they grow.
I'll go with the old ones, with a lot of customers but still with some direct contact. Once you have tens of thousands of websites hosted, most of the issues are behind you.
Hence my personal choice of OVH (for western European hosting).
A good hosting prove itself on the long run. Going for the cheap, attractive, young one, mean 99% of the time you will be hosted on a single server, in a basement, with a 20 years old student doing bad part time admin on the side. No thanks.
I'm quite happy with OVH.
I think it would be really nice, and not require much work, to really maintain these 2 branches
PunBB is under GNU Public Licence, so if it's that easy maybe you could do it ?
And utf-8 better than any other charset. But that's not the issue at hand.
Or not. *Never* use a proprietary windows character set.
Kaboon: to talk, a forum is probably still the best way of doing it. Maybe Rickard can open a temporary forum for the 1.3 testing, so that everything don't go directly on trac?
Rickard: good news
That I have a computer.
And this may very well compete with extensions as the hottest feature of the 1.3 branch
Subversion should merge the commits fine.
But Trac is just a frontend and a wiki for subversion, and it can handle several users no problem. Check it here for example, one can write new tickets, edit wiki pages, and so on.
From what I understood, the hard part is to integrate trac auth with punbb auth. But as I said before, if this is hell to do, well don't, we can handle two login until you figure it out.
Not ready yet, the dev team is still working on trac. When it's done, we will be able to open tickets on stuff (or hassle a moderator to do it, or something like that).
PunBB Forums → Posts by Jérémie
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