I just wanted to know what websites you guys have come across when going around the internet. Sometimes a website really appeals to me because it looks nice, or it does something in a really good way. I'm not just on about your favourite website with political satire or some CS clan, I just want to see some nice-looking sites. Here's where I'll start:
http://www.matrixebusiness.com/ - a guy who helped me out once works for this company. Not too surprisingly its a Web.Dev company, but I do like its design. Its quick, its clean, the large chunks of text actually look quite nice (light grey with Verdana font) and its easy to navigate.
http://dev.nucleuscms.org/ - I think I've posted this elsewhere before, and there are guys on here who are quite familiar with Nucleus. I just like the way that they've managed to take a website that is just cut into rectangular sections, ala web design of 1992, but somehow made it look pretty good. Some of the text is a bit ugly but I made it look more like how I wanted in a site I'm developing at http://www.worldfans.com
To be honest I had a load more in mind but I've lost the URLs somewhere. Anyway, this thread isn't about me, its you, so get going!