line 383 should prevent HTML:
$text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
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PunBB Forums → Posts by Jansson
line 383 should prevent HTML:
$text = pun_htmlspecialchars($text);
Yeah, getimagesize is probably more reliable.
Also, the "Go back" links in messages etc. rely on JS, but they are removed in 1.3.
As long as you check for a valid file type ($_FILES[name]['type']) it wouldn't be a security issue. As long as you don't allow text files that are named .php
But to let users give their own path may not be the best of ideas
Translated: "Database reported: Duplicate entry '' for key 1 (Errno: 1062)
Some changes are posted in batches and therefor timeline can show no progress over periods.
About what's left, there are still discussions going on about a lot of things, especially the extension system. I can't give out the todo list, but I can say there are a quite a lot of stuff left to be fixed.
This sort of service is obviously very popular, if it can get some load off the other services, why not?
We all know mypunbb have had it's share of problems in the past regarding uptime
You shoot yourself in the foot, but nobody can understand how you did it. Six months later, neither can you.
Haha, that one's so true
Rickard's right, but the question is, why hasn't he updated it during any of the last 3 versions released 2006
Just a guess, without having looked at the code:
It's probably not a permission problem since the script seems to have been created a subfolder already. Maybe the .htaccess file is missing?
Om forumet ligger på internet så får du gärna bjuda på en URL.
Jansson wrote:1.3 has a DST function implemented.
It has?
I don't believe we've added it yet, but it'll be in there.
Oh well... Not my fault your so slow
Personally, I haven't ever really wanted to preview the profile, except for when I'm making changes to it.
1.3 has a DST function implemented.
As long as, if you release your project, release it under the GPL license. And it should also be stated that the code is borrowed from PunBB.
Jansson wrote:But modifications require a GPL licensed software to run, therefor he have to release them as GPL as well. This also goes for future extensions.
What if, hypothetically, I made my own software that was (technically) compatible with (but in no way derived from) PunBB's extension system, and that extensions worked as intended with either software. Where would the the deriving/modification/including-of-code occur in the actual extension file?
That's for a court to decide
I am not entirly sure that is true, Take for example UnrealIRCd which is released under the GPL. Coders create "modules" which are essentially the same thing as plugins/extensions and sell them all the time :\
May be because the original developer doesn't bother, it probably is a good thing for the community and therefor they let it be. Just a thought.
Btw, what license are these plugins sold under?
I would say that extensions certainly would be.
The only real problem with the licence is the phrase "work based on the program". The definition is so vague that that it would need to be interpreted by the Courts. What is clear though is that anything that could be described as software, which an extension would be, is within the definition.
I don't think the question here is what the software is based on. Because he isn't doing a PunBB fork or anything. But modifications require a GPL licensed software to run, therefor he have to release them as GPL as well. This also goes for future extensions. They can be compared to what is referred to as "plugins" in the GPL.
Last time I read the GPL license, it was clearly stated that both modification and/or plugins to a GPL software, must be released as GPL.
None of the hooks is in place yet so you can't do much at all. Though you can experiment by inserting your own hooks. The parser will probably get a few hooks so yes, it will be possible to change the BBCode.
I have made simple functions for fetching data from scratch. I'll see if I can post them later.
Hopefully this topic will get his attention and speed things up
It's probably just Rickard being slow as usual
if(!isset($_GET['p']) || $_GET['p'] <= 1) $p = 1;
else if($_GET['p'] > $num_pages) $p = $num_pages;
else $p = $_GET['p'];
Might be a few lines too much for a feature nobody will notice
PunBB Forums → Posts by Jansson
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