If censoring is enabled, apply censoring to the subject.
If linkify is enabled, only hyperlink usernames if the user belongs to a group that has permission to view profiles.
Both will be fixed on next release.
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PunBB Forums → Posts by StevenBullen
If censoring is enabled, apply censoring to the subject.
If linkify is enabled, only hyperlink usernames if the user belongs to a group that has permission to view profiles.
Both will be fixed on next release.
Very nice... On the ball as usual.
I think the portal needs to be a little better than this for wide use.
I had problem with width of left and right side so added constant width for page
Nah forget that comment.
It looks fine on ie6. Just think its a bit overboard. I would prefer a simple portal simliar to the mini-portal. This way you can build on to it yourself.
But!... I would prefer not changing the index.php to forum.php
It's nice... but still feel it could be done better and simpler.
Will PunBB be released with a "per-style template"? to show how awesome it can be.
The posting is done from the flash object not from the page. Correct? Which means anything I have passed to the page will not be passed via the submit score button. Unless im missing something. Which is probably whats happening here...
I have absolutely no idea. But I don't see why you can't pass the game the proper CSRF token via the URL and then have it use that when POSTing.
This is probably possible... But not really the ideal for 300 or so games. It would take me years...
This is a little worrying because I cant even get round it lol. The hook wont let me as its after it lol.
Doh! You replied before I finished my edit.
Erm.. stuck! Other forums have these games. Is punbb the only one to run this csrf system?
So why does users work fine? Is that not the same risk.
You can't get around the CSRF check. You need to implement it.
Of course, the confirm screen should allow people to still use the form.
I cant edit the arcade game to add a csrf post? so how do I get round this?
Somewhere I read something about the csrf can be a word or something. Care to explain a little more, or where I see it lol. Cheers
Ok I have this page with a POST in it with no CSRF token. Works fine for guests/users... but not admin/mods.
Its this that stops it... which is no doubt security. The question I have... how do I get round it if I cannot POST a CSRF token. Thanks
// If we're an administrator or moderator, make sure the CSRF token in $_POST is valid (token in post.php is dealt with in post.php)
if (!empty($_POST) && $pun_user['is_admmod'] && (isset($_POST['confirm_cancel']) || (!isset($_POST['csrf_token']) || $_POST['csrf_token'] !== generate_form_token(get_current_url()))) && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'post.php')
Maybe this (general idea of auto update) could work both ways... so that via punres you could have a page and check one of your domains and see all the mods running and what version.
This would make more sense if you run 13 different punbb installs. I currently run about 11. lol.
But if you did have lots them you could have a single page on punres that covers updates for all your domains.
An idea... havent looked at or even thought about how it would be applied.
Nope same problem.
Line 87 ~ Error: member not found
Line 99 ~ Error: Invalid Argument
Ok ignore that last question if you see it lol.
Dont work in IE6. Debug error and just wont work.
StevenBullen wrote:Moderators should not have silent edit function in forums they are not assigned to.
I understand. This request is to allow moderators to edit their own postings without the "Edited by" for forums they are not moderators. They don't understand why they have that function in some of the forums and not all the forums. Then I would have to explain to them or make them moderators to all the forums.
I understand your point. But I always felt that silent edit is a kind of moderation anyway so its something you get as moderator.
Yeah it adds it on the end of the array.
But im thinking instead of 4 files (Default.php, Folder Based.php) etc... to just have one. Then in that file have the 4 different schemes (simple if statement to pick up the correct one). Easier to edit more than anything.
I meant as in duplicated apart from one word change.
Anyway you have answered the question and i will carry on how I was. Cheers.
how far is the german language? need help?
Translation is being left until told so by Rickard or co. The german chap may want help though.
Ok stupid questions time.
Does it make no difference if the code was duplicated 10 times? 10 extensions adding simliar lines to above
what is bad duplication and what is not?
Im more on about the speed implications. Is there any?
Rador8 wrote:I see "© Copyright 2002?2005 Rickard Andersson"... but we are in 2006.
Already have asked this... PunBB has not released anything in 2006... 1.2.10 was released in 2005. 1.3 will have 2006 on it....
Was going through a few old topics.. lol... I love this bit...
1.3 will have 2006 on it....
made me chuckle...
Im going with direct link at present. The loader hack is just as ugly as long url so no benefit in my eyes, plus as liquidat0r said... more load on server.
mod_rewrite - ON
Will we have a standard way to add to this? as in pun_url()
Im using the following code at hook 'co_common' ... But dont think its ideal.
// Add Arcade URL rewriting scheme to standard URL rewriting scheme
if (file_exists(PUN_ROOT.'extensions/arcade/include/url/'.$pun_config['o_sef'].'.php'))
require PUN_ROOT.'extensions/arcade/include/url/'.$pun_config['o_sef'].'.php';
require PUN_ROOT.'extensions/arcade/include/url/Default.php';
I could have one file with all the different schemes in but that is even less efficient.
Is there a downside going down to 2?
In fact what is the downside of going down to 1?
Rickard wrote:However, the cleaning function for those kinds of URLs is overdue for an update anyway, so lets hope that solves it.
For the forum name rewrite, please don't drop words that are 3 characters. For example, "New Members" is being rewritten as "forum1-Members.html".
I agree
Moderators should not have silent edit function in forums they are not assigned to.
I missed one.
'Database server info' => 'Enter the address of the database server (example: <em>localhost</em>, <em>db.myhost.com</em> or <em></em>). You can specify a custom port number if your database doesn\'t run on the default port (example: <em>localhost:3580</em>). For SQLite support, just enter anything or leave it at \'localhost\'.',
should be
'Database server info' => 'Enter the address of the database server (example: <em>localhost</em>, <em>db.example.com</em> or <em></em>). You can specify a custom port number if your database doesn\'t run on the default port (example: <em>localhost:3580</em>). For SQLite support, just enter anything or leave it at \'localhost\'.',
The IP is recommended as ip to use in documentation (example.com). Supposedly...
PunBB Forums → Posts by StevenBullen
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