Have you followed the installation guide I have made? (also the "Testing the mod" and "Setup the mod"?)

Did install_mod.php run without errors?

you've got mail smile


(62 replies, posted in News)

I highly doubt PunBB will go to a pay for version, but you are always welcome to donate if you feel like it.

(and there haven't been much (if any) talk of money within the team, we're not in it for the money! wink)

looks like your google analytics stuff is interfering ... as that's what's shown when one try to download the files ...

Sent a mail

Edit: I have sent two mails to the correct adress (assuming it was the correct one you sent twice wink)

Anyhow ... make sure PHP has write access to that folder(it should have, as it created it), and that the server isn't running safemode

Edit2: Seems like he has got it working smile

FredrikK: Your email bounce, but I saw that you had solved it by yourself.

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 550 RCPT TO:<<snip>.<snip>@telia.com> User unknown

(so you know what I got)

The problem koktsing had was that the fpassthru function couldn't load the whole file, but instead sent only the first 2'000'000 bytes. To solve this one just need to replace line 116 in attachment.php to an fread inside a while statement, like this:

#---------[ 1. OPEN ]---------------------------------------------------------


#---------[ 2. FIND (line: 116) ]----------------------------------------------


#---------[ 3. REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------------

            echo fread($fp,4096);

#---------[ 49. SAVE, UPLOAD ]------------------------------------------------

This will probably make PHP use less memory aswell, but I'm not sure if it's slower than fpassthru (as that can read everything in one burst from hdd)

Sent an email smile

nice smile

(you should upgrade to the 1.2.14 though, as there are some bugfixes ... it's quite easy to do with the hdiffs)

thnx for helping out janterje smile

when you say you followed all installation steps, did you also do "Testing the mod" and "Setup the mod"?
(if Testing the mod works, the file edits are usually ok (that's why I ask), and then it's usually something in the rules(/cache) or file access)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

elbekko: No that ip has replaced the $ip variable wink

Tubby: (this is how it looks in my moderate.php)

    if (preg_match('/[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}/', $_GET['get_host']))
        $ip = $_GET['get_host'];

If the cPanel wrecks your files, I guess it's much better to edit them on your computer and uploading them...

contact his Internet Service Provider, that should solve it wink

(probably at abuse@pipex.com, and then send logfiles from the server, so they see at what time it happened from what IP (so they know who was logged on at that time), and also some of the posts he/she have made ... and point out why they shouldn't be there ... I've had surprisingly good results with this kind of contact with the ISP's  (have had alot of virusspreading machines removed with this))

the PunBB1.3 release is as far as I know only stated "when it's ready" wink
(i.e. better take the time needed to get it right than to stress out something half done just to follow a timeline/releasedate ... and I agree fully on that kind of philosophy wink)

nah... better get some sleep ... just came home from a 12+ hour workday at 00:30 ... time to hit the sack if I'm going to get up at 0650 wink

Glad you like it smile

janterje wrote:

Question: When I download (left-click) an attachment with spaces in the filename, it adds lots 19%2C%2012% etc. Is it possible to remove this?

Well, this is something where different browsers behave differently, unfortunately. In IE6 it should be spaces, in Firefox 2 however, I see now that it doesn't get translated to what it should have ... If you know a bit of php you could look into attachment.php, around line 100, you see I do a rawurlencode, but it's possible to make some if/switch statements that will encode it differently for different browsers...
So unfortunately I haven't a good answer on that question...
As I'll rewrite big parts of the mod for PunBB1.3, so it becomes an extension instead, I'll also have a closer look on this.

janterje wrote:

To be able to attach more files in one go, instead of having to edit the post.

Well, I decided not to include this due to the extra code/features needed. First you probably need to add some sort of temporary storage, then you need to be able to fill it, and then make sure the correct temporary files goes into the correct post... and if someone aborts the post, the temporary file must dissapear, if you allow several files on one submit, their combined size will affect what gets uploaded or not, with one file it's much easier to let the browser see the max uploadlimit, and let the browser respond (at least it's supposed to respond) ...
I thought about this for a while, but hasn't figured out a clean/javafree/easy-method, and therefore decided not to add it.
But wink, as I've recieved a bunch of requests for this, I'll have another look at this for the conversion to an extension. I think I now know how I would be able to do it quite clean, but still usable. (it would require the people to upload to some sort of personal filestorage, and then selecting the files they want attached to the posts ... but it would of course be a setting for the mod, so that it still can function like it does today)

if you don't follow the installation guide for the attachment mod, and that you only search for part of the query (or go by linenumbers), you'll get that error... as you copy over the changeset (as you see a little note that the attachment mod has altered that line) wink

make sure the server hasn't safe_mode on, (it's mentioned in the first post of this thread)

Frank H wrote:

9. Installation trouble can be caused by php running in safe mode, turning it off will make it work. (if you're getting an error on .htaccess being copied, but the chmod seems to be correct)

If it hasn't, then make sure that the owner and rights to the attachment directory is the same as for /cache/
Then try to re-run install_mod.php ...

If that doesn't work, please ask for help again wink


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

alt+shift+s? (yep it worked ... I think it was in the release notes ... you did read them ... right? wink)

hehe, you're welcome smile

(but the script should be able to update the cachefiles, as I use the PunBB stock function to update it, but it could have been some ownership things that did interfer so PHP couldn't delete the old cache files)

sounds like your cachefiles isn't updated properly
edit/view the cache_config.php in the /cache/ directory to see if the following variables are there:

  'attach_cur_version' => '2.0.1',
  'attach_create_orphans' => '1',
  'attach_basefolder' => '/******** REMOVED, but a directory should be here ;) *******/',
  'attach_always_deny' => 'html"htm"php"php3"php4"exe"com"bat',
  'attach_icon_folder' => 'img/attach/',
  'attach_icon_extension' => 'txt"doc"pdf"wav"mp3"ogg"avi"mpg"mpeg"png"jpg"jpeg"gif',
  'attach_icon_name' => 'text.png"doc.png"doc.png"audio.png"audio.png"audio.png"video.png"video.png"video.png"image.png"image.png"image.png"image.png',
  'attach_max_size' => '5242880',
  'attach_subfolder' => '***** 32 random letters *****',
  'attach_use_icon' => '1',

If not, you should delete that cachefile and let PunBB regenerate it ...

When you installed the mod, did you follow the installation guide I've linked to from the first post of this thread?


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

most of mine worked right away, the only one that didn't was the plugin to remove searchengines with a click ... (in the searchfield)


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

in the site, the forumlink is pointing to http://www.south... not http://forum.south....


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


aah, that's right ... forgot that scenario wink
Either way, it could redirect aswell, instead of showing the "you followed an incorrect or outdated link" smile

just thought I tell that the "http://punbb.org/forums/search.php?action=show_24h" shows 2 of the "recent topics" thread, although one isn't around any more..

 recent topics by Cursed1  [ New posts ]     Feature requests     0     Today 00:34:30 by

(and last post by someone else than the author, but still 0 replies wink)

Either it's moved to trash (but still visible for that search), or that it's deleted and still in the cache? (or something else is odd, I assume wink)

sometimes I think they 'disable' rm -Rf' for the simple reason that it can really mess up peoples stuff ... the univ I studied on had this made with an alias on everyones resourcefiles

(could be that php wrote something in a user/group/chmod combo that you're not allowed to see ... )


(95 replies, posted in News)

patched (still within the 24h I set for myself ... but borderline wink)

A little suggestion on the hdiffs though smile

146:     // Regenerate the quickjump cache
186:             $result = $db->query('SELECT g_id, g_read_board, g_post_replies, g_post_topics FROM ...

Would be nice to have an empty row between those, for readability ... I didn't think of looking at the linenumbers (as many are off either way), and didn't quite get that edit ... until I saw the jump on 20 lines big_smile