(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Well, I think there already exists an hebrew translation...

According to download page a "Language Pack Development Kit" is planed. Though, I don't know if someone's working on it or not. Untill then, just base your language pack on the included english one. If you're having problems figuring out which file to alter, check the .php-file for this line:

require $pun_root.'lang/'.$language.'/'.$language.'_forum.php';


(93 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

You got me convinced :)

It's sooo much easier to work with CSS (sometimes ;P). I've not made a major CSS-page yet, only smaller things. Right now im convering a larger page into CSS though, and the code is less than half the size of the original HTML in some parts... and much easier to understand :)

The page was originally written to work with Netscape 4.xx something, so it's a mess with all the tables... and I don't think we had any other choice at the time.

Yes! And half-way-through installs is something we want to avoid! It's a mess cleaing it up =/

It must be better to do it in steps than letting the install-file do all checks? Is there any problem (beside the halw-way-through-install-problem) doing everything in one step? You could include the necessary update-files in the install-file instead to solve the step-by-step-installation...

Zyklon-B wrote:
Rickard wrote:

Pleas enable DEBUG mode and try again. Then post the error message here.

ok i got this

File: /membri2/zyklonb/punbb/include/functions.php
Line: 165

PunBB reported: Unable to delete from online list
Database reported: Unknown column 'logged' in 'where clause' (Errno: 1054)

Okey, it seems like there's a field missing in the online-table. Can you check your database with phpMyAdmin or something and make sure there are three fields in the table (punbb_online)?

basalphenaar wrote:
Rickard wrote:

Ok, then I can't help you. I doubt anyone in here will help you since you are converting away from PunBB.

Might I ask why you want to convert to phpBB?

i like punBB a lot, but i need a forum with more options and stuff. It's not that i don't like punBB ;)

What is it that your'e missing then?

[Topic moved back] :D

basalphenaar wrote:

is there also a converter from PunBB to phpBB?
I would like to find a way to do this.

No, there's not. I think the only way is to do the converter yourself.

Chacmool wrote:
MrSlugger wrote:

I'm still having a issue :( I uploaded the new file and I still get the same message. One of the users that's having issues has the member name

Retail's Bitch

could it be the space in the name?

Okey... I'll look at it when I'm home later today :)

I've tried registering a user with taht nickname, and it works fine sending messages to the account (and also send from that user). There's no problem for me :(

Try overwring all files instead and see if it works... otherwice, try telling me exactly the process and what happens when it's not working.

Oh, and btw, thanks for telling me end for helping me solving the problems. I'll imagine there's more people having the same problem, but not doing anything about it!

MrSlugger wrote:

I'm still having a issue :( I uploaded the new file and I still get the same message. One of the users that's having issues has the member name

Retail's Bitch

could it be the space in the name?

Okey... I'll look at it when I'm home later today :)


(16 replies, posted in Feature requests)

You can use the Extended Forum Access Mod... though, it's not built on groups, so it's not that easy.

I've made some coding for a group-solution, though it's not done yet (and it hasn't gone through sufficient testing yet either. Dont know if I'll ever release it...)


(23 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Joey wrote:

So a page with a .php extension should still work on a WAP phone as long as it generates xhtml?

Probably yes. I've never used WAP, so I'm not sure how it works.

Though, I do know that a browser never gets the php file.


(23 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Joey wrote:

How would one go about making a xhtml page though? Surely you need a PHP-enabled browser in the first place, in order to extract the data from the database in the first place. I'm not sure how good these handheld devices are at processing PHP.

The webserver handles the php-files and sends a "html"-document to the client. The client don't have anything to do with the php-code itselt, just the server :) So there should be no problem making a php-file that outputs xhtml-code instead.

JohnS wrote:

Error message is when you run Install_mod
It says this is the wrong version

Ahh! I've forgot to add PunBB v1.1.1 to the list in the install-file! Add it yourself, or download PunPoll v1.2.1 from PunRes.

Thanx for telling me! (35 downloads and you're the first to tell me... )

JohnS wrote:

Do you have a version that will load on punbb 1.1.1?

PunPoll v1.2 should work, though, it's hard to know what's wrong when you don't get an error-message...

Can you try removing parts of the install-file and see if you can figure out whats wrong? Begin by removing everything in install(), and then add parts piece by piece.

Edward wrote:

May be my question was not precise, but I was thinking of sth a little bit different.

I do not want to show on my index page, the titles of the polls, but the poll data itself. That is, when the person is visiting the index page and has not voted yet, I would like him/her to see, the poll form. And if he/she has voted I would like the results of the poll to be visible.

Is it possible?

Anyway, thanks for the above code. It will be useful for me too :)

Okey, its a bit harder yes. You mean like for all polls in the forum? It can easaly be changed so that it only show polls that the users haven't answered...

Edit: Cleaned up my spelling-mess ;)


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

How about making a "Just show the announcement-message on the index page"-option? I'm about to put a message on my forum, and it's not that important that it needs to be on every page...

Edit: I've made the mod myselft... just thought it might be a good idea :)

Edit2: Bah! Its not my thing to get a sentence right the first try! ;)

Now there is :) Just change the paths to your configuration and it'll hopefully work fine!

$pun_root = 'forums/';

@include $pun_root.'config.php';

// If config.php doesn't exist, PUN shouldn't be defined
if (!defined('PUN'))
    exit('config.php doesn\'t exist or is corrupt. Please run install.php to install PunBB first.');

define('PUN_DONT_UPDATE_COOKIE', 1); // This will make sure that the forum doesn't set a new cookie for the visiting user
require $pun_root.'include/common.php';

$result = $db->query('SELECT p.topic_id, p.question FROM '.$db->prefix.'polls AS p INNER JOIN '.$db->prefix.'topics AS t ON t.id=p.topic_id ORDER BY p.id DESC LIMIT 14') or error('Unable to fetch poll list', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());

while ($cur_poll = $db->fetch_assoc($result))
    if ($options['censoring'] == '1')
        $cur_poll['question'] = censor_words($cur_poll['question']);
    if (strlen($cur_poll['question']) > 30)
        $cur_poll['question'] = trim(substr($cur_poll['question'], 0, 24)).' ...';
    echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'<b>·</b> <a href="'.$pun_root.'viewtopic.php?id='.$cur_poll['topic_id'].'">'.htmlspecialchars($cur_poll['question']).'</a><br>'."\n";

Edit: Changed to $pun_root instead of set_include_path()


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

Using CSS with: "position: absolute;" and "bottom:0; left:0" or something like that should work I think.

Edit: ...and maybe in english instead :)


(20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

JohnS wrote:

When u do next upgrade would some of the files overwrite stuff that the mod changed?

Yes, they do. That's the problem with too much updates...


Download message_send_v1.0.2-v1.0.3.zip from punres and replace the file in the punbb directory.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I've not looked closer to it, but you have a ' too much on the line...

_common['Xtc_Home'].'</a> | '<a href="index.php">'.$lang


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Maybe.... it adds the ability to attach files to posts. You'll get a link to the file below the post-message.

No, I don't think so. The prefix "_o" and "_p" stands for options and permissions, and has nothing to do with the database prefix.

Frustrating when there's no error-message at all :(

Gah! Again!

I always forget to check for them... I'm fixing this tomorrow sometime.

Better start somewhere to learn php :) Though, it might be a quite big project to merge them. It would be cool though, and really good looking. I might take a look at it tomorrow... have no project to work on at the moment ;)

Gallery is a bit like PunBB, nice and clean! I like it! Alot!

Edit: So, you want each user to have their own album? Or should users be able to post "albums/images" the same way as "forums / topics" works within the forum?