(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Look for the "$language = 'en';" line in the config.php file (root folder) and change 'en' for the code for swedish (which I don't know, it should be the name of the language folder).

magic_quotes_gpc "on" here, both.

(I have the problem too).

Uhm, he's right, I checked it. I'm using 1.1.3.

Edit. No mods, I changed some code but didn't install any mod.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

You should change the color of links to closed topics, it's grey and you just can't see it over dark blue :D.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)

I know practically no JS, don't like it much :/. I want to do something simple:

I have a form with, among other things, several blank inputs, all alike. I want two links or buttons to dinamically increase or decrease the number of boxes, ranging from 0 to MAX. There are other ways to solve the problem but I think it's very easy with JS. Anyone could write the code for me, it it's easy? (if it's not, please tell me!) Thanks, I'm afraid I'm a bit lazy :D.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It's extremely easy, and it's written in detail in the FAQ, you lazy :). Anyway: you just have to upload all of the files on the "upload" directory to a folder in your server. For instance www.whatever.com/forums. Then run install.php, if you have problems THERE ask for help. But to be honest I was amazed at how fast installation and set-up was.

And leave colors and similar stuff for later, first you should install it :).


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Very nice! Minimalist and elegant :D.


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Wow, I love the hdiff thingie, really smile.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

The links on the right don't work with Mozilla hmm (mine, at least).


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

IMO the troops will come back. Maybe sooner, maybe later, and I'm sure it will take some time, but I guess they will eventually come back. Of course there is no need to rush, nor do I think it would be appropiate. The fact that the new government does not share some points of view with the US one does not mean we have to cut all ties immediately.

And of course every country has to be united against terrorism.

What I don't understand, and going back to the topic (sigh), is how people can be so easy to manipulate sometimes. Now it seems Al-Qaeda stated that there will be no more attacks in Spain until the new government clarifies its intentions. Are we playthings or what? Terrorists, specially the ones of this kind, have no principles to speak of. For one thing, it is well known that the spanish people were against spanish participation in Iraq, but nevertheless they are the ones who suffered the attack (it would be different had it been directed to the military of the politicians, as ETA often does --the deaths would be the same but circumstances would be different).

Are we playthings or what?


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Hola Marc smile. These last posts have been very interesting to read, and I fully agree with what's stated your first message. You pointed our several issues I dared not touch, at least until things calmed down a little bit.

1. About the "turn of events":

Oh please, do not turn this into a discussion about Iraq's war, that was not my intention --I just had too much in my mind and tried to give to the not-spanish people in this forum a view of what was going on in the country. About Iraq, I think we can all agree in that while it may or may not have been necessary (pointing out all the issues in Iraq does not help, because many other countries are in a similar or worse situation) it was not a *bad* thing. If Iraq finally turns into a civilized country, that is, more than before, the change will be positive. Naturally.

But Spain had no business there. Moreover, the majority of the spanish population was strictly AGAINST it, and practically noone actively supported it. Please remember that the U.S. acted on their own, with some allies, but this was not a "world against Iraq" thing unlike in the early 90's. I still don't know whether this was a war against Saddam, terrorism, for oil (hey! I've heard it so many times...), for the Iraqi people, to find those WMDs, or a mix of all and then some more. And most people feel about as confused as I do.

In the end, as MarcB says, we cannot assess the situation in Iraq from here. Even being there it would be hard to tell.

2. About Spain:

Just a few more things. The party in government was voted out, and the attack was the trigger, but the situation here is a bit more complex, and I do not have the time nor (specially) am the right one to do it. But let me extend a little bit to clarify a few things... Actually, they did not lose as many votes as one might think. Looking at the numbers, what really happened is that, first, *more* people took part in the elections this time, to vote for the socialists for a change in the government (most changes are due to demerits on the party in power, and not because of the potential of the opposition), and second, others that planned to vote parties without actual possibilites of "winning" changed their votes for the same reason. It may be rage, but it's not cowardice. And definitely noone thought this was the right choice to dodge attacks in the future. As far as I know, we have been dealed with terrorism more than any other civilized country in modern history except, possibly, the UK (and the US after 9/11). The spanish people are used to it, and we know turning our heads is not the solution.

I said rage. Why rage? It is not only that the government imputed the attack to ETA, which in the end was not true (or so it seems, I still have my doubts). It's HOW the did it. When I first saw the images in the morning (I happened to turn on the TV while having breakfast by chance, and I usually don't) I thought it was ETA. It had to be, bacause... for heaven's sake, who else? And it was acceptable for the government to blame it on them without thoroughly investigating the zone first. Moreover, there were antecedents that made one think that ETA had been trying to do something of this magnitude before. But by mid-day some reasonable doubts came up, and by the next day nobody knew for sure that ETA was responsible anymore. And then the real "campaign" started, with the party in government going so far to state that those doubting of ETA's responsibility were "anticonstitutionalists" (a traditional offense here, for historical reasons, and a grave one) and even "anti-spanish". Looking indignant, like it was high treason! More and more new leads came up but they insisted. Part of the press (specially public TV) was tightly controled and they kept in tune with what the government said, even ignoring new facts.

And all of that was too much to bear. It was not the strike (noone can stop that kind of terrorism, you may stop them once or twice, but there is no way to "nip the buds" here, specially when dealing with international terrorism). It was the lies and deceits. They have been operating in such a way for years, but during the last days it was, as I said, too much to bear. Let's say many people woke up, and many others took an unprecedented, one-time-only *true* interest in politics.

Let me add one more thing. The PSOE (the party of the new government) was contrary to the participation of Spain in the Iraqi war and its reconstruction. They planned to retire the troops in the case they were to win, which was unlikely a few days ago. And they'll do it. That is not cowardice, it is fair, and in that point the spanish people agree, as they agreed before the attack. And if Al-Qaeda or whoever it was targets another country, well, I won't be proud of it, because we, ALL of us, are the targets of this kind of terrorism, that looks for nothing but its own interests and benefits.

PS. It is true that the treatment of the attack and its consequences has not been very well *read* by the international press. Oh well...


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

It's a shorter "mark as cheked". "Mark as read" looks better, but read-read-read does not help. Coup d'etat! :-D.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Checked checked checked checked :-).

As a button, does the trick and is elegant!

PS. Not english-speaking, sigh.


(14 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

'Checked' may work (as a button, and in past tense). Easier to understand than 'Zap'


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Of course the confirmation that ETA was to blame I referred to was last thursday's. Right now most of us bet on islamic terrorism (Al-Qaeda). But noone know for sure, and it's very, very confusing. There have been declarations both from ETA (denying it) and Al-Qaeda (taking responsibility of the attack) but not "official" enough to be fully trusted. Elections ongoing.


(19 replies, posted in General discussion)

Madrid, this morning, 9 AM. I think most of the people in this forum live in Europe, so maybe you've heard about it already. Well: worst terrorist attack in the history of Europe, about 200 dead and 600+ wounded right now (3 PM, according to the radio) and getting worse and worse. In Atocha Station, probably the busiest in Madrid and Spain, at rush hour. Thank God the train didn't make it to the station (the bombs exploded a while before entering the building) because it could've been much, much worse. So far everyone I know in the city seems to be fine (alive, that is).

Due to a misleading statement from a political figure in the basque country it was rumored that Al-Qaeda was behind it, but the government has already dismissed that possibility. It has been confirmed that it was ETA, the so-called basque separatist (not sepatists! terrorists! nothing more) terrorist group.

I guess, damn, I *know* it's not the right place, but I wander around here quite often lately. I cannot work today anyway. Sorry Deckard. What a strange day.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Nah, a manager would be mastodontically boring, but an "unsubscribe all" option should be easy to implement.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Links are beautiful, everybody loves links, do it, do it :-D.


(20 replies, posted in Feature requests)


- - -

I don't get the e-mail notification now, but found an older one. I guess he means a "unsuscribe all" would be helpful, while in the notification there is only an "unsubscribe from this thread" link.

He's right, I guess, sometimes you'd like to get rid of all of those unnecessary threads you subscribed to in a moment of alienation. We've all done that (cough, cough). And it may be done with one simple link (I hope) in the same e-mail. A "manager" in the profile section is a different business.


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Me too. Bored a while ago.


(Please don't ask.)


(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Just note that that pops up when you hit "post reply", if you use the "quick post" option it won't obviously be there (b/c you can just scroll up).

Almost as obvious as it is that Rickard has fun with this kind of requests, he, he.


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

That's kind of... extreme, isn't it?


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I guess it would involve a lot of thinking and maybe a few major modifications, I'll take a look at it whenever I can.


(5 replies, posted in Feature requests)

I don't see it anywhere, neither in the website nor in the forums, so I guess it's not there, and somehow I miss it. That's, the ability of posting a single thread in different forums, so that is available from different places.

If you ask me, it's a very interesting feature, and quite nice to have when building communities or big forums, as long as its usability is restricted. I *think* that, so far, none of the other heavyweights (vBulletin, PHPboards, IPB) have implemented it. To be honest I 've only seen it in an ugly but functional forum a friend built from the scratch using perl, though I do not visit forums very often and may be wrong.

If it is not there, would it be difficult to implement? Obviously it is not trivial. I'm pretty new here and haven't even looked at the code yet.


Edit. Forgot to mention that IMO it would fit very well with the idea of what PunBB is, and what I like of it.


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Found out about PunBB yesterday... and it kept me awake till 3:30 in the morning grrrrr.

Now that the thread is open... Thanks a lot Rickard :D.