
(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

hmm... HTML is allowed in the line under the Forum Title, so this is where I have put my link on my page, including a pic (centered on the page), have only done a small modification in the template file for the header, where I have removed the Forum title from the output.

So when I click the image, I go back to my 'main' page... well that's at least one way of doing it, and very little work. smile

this aint Vbulletin, and this bb is very fast without too many unneccessary features, and this isn't a bug.

It's not showing unread meassages ... it's just a choise of method to show how new posts since last visit are visible.


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

if you really want it you could make it as a mod, shouldn't be that hard ...


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

and how would you go about separating the different threads from each others, as you can only have one with ?id=features what should the following user use?  ?id=featuresmore ???  ... othervise it's just as easy to do a search in the search page if you want to go for a topic...


(4 replies, posted in Archive)

När jag gick från 1.0 RC 2 fick jag först uppdatera databasen till 1.0 sedan 1.0.1

Så du behöver nog använda uppdateringsscripten mellan versionen du har för nuvarande samt till den version du vill till...


(33 replies, posted in Feature requests)

soo ... it would be like you have made another forum for keeping the archived topics in, nothing more?

err... time flies when you have fun ... it's 23:30 and Kennel has gone through the mod to make sure it's ok, and I will put priority on my Master Thesis and the Formula SAE trip to Finland, so I won't stay up to fix the small things he found. Unfortunately.

But considering it's so big (50 steps in readme.txt, and  13 files in the zip) I guess you rather want it to be ok, than needing to reinstall it shortly (Kennel found one thing, that no Windows users could use, and probably only a few linux users could use ... too bad it was a neat little thing, now it's an ugly if array instead roll ).

So I'll try to fix all the small things tomorrow, and post it then. I will also post the layered icon template, and a selection of different colors (white, light grey, dark grey, PunBB blue smile)

Sorry all that was expecting it today, but hopefully tomorrow... smile

Edit: Well I have fixed most of the stuff Kennel had written down (all the easy bits), but as you might have figured out I've been busy (the semester has started, and I have also started with my Master Thesis, and today I leave for Finland for the weekend, back sometime on monday) ... so it's been delayed. But I'll fix the harder parts of Kennels comments, so it's more PunBB like (Kennel know what page I'll reconstruct big_smile)... I guess I could have wrapped it up yesterday... but leaving the day afterwards wasn't so good I believed... so I wait to fix the things... hopefully next week, depending on workload from 'reallife' ... btw... I've got 256mb to my digicam, so expect some Formula SAE pics big_smile

Going to fix a few easy things that could be a security risk, then I'll release it. So before I go to bed today I'll most probably release it.


(7 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here's a few pics on my new linux server (i.e. my old workstation, been degraded to server)

A P2 Dual Celeron 300a (@2x 450MHz), enclosed in a very nice case big_smile
(Actually my bro that stitched the case to fit the computer, so it's specially made just for this computer). I will put up more info later... hehe


The other computer seen at pic 2 is my 'old' server ... a win machine ... but still only network and powercable goes to it ... remotely controlled... so it's tucked away in the corner of the closet.

Who needs a fancy case for a server really? big_smile


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)


I'm not sure, but cannot you install this on your page, and use it from that.

yes it have, look at the frontpage at the bottom of the page...

that post is over half a year old...


(3 replies, posted in Archive)

php finns för iis också ...


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

well the best way to test this is to enable debug ... and test both types ... then you will be certain ...

as this might be faster for some specific things, and for other things it might be slower, it all depends on what you do, unfortunately.

I've had very odd scripts beeing much faster than one that 'felt' fast when looking at the code. So one shouldn't be surprised on speed issues and php smile


(8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

nice site ... but you should probably upgrade punbb
"Version: 1.0 RC 2" smile


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

dead link here too

if you look in the link I posted in the message above yours' you'll see thet they're referring to the same place in each documentation ... only thing was that I used the url for the start of the <Limit> statements, and you to the specific LimitRequestBody that was the value that needed to be increased (although I disabled it, by putting it to 0)

so it's the same for both versions... and the thing that annoyed me for a whole day big_smile


(2 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Has been reported. And is on the TODO list.
Click to view thread.


(8 replies, posted in Archive)

du lever fortfarande?

hmm... du är en riktig överlevare ... jag har levat i ovisshet fram tills för någon dag sedan, nu vet jag att jag har fin lina tills mars iaf, då jag kommer ställa mig till förfogande för arbetsmarknaden big_smile


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

ps21 wrote:
You set up a site lets say dealing with a particular medical condition affecting the elderly. You want to deploy a discussion board both as a community and as an information resource. The majority of your visitors have not used the internet before. They don't even know what a link is. The term login is meaningless until you tell them it means "signing in". They think cookies are something that come with milk and "post reply" means they have to send in thier contribution by snail mail. Are you getting the picture smile

true ... only thing is that one need to get them to press the help link wink


(11 replies, posted in Programming)

http://www.weberdev.com/ is the only source I used when learning php, except the online manual that I use daily wink

Apache/2.0.40 ... but I found the string now ... it was in /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf ... setting that max limit to all php files ... and my <directory> statement obv didn't overrule it smile

sometimes it's good to use the extended server-info ... as I saw that that line was defined, and then I remembered about the included conf files for mysql, php etc smile

currrently restarting ... to see if it solved it...



Attachment: toyota_le_mans_98.zip   Size: 1,483,273 bytes     Downloads: 0

I managed to get something over 512kb uploaded ... time to finish up the attachment mod ...

but after I've gone to the univ and fixed the papers I need to fill in for my Master thesis ...

Thanks all who helped! :up:


(8 replies, posted in Feature requests)

hmm... just a question ... what on earth would you write in a 'general help file'?

it's not like the board is hard to understand or has too many features that needs explaining or something... for me everything is quite self explaining.

used that, both within the <directory> , <virtual host> and outside ... but didn't affect it ... sad

I'm giving up for today ... dunno how many hours I've spent on it today ... I just hope that I don't have to recompile the whole thingie hmm

yep ... was restarting apache when I refreshed the foru m... that's what I've altered ... hopefully it will work

duh ... there it was something ... so it was apache ... hmm...

[Thu Sep 04 19:05:27 2003] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] Requested content-length of 787231 is larger than the configured limit of 524288, referer: http://www.xxx.com/forum/post.php?tid=152

Thanks Kennel, now I just have to find where in the apache that's configured tongue

Edit: I guess it's something from this http://httpd.apache.org/docs-2.0/mod/core.html#limit