Don't blame me... :p

Anyone who got this mod: Please contact me! I need it :p

The changes from 1.1 to 1.1.1 are just minor bugfixes so it should work fine

It seems like the file has been lost somewhere. Don't know how though.

The problems with downloading is fixed now :)

Louis: Can you discribe your problem with the blog a little bit more detailed? Because nobody else seems to have problem with it

And now it's online :)


(6 replies, posted in Archive)

Har du kollat upp alla rättigheter?

I think that the updated version of PunBB Resource will go online tonight.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Firefox is godlike :P

Look for the queries fetching data from the user table, then change them so the both forums points to the same user table.. Thats the only solution I can think of right now.

Magoo wrote:

why not replicate the usertable between 2 forums...

Thats not a good solution.

If you have some PHP skill you can rewritten some SQL queries..

Two simple options:
1. Make everyone to speak english
2. Make two separate forums, like the international ones in this forum

I've already done it, pick the files from PunBB++ if you want 'em

Note: The files are more or less completely rewritten


(36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

That isn't PunBB++

Stick to the topic or I will slap you all ;D

Maybe a feature for PunBB++? :)

Have you downloaded the right se language pack and put it into the language dir?


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Personligen tycker jag det ser mer rent ut med fler kommentarer, även lättare att förstå


(36 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

I'm interested of knowing who is runnig PunBB++. If you do, please post a link to your forum in this topic to make it easier to see :)


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

<interesting>I remember that topic</interesting> :P

PunBB++ Alpha 1 was just released!

It's in the Alpha stage and is probably full of bugs, if you find any, email me.

Read more/Download here!


(42 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well... I'll guess I change my name too ;)

This is what i used to call myself before everyone started to use the name Cactuz for some reason :)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Oops, I though he wondered what was new :D

Looks like there's something wrong with the php.ini file or something