Mystic, if I were you I would play with styling the link in the minical to highlight where the events/links are in it ;^) Can you do that?
126 2006-10-29 21:31
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
127 2006-10-29 21:29
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Really Sweet! You did a nice Job!
u r welcome ;^)
128 2006-10-29 21:23
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I think this is the problem...
you put in the incorrect path in this first line I gavce you...
define('PUN_ROOT', 'my-forumdirectory-here/');
'my-forumdirectory-here' needs to be the short pathway to where the forum is installed.
Try putting only 'Forum/' there, yes?
129 2006-10-29 21:17
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I assume you are running the forum, and the calendar is installed there, yes?
Can you please provide the link to your forum, I cannot read you rlanguage (is that vietnamese?)
130 2006-10-29 21:14
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Your welcome, I am glad if I can help.
In my last post I edited and asked too late...
Looks good!
1) did you style it simply by surrounding it with your own div/stuyle/class ?
2) Also, why is it going to 404 page when I click the month?
131 2006-10-29 21:06
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Read my original post.... positioning is controlled in the code at the end of the file showminical2.php
Its probably that flost you have to sort out ;^) Try removing float: right; from the code.
And did you style it simply by surrounding it with your own div/stuyle/class ?
Looks good.
Also, why is it going to 404 page when I click the month?
132 2006-10-29 20:52
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Okay, we need to clear something up.
I sort-of goofed when I told you where to get showminical.
The original showminical.php is included in Rev 2.0.x of the Calendar 2.0.x posted at Punres (it is the updated version of this calendar, and is at 2.0.7 currently).
so when I told you where to get "the one", it did not take into consideration you may have an outdated version you are working with...
On top of that, keep in mind, mystic, I am using the fully updated version of this mod that is posted at
(the one I told you to download) there may be code references that are not viable for your version with the edit I gave you.
What version are you using?
**The new one has a lot of fixes and features... I highly recommend you go over there and check it out.
If you already have, then let me know, and post the referenced line (115 in showminical2.php).
133 2006-10-29 20:22
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Say Everyone,
Gizzmo did contact me about posting a new update for his calendar mod. I am waiting to hear back from him about a few details, and then it should be up there shortly thereafter.
Please go to punres to check it out with us... I would like to keep the posting going on in one place, and we are largely doing it there.
134 2006-10-29 19:47
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Hi Mystic,
I have figured something out that will alow you to place the minicalendar into your home page, or wherever, but I need to know, do you do any php coding, css style coding, or the like?
Here's what I got so far...
In order to test calling the minicalendar into a file outside of the forum zone,
1) I created a file named indexxx.php in the root directory of my site with the following code
define('PUN_ROOT', 'my-forumdirectory-here/');
require PUN_ROOT.'include/common.php';
// Print the minical
require PUN_ROOT.'include/user/showminical2.php';
// this next, closing php stream, may or may not be required depending on rest of your code
2) Then I made a copy of "showminical.php" to "showminical2.php" in the same folder as the original, and I made the following changes:
#### ------[ 1a. FIND LINE 118]---------
$bdays[$bday_list['day']] .="<a href='calendar.php?view=bday&date=".$month_year.".".$month_no.".".$bday_list['day']."'>".$bday_list['day']."</a><br />";
#### ------[ 1b. REPLACE WITH]---------
$bdays[$bday_list['day']] .="<a href='".PUN_ROOT."calendar.php?view=bday&date=".$month_year.".".$month_no.".".$bday_list['day']."'>".$bday_list['day']."</a><br />";
#### ------[ 2a. FIND LINE 125]---------
$dates[$dates_list['day']] = "<a href='calendar.php?view=event&date=".$month_year.".".$month_no.".".$dates_list['day']."'>".$dates_list['day']."</a><br />";
#### ------[ 2b. REPLACE WITH]---------
$dates[$dates_list['day']] = "<a href='".PUN_ROOT."calendar.php?view=event&date=".$month_year.".".$month_no.".".$dates_list['day']."'>".$dates_list['day']."</a><br />";
#### ------[ 3a. FIND LINE 130]---------
<h2><span><a href="calendar.php?date=<?php echo $month_year.".".$month_no ?>"><?php echo $lang_calendar[$monthtext]?></a></span></h2>
#### ------[ 3b. REPLACE WITH]---------
<h2><span><a href="<?php echo PUN_ROOT; ?>calendar.php?date=<?php echo $month_year.".".$month_no ?>"><?php echo $lang_calendar[$monthtext]?></a></span></h2>
You will notice that I had to change the links so they point to the forum calendar.
Since I use a guest control in my admin I am not worried about needing to control guest access from here.
Positioning is controlled (somewhat) in the end of showminical2.php in this code:
//show mini calendar
?> <div style='float:right; width:215px'><?php mini_cal($month_no, $year, "week"); ?></div><?php
What remains then will be to rebuild some sort of styling into the new showminical.php, or include some css styling in your root directory's styles, in order to format the mini-calendar.
I imagine that the same logical procedure can be followed to create an include for the events list
I hope this helps point you in a working direction.
135 2006-10-29 03:02
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Okay, you went offline - must have just missed you 8^P
Tell you what I think, but I am not the expert here (so I would have to mess with it to get to the definitive answer)...
...but... If you are running the punbb forum on your site and you have the calendar installed, then the minical should work wherever you wish to put it in your other php pages (but not html pages) on your site... I bet all you would have to do is maybe adjust some of the link/pointers.
That's where i think it begins.
136 2006-10-29 02:25
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
hi Mystic,
although i would have to look at the stuff again, I am pretty sure you could do that, but I am uncertain how. Is your foruam and website under the same webroot (same hosting domain)? (I assume you do have the froum installed, no?
137 2006-10-28 23:41
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Hi Mystic,
In the very beginning of my code section in that post (232) there is a link to a zip file. Get that... it has all the code and instruction for updating your current installation of calendar mod 2.0.7 with those things.
138 2006-10-28 19:38
Re: OLD TOPIC TO DELETE (133 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Display 5 instead of "only 2 thumbs problem" solved.
Go Here:
- post #159 -
Has anyone figured out how we can batch upload.. i.e. uploading more than only one image at a time (we really need to be able to do this)... anyone?
139 2006-10-28 19:15
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Glad you could find and fix that mystic (I swear its always a dot, a semi-colon, or a single-quote !)
Per your last request, yes its available. Please go over to punres and review the work that has been posted there (link below).
HEY FOLKS, I don't know why we got two different forums going for this mod (don't you hate having to track in two places instead of one!?), but we have been posting up a storm of some cool changes to Calendar 2.0.7 this month over at punres. Please go check it out.
AND GIZZMO - I emailed you a request, and to check it over there, would you please let me know what I/we should/could do about the remod.
Go here:
...and see - post 232 - !
140 2006-10-26 16:14
Re: Error in Default Style Sheets? List Text in Tables not Proper Color... (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Hmmm, no I'm not. I think I am just going to have to dig down into it over time - I must have introduced something that I overlooked. I will let you know later if/what I turn up...
In the Meantime, can you (anyone) answer the question for me:
- Any thoughts on... Might there be concern over a potential conflict or interaction with another pre-existing default css rule/statement by adding that TD element into the aforementioned (default) .pun color rule/statement in the stylesheets?
Thanks for your help.
141 2006-10-26 05:07
Re: Error in Default Style Sheets? List Text in Tables not Proper Color... (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Thanks gentlemen... I thought it was obvious, please allow me to (try to) explain...
Hmmm... what I found (the issue) was is that, for instance, if a user selects the style 'Radium', well you can barely read the forum because almost all the text appears black (on near-black background). However, if you look in the stylesheet it seems the author indeed intended the default to be near-white, and much of the text in the forum does appear that way. So I thought to myself, 'aha, the author didn't, in fact, intend me to be eyestraining! So what gives?
After looking further into it it appears that when the code begins parsing text in/to tables there is no propagation of the near-white coloring for the text, so it defaults to black. If I look at other styles with black text as the default (like oxygen), it seems I can observe what the intended text coloring consistency across the board (pun intended) is. So I figure seing black on black must be an error.
I observe in several of the other colorful stylesheets where colored text is introduced in order to present readable contrast, ..well it isn't happening there as well.
So after messing with it a bit I figured I could add the TD in the default line I cited there, in each of these stylesheets, and it seems it worked, although I do not knwo if I am inadvertently 'stepping on' anything else by doing this.
Have you ever tried setting your style in a default installed forum to radium? Is it not black? Maybe I missed something, but I was sure to check the default install before posting this. And yes, its weird, after all, I use that style here and I can read in white text. But I figured the code must have been altered, or something else is up that I am not finding here (on my end)?
Anyway, if you say its not an issue, than I believe you. I am just reporting what I am observing here ...and I could not identify anything I might have done to compromise this myself ..which must be the case if you say it ain't broken. |^P
'nuff said? Hope that explains "my logical" reasoning for posting this, ...I don't show up without being responsible to trying to investigate things first (and just to cause you more trouble).
Oh, PS: if this is mute, I don't mind if you delete this post... no need wasting space.
142 2006-10-26 01:33
Re: [Release] AP Book Generator (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Looks VERY Iteresting, Indeed! Are you planning on setting up a demo at ;^)
143 2006-10-26 00:49
Topic: Error in Default Style Sheets? List Text in Tables not Proper Color... (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Hi Folks,
I did search, but if I missed the report/fix on this, then please point me to it (I mean, I can't imagine this has not been identified and fixed before now, it seems so basic, but)...
I noticed that every default "xxxxx_cs.css" stylesheet where a font color is specified, for instance, take the "Radium_cs.css" file for example,
/* 1.1 Default background colour and text colour */
.pun {COLOR: #D4D4D4} seems there is no 'other' code in these styles to cause the text in the various lists, and many other places, to appear the correct/intended color.
It is the same for every relevant stylesheet.
What I did to correct this was I changed the code on that color-line to be
.pun TD {COLOR: #D4D4D4}
After trying out differnt things in different places, this seemed to be the best I could come up with without creating a conflict elsewhere.
And it seems to be working fine thusfar, HOWEVER, due to the complexity of the handling of styles in PunBB I do not know if this is the correct or best thing/way to be correcting this? Might I find some other issue on down the line due to some unreckognized charactereistic of running the style?
Let me know.
144 2006-10-24 07:54
Re: Haw add the is Extras hak in mij websiat (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
ko, ...go play at, I think maybe you will more easily find it there ;^)
145 2006-10-22 02:28
Re: Calendar 2.0 (296 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
mystic, please post the code at line 959, with the preceding and following lines as well, in the referenced file, and maybe we can tell you what the error is and how to deal with it.
146 2006-10-19 16:09
Re: Bots attacking :( (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Interesting... and I was starting to think my suggestion was useless! I like Plubyblop's suggestions...
So/and I would add to what Plubyblop suggests, what may be an extra kicker for this would-be botstopper...
Use a random generator to insert meaningless random characters into random spaces inbetween groups of words in your query. Instruct the would-be registering user to figure out what the real question is and type/or-select the answer in the space provided.
So you could have a template for the question(s) like word1 randomcharactershere word2 word3 word4 randomcharactershere randomstuffagain word5 word6? Answer=__________
The words and random stuff could be randomly arranged (kind of thing).
Let the bots adapt to that for a couple years and see what they come up with! Meantime, let 'em move on to other more accessible targets!
Does this sound like a good extension to this idea, and easily doable enough?
147 2006-10-13 23:44
Re: Bots attacking :( (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Aren't there some 'common functions' of bots that can be taken advantage of to cause them to 'reel' into loops?...
What I am thinking is (but I do not know bot-techno, so some other brainy-ack would have to thunk it through...),
...if bots have some primary functions for some sort of calculating when they arrive, and they must because they have to make decisions (which essentially are calculations), ...aren't there 'problems' you could seed into the site pages or the root of the domain that would cause the bot to get stuck until it timed out and decided "ouch, I am leaving now for more fertile prey elsewhere"... kind of like giving a computer the task of solving the square root of 2... kind of thing?
Maybe a stupid idea, I haven't a clue...
148 2006-10-13 23:36
Re: Install_Mod.php never works on the second database... (31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Good enough for now. Thanks again. +Happy hunting.
149 2006-10-13 23:20
Re: Install_Mod.php never works on the second database... (31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Do you use this:
or do you do some sort fo scripting with this
or something else? Just curious (I mean, if you can recall easily enough... don't go spending more time on it %^P
150 2006-10-13 23:04
Re: Install_Mod.php never works on the second database... (31 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
Well, I know why this is happening now. I suspected it, but since everything is working perectly otherwise I thought I might not actually be experiencing this problem or having to address it...
I use mod_rewrite to manage my urls due to shared hosting issues ;^P
There is a php issue, which is: "PHP_SELF will not be equal to REQUEST_URI under Apache if mod_rewrite has been used to move one URL to another--PHP_SELF will contain the rewritten address, and REQUEST_URI will contain the URL the user sees in their browser."
There is a work around for this, but as I said, I thought I wouldn't need to go there since I had observed no issues even though PHP_SELF is present in the admin_loader.php and header.php files.
Thank you for your astute observance, and the lesson, Smartys.
Be well,