Hey all,

For a quite useless thing I'm working on I'd like to extend the RadioButton class/property with two extra variables: dirleft and dirtop. I tried with

public partial class props : RadioButton
public bool dirleft;
public bool dirtop;

but that didn't work sad

Basically I just want two extra variables to be created whenever a radiobutton is created. This would certainly save me a hell of a lot of work for a simple program like this tongue

Any suggestions? Is it even possible? It would be damn handy if it was ^^

-- Bekko


(62 replies, posted in News)

Great big_smile

*awaits 1.3 tongue*


(114 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

lolz tongue


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

D9r wrote:

It looks like new users start out with their group_id='32000', and once they reply to the welcome email and login for the first time, their account is activated and their group_id becomes '4'?

Yes. 32000 is the identifier for an unconfirmed account.

If I register a new user by submitting their email and username through the register form (same as they would), then go into the database via phpMyAdmin and change their group_id from 32000 to 4, will that cause any problems?

It shouldn't

The second part of that question is, do I even need to change group_id to 4?  I'm building a new topic by hand (that originated in an email thread) by posting the posts myself, then going into the database and changing the 'poster' from me to the new user who hasn't activated his account yet.  (In the 'posts' table, I edit 'poster', 'poster_id', and 'posted'.)  In the 'users' table I've been editing 'num_posts' and 'group_id'.  Is it OK to leave 'group_id' as 32000 and only edit 'num_posts'?

I don't think it needs to be changed. num_posts should do really.


You should look in your webserver's error log. Usually Apache smile


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rickard wrote:

I hate mailing lists!

Make that two of us tongue

I hate searching on mailing lists... especially on those online ones =/

Forums ftw!


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Isn't this the case currently? =/

Javascript would be your best option IMO, just unhide the drop-down menu when you click the checkbox, and populate the menu through PHP.


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I wouldn't recommend starting the 1.3 styling, as alot of changes will still be made wink


(12 replies, posted in Programming)


It isn't, but that's all the help you'll get in here. We're not here to help you convert to another forum software.


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

What would JS have to do with this? >=/ It's just a referer thing usually. But if you have that turned off, that's your problem.


(5 replies, posted in Programming)

Err... what version are you using? Dreamweaver 8 supports PHP tongue
Here are some screenshots of what it should look like:


EDIT: I just noticed that I didn't change my image folder to the correct path tongue But it doesn't matter that much really...

I had it with gedit on Linux: it didn't save it in the right format so PunBB said the file was corrupted (you might be experiencing a similar problem).

Auto_prepend is an Apache directive to automatically add some code to the start of every file. If that's screwed up, nothing works (all gives the same error).

Does your server by any chance do an auto_prepend or something? Then the error could be in there.

What text editor do you use?

Try reuploading it, I think it's corrupted.


(5 replies, posted in Programming)


I myself develop in Dreamweaver, and yes, it makes some things easier (especially the code view does wonders... *drool*).
I find it odd that it took you 36 hours to set up XAMPP, when I install it it's usually: run the installer, install everything as service, start it and it works tongue

Now, for the PunBB environment: just create a new site (in the site manager); pointing to the folder you PunBB is stored in wink Nothing more really...

And for the config file: config.php. You'll need to change (for a non-modified XAMPP) the hostname to "localhost", the db user to "root", the db pass to blank ("") and maybe change the DB name, although you can keep that the same (if you just export your DB on your host and import it locally). Only thing that needs changing then is the base URL.

Hope it helps, if you need more help (be it with Dreamweaver) you can contact me on MSN (elbekko@gmail.com) or Skype (elbekko - but don't call) smile


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I'm pretty sure PunBB can be easily modified to use HTTP authentication, but you'd lose some stuff that is in the cookie =/

Try editing redirect.tpl smile


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Spartanicus wrote:

Not my choice
Cookie dependency, silent failing if not enabled

It's impossible for PHP to detect if cookies are enabled, unless you check if the cookie is set after logging in.

Float "CSS layout" (not a good way to create a page layout)

I personally like the way the CSS is done in PunBB. It's perfectly valid and works just fine.

XHTML instead of HTML (easy to change tho)

What might be the problem here? XHTML is the new standard that should be used everywhere.

CSS to verbose & fragile (difficult to integrate into an existing site design)

It's quite easy to integrate IMO. The only thing you can screw up in PunBB is the text colour =P


(47 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rio wrote:

Firefox 2.0 is deffinitely my choice for browsing, but I prefer the portable one

Whoa, didn't know that existed yikes

*installs on PDA*

EDIT: bah, not the one I expected... it's just something to put on a USB drive instead of being for a mobile device sad

Odd... no idea then =/


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

OK, I seem to have found it (was alot easier in 1.5).
Go to about:config and search for
Set it to true by double-clicking it.

Then go to Options > Privacy. Check the box next to the new field "Remember what I enter in forms and search bar".

There you go smile

Err... why have you put the forum in a table? >=/ That's probably your problem; align that table to the center and it should be fine...