The Dutch language file is up there
2,476 2006-03-04 17:44
Re: Move Post 1.3 + Merge Topics (121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
2,477 2006-03-04 16:36
Re: question about subscriptions (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Yes, it is in. Look at the bottom of your main page
2,478 2006-03-04 16:29
Re: Move Post 1.3 + Merge Topics (121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Hrmm, i see. Ok, I'll replace it again
2,479 2006-03-04 16:23
Re: Border Padding (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Nono, in the style file
2,480 2006-03-04 16:05
Re: Move Post 1.3 + Merge Topics (121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Let's see if I can get some more errors out :P
// Language definitions used in the mod "Move Post" 1.1
$lang_movepost = array(
'Mod move post' => '[Move Post 1.1] - Verplaats een bericht',
'Intro' => 'Met deze mod kunt u een of meer berichten verplaatsen naar een ander forum. U kunt ook een nieuw onderwerp starten en daar de berichten naar toe verplaatsen.',
'Introduction' => 'Uitleg',
'Create topic' => 'Maak een nieuw onderwerp aan',
'Move post' => 'Kies het doelonderwerp',
'Original topic' => 'Origineel onderwerp:',
'Original forum' => 'Origineel forum:',
'Move all posts' => 'Verplaats alle berichten uit dit onderwerp',
'Explain move all posts' => 'Het originele onderwerp wordt weggehaald.',
'Explain create topic' => 'Om een nieuw onderwerp te maken, selecteert u de knop en geeft u een onderwerp op.',
'Explain move post' => 'Kies nu een ander forum en selecteer het doel-onderwerp.',
'Select' => 'Kies',
'Last' => 'Laatste',
'Poster' => 'Geplaatst door',
'Bad topic' => 'Verkeerd onderwerp',
'Bad new topic' => 'De onderwerpregel mag niet leeg zijn',
'Mark move redirect' => 'Het bericht is verplaatst naar het gekozen onderwerp. Redirecting …'
Should do it. I commented out a line and replaced it, because it wasn't too correct...
2,481 2006-03-04 15:46
Re: [Request] Use email address to login rather than username (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
No problem, it's just a small modification
2,482 2006-03-04 15:43
Re: [Request] Use email address to login rather than username (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
This is quite easy
Ok, open login.php
Find this line:
$form_username = trim($_POST['req_username']);
Replace with
$form_email = trim($_POST['req_email']);
Then, find this line:
$username_sql = ($db_type == 'mysql' || $db_type == 'mysqli') ? 'username=\''.$db->escape($form_username).'\'' : 'LOWER(username)=LOWER(\''.$db->escape($form_username).'\')';
Replace with:
$email_sql = ($db_type == 'mysql' || $db_type == 'mysqli') ? 'email=\''.$db->escape($form_email).'\'' : 'LOWER(email)=LOWER(\''.$db->escape($form_email).'\')';
After that, find:
$result = $db->query('SELECT id, group_id, password, save_pass FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE '.$username_sql) or error('Unable to fetch user info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
Replace with:
$result = $db->query('SELECT id, group_id, password, save_pass FROM '.$db->prefix.'users WHERE '.$email_sql) or error('Unable to fetch user info', __FILE__, __LINE__, $db->error());
$required_fields = array('req_username' => $lang_common['Username'], 'req_password' => $lang_common['Password']);
Replace with:
$required_fields = array('req_email' => $lang_common['E-mail'], 'req_password' => $lang_common['Password']);
<label class="conl"><strong><?php echo $lang_common['Username'] ?></strong><br /><input type="text" name="req_username" size="25" maxlength="25" tabindex="1" /><br /></label>
Replace with:
<label class="conl"><strong><?php echo $lang_common['E-mail'] ?></strong><br /><input type="text" name="req_email" size="25" maxlength="25" tabindex="1" /><br /></label>
This should do it Have fun
2,483 2006-03-04 12:40
Re: Smiley Menu 0.7 (28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Ok, try replacing if(substr_count($smilies,parse_message($smiley_text[$key],0)) > 0) with if(strpos($smilies,parse_message($smiley_text[$key],0))
2,484 2006-03-04 12:32
Re: Smiley Menu 0.7 (28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I'll see what I can do to solve it.
2,485 2006-03-04 12:29
Re: Move Post 1.3 + Merge Topics (121 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
The dutch lang file still has some errors
2,486 2006-03-04 12:11
Re: What AntiVirus do you use? (39 replies, posted in General discussion)
2,487 2006-03-03 22:08
Re: Config.php?????!!!!?!?!?! (20 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Indeed. It shouldn't be there.
2,488 2006-03-03 21:16
Re: Is there any way to disallow style changes? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Yeah, I know That's why I love writing mods for this forum ^^
2,489 2006-03-03 21:10
Re: Is there any way to disallow style changes? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
You could always try to do this: $pun_user['style'] = $pun_config['o_default_style'];
2,490 2006-03-03 21:01
Re: Is there any way to disallow style changes? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Yeah, that's probably the best way
2,491 2006-03-03 20:52
Re: Automatic user groups (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hey, I found this mod (clicked on something on PunRes and there it was ): Maybe it's helpful?
2,492 2006-03-03 20:47
Topic: Board Logo 1.0 (12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
## Mod title: Board Logo
## Mod version: 1.0
## Works on PunBB: Should work on every version
## Release date: 2006-03-03
## Author: El Bekko
## Description: Allows you to add a board logo
## Difference with
## previous version: /
## Affected files: admin.tpl
## main.tpl
## header.php
## admin_options.php
## Affects DB: Inserts a row into config
## Notes: None
## DISCLAIMER: Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
## PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
## own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
## applicable files before proceeding.
2,493 2006-03-03 20:38
Re: Header like in ... (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
in header.php, replace the part where <pun_title> is replaced with the forum title, with an img link to your image Just search for <pun_title>
2,494 2006-03-03 20:37
Topic: Custom Register Timout 1.0 (0 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
## Mod title: Custom Register Timout
## Mod version: 1.0
## Works on PunBB: 1.2.11
## Release date: 2006-03-3
## Author: El Bekko
## Description: Adds the possibility to set the
## anti-flood interval from the admin
## CP.
## Difference with
## previous version: /
## Affected files: admin_options.php
## register.php
## Affects DB: Yes
## Notes: None
## DISCLAIMER: Please note that "mods" are not officially supported by
## PunBB. Installation of this modification is done at your
## own risk. Backup your forum database and any and all
## applicable files before proceeding.
2,495 2006-03-03 20:36
Re: Is there any way to disallow style changes? (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Try commenting out the drop-down menu in the profile
2,496 2006-03-03 20:08
Re: PunBB 1.2.11 (71 replies, posted in News)
Well, it's easy enough to do.
*goes off to write yet another mod*
EDIT: Here it is PunRes link for v1.0
2,497 2006-03-03 17:15
Re: Automatic user groups (19 replies, posted in General discussion)
Hrmm, I'll see what I can do with CSV files if you want
*wanders off to the unlimited wisdom of the PHP manual*
EDIT: would you mind having a huge csv list with all usernames you want added, loading it, automatically assigning them to a group (select group from drop-down menu), giving them all the same password and so on?
2,498 2006-03-03 17:06
Re: Smiley Menu 0.7 (28 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Well, that's odd, but make sure you have this code in post.php:
if(substr_count($smilies,parse_message($smiley_text[$key],0)) > 0)
2,499 2006-03-02 23:52
Re: Remove Post Count in viewtopic 1.0.1 (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Reines wrote:Can't you just use the disable post count feature in admin options?
Just as I said above (though apparently not very coherently).
If you had mentioned that it was in the admin options, I would probably have got it. But yah, it's kinda late here
2,500 2006-03-02 23:45
Re: Remove Post Count in viewtopic 1.0.1 (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Oh yeah, right