You're welcome. One down, one to go ;)

But that's just it, the hyperlink isn't wrong, as by default, smilies are placed in forumroot/img/smilies.

So for example, these PunBB forums have their smilies in:

But goes nowhere.

Err ah, edited ...

Here's what Mozilla Firefox (my web browser) told me when I tried to direcly view the image:

The image ? cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Try re-uploading the images, perhaps re-extracting them from the zip first.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Rickard wrote:

Yeah, I still need help. However, it will have to wait a few hours.

Sure. Right now it's 10:41 AM ET over here and I'll be off and on until about 3 PM ET... I'll start mIRC now and idle in the chan.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Since this in PunBB discussions, I think we should discuss the Bad request error.

My recommendation? Read this article on MSDN. Since the Bad Referer error message is security-related, it's particularly applicable.

Good error messages give a notification that a problem occurred, an explanation of why the problem occurred, and a solution so that the user can fix the problem. Good error message text is specific, user-centered, clear, consistent, and courteous. Writing good error messages is hard work, but it is something that must be done right.

If you have received an error message that's related to a security feature, chances are good that you found it confusing, it didn't really help you understand the security problem, and you had no idea how to respond correctly. A good question to ask is: Why are security-related error messages so often bad?

By "error messages" I really mean all classes of message boxes, including warnings, confirmations, questions, and status. Much of this information applies to log file entries as well. This article explores the challenge of writing messages for security-related features. I will explain the difficulties in designing good security message text and the information that's required for a good security message, and I'll give some tips for designing and presenting security-related messages.

Continue reading Writing Error Messages for Security Features by Everett McKay.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rickard wrote:

It should increment the guest count when someone is signing up or logging in.

It doesn't ... or at least, not the way I tested it:

I loaded Mozilla (with myself logged in) and I loaded Opera (with myself not logged in).

Using ALT+Tab and Refresh, I went between them, trying to load my website and load the registration, then seeing if it updated the guest-count.

Based on that, it didn't work. Does it employ IP address checking, or have I stumbled upon a bug in PunBB 1.1.1?

I would recommend modifying Gallery to fit the design of PunBB as well ... in fact, I was considering this for my own website ;)

For complete integration, the somewhat difficult part would be mapping the permissions from PunBB to Gallery. Also, I'm not quite sure how flexible the HTML is, but I know Gallery now uses CSS for basic styling (with tables) so adapting the design to your website (or to a default PunBB look) shouldn't be too difficult.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Aaah! You replied 2 minutes after I left lol. Sorry I missed it. Do you still need the help?
(Here's where private messaging would be ideal *wink*)

Make sure you've uploaded the img directory and check the permissions.

"In order for avatar uploads to work, the user account under which the webserver runs must have write permissions to the avatar directory. In UNIX (or UNIX-like) operating systems, this is usually done via the command "chmod". Most FTP clients have support for this and it is usually done by right-clicking the directory and selecting something along the lines of "Attributes" or "Permissions". If you don't know what values to enter, try 0777 (or just 777 if you can only enter three digits)." -- From the PunBB FAQ.

Try using chmod to set the directory permissions for img as follows:
img - 0644
img/smilies - 0644
img/avatars - 0666

Reply to let us know if it worked...

"If accessing the filename image is impossible, or if it isn't a valid picture, getimagesize()  will return FALSE and generate a warning."
? PHP Documentation

Your hosting provider or system admin may have restrictions on which directories can use "includes."

Run phpinfo.php (see below) and do a find on "open_basedir." If the setting is something other than "no value" then you might have to [change upload_tmp_dir] to the directory shown. Check with your hosting provider.

To create "phpinfo.php"
Create a text file containing only these three lines:


Upload this file to your server and go to it via the browser. The output to the screen will display a lot of helpful information about your PHP installation, as well as your web server and mySQL.

Hope it helps,


(Posted with assistance from this DotWidgets Support Article)

lol ... the only way to innovate is by taking chances and further develop crazy ideas. After all, mistakes are what will drive improvement.

/me considers creating a GeoURL mod, perhaps also incorporating the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative and a larger, interesting mod would be XFN for people's profiles. (Linking profiles and external blogs inside your own profile) ... It would be interesting to see the XFN relationships of a forum. Perhaps you could even change context or display based on the XFN relationship of the poster. Then again, that sounds like too much work ;)

And don't you dare say it's Un-PunBBish! I'm beginning to hate that! =p


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Rickard wrote:

That did the trick. Thanks a bunch :)

You're welcome. So what are you doing that had this problem, since that wasn't the page? The HTML on that page was ... rough. ;) Too many DIV tags =p


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Here's a screenshot of the "Mozilla Mini-Mod" I posted above:

I posted that on my forums and already five people have switched and thanked me for it ;)

And it's just occurred to me, seeing this screenshot, why would it say "... and 0 guests" if guests are disabled from reading the forum?
As far as I can tell, it doesn't change to "1" guests when someone's signing up or hasn't logged in ;)

Chacmool wrote:

... should have done it for weeks now (you know how it is sometimes) :)

Yes, I know ;)

I could never get it to save properly. Bah. I'll stick to UltraEdit.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

Rickard wrote:

... I don't want to remove the margin, i want it to be there in all browsers.

(lol) Sorry, it wasn't clear ;)

I was on the right track though. It's perfect on Windows in Opera 7, IE 6, IE 5.5 SP2, IE 5.01 SP2 and Firefox =)

I used h2 to remove the whitespace in IE then added a margin to the list, removed the useless float code and finally added a height to the list to correct the display in Mozilla. If this were the final code, I would optimize it further: Swap the heading div for a <h1> tag and remove the container div.

Edit: Added float: left back to ul#navlist li a ? It probably shouldn't affect the display too much, but IE 5.01 SP2 refuses to draw a right border without it. IE 5.5 SP2 and IE 6 will draw the right border with or without it, just like Firefox and Opera 7.

Here's the stylesheet:

<style type="text/css"><!--
#container { text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 25px; width: 665px; voice-family: inherit }
html>body #container { width: 665px }

ul#navlist { background-color: #006595; list-style-type: none; margin: 5px 0 20px; padding: 0; 
width: 100%; height: 1.2em }

ul#navlist li { display: inline }
ul#navlist li a { color: #ffffff; text-decoration: none; float: left; border-right: 5px solid #ffffff }
ul#navlist li a:hover { background-color: #003e5b }

#header { color: #ff0000; background: #333333; padding: 0 }
#main { background: #6ca9c6; margin: 0; padding: 0 }

h2 { margin: 0 }

Here's the body:

<div id="container">
    <div id="header">
        Test test
    <ul id="navlist">
        <li><a href="#">Link1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link3</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Link4</a></li>
    <div id="main">
        <h2>What the???</h2>
        <p>Integer ac felis sit amet ligula ullamcorper cursus. <a 
        href="#">Aliquam</a> et ligula. Fusce eros purus, aliquam ut, accumsan 
        nonummy, euismod id, nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique 
        senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.</p>


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

I just felt like resurrecting this dead thread with a great utility I found a month ago:

zc923 wrote:

I'll leave IE filter tweaking for the weekend, thanks.

Bah, you're no fun! =p

You're welcome, though ;)

Rickard wrote:

Do you mean we should have thumbnails of all the styles in profile.php? In that case, no no no :D

But think of the usability enhancement! Besides, all it would cost is a couple of bytes of CSS -- err ah, never mind. It was a bad example anyway, since it used JavaScript. I was thinking of just using CSS with a :hover effect applied ... but anyway ;)

Joey wrote:

Surely its irrelevant anyway.

That's why I called it a Cosmetic Bug, it was something that ... didn't look right, but didn't affect the functionality of the documentation :D


(3 replies, posted in Programming)

Everything here is need-to-know. Iin a perfect world, anyone who even thought about creating a stylesheet would know all this. All I can say is, do your best ;)

From Eric Meyer On CSS: Picking a Rendering Mode

CSS Zen Garden - Resources Guide

A List Apart's CSS articles

The Web Standards Project

Listamatic and List-o-matic

CSS Between the Style Sheets
"Tantek?s portion of SXSW CSS panel covers principles of clean, structural markup." (Zeldman)

CSS Panic Guide by Owen Briggs.

Eric Meyer's site

Tantek Çelik's site

Jeffrey Zeldman's site and book


(6 replies, posted in Programming)

This is a nice footer article, it doesn't exactly cover what you want though.


(12 replies, posted in Programming)

An easy fix. Add the following to get rid of the 10px:

h2 { margin: 0; }

I'd re-work the rest of the stylesheet (you don't need such complex code for that!) but I don't have the time right now, sorry.

All I can say is that to me, the most confusing aspect of the PunBB User Interface is the colour scheme selection. You don't have a clue what they are besides these element names from the periodic table. Maybe we could do something like this:


(18 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Rickard wrote:

Louis: I'm sorry, but I just can't see what is so obvious to you. It has nothing to do with "URL fopen wrappers" if that's what you meant. Trying to include a file via an URL when URL fopen wrappers are disabled leads to a different error message.

No, I meant this:

// Won't work; looks for a file named 'file.php?foo=1&bar=2' on the
// local filesystem.
include 'file.php?foo=1&bar=2';

When you include for the -- err, ahh ... never mind. Note to self: Don't post when you're tired, you'll only make mistakes.