(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

yes, just stickiy it then close it

just installed http://www.spiceworks.com/ looks good !


(47 replies, posted in Programming)

Just when they pay X ammount  of money, set by the admin, i assume payapl will give us the option to run our own page scrit, protected of course, and in that script will be like upgrade of user group or something.. .

You state what YOU want. Not a general bug, the dev team knows about this (searching would of been usefull) and that the next version 1.3 has already upgraded the registration meathods to eliminate the risk of spammers.  (also searching),

thats not a bug, thats something you want!!!

dosnt seem like you have searched the forums wink


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

there are a few modifications you can do to stop spammers, and if you had seached here and punres you would of found them wink

oliversl wrote:

punbb 1.2 is great, but punbb 1.3 has easier module install/upgrade, more features and hey, it has a new version number too smile

iatbm wrote:

What's wrong with 1.2.16 ? wink

Personally i feel that if you cant (no saying you) be bothered to simply manually upgrade some parts of the forum, then its not going to be that grate..

What you put into the forum and site, you will get back! If you want a good usefully site, you will work for it!

i have found punbb to be amazing, I'm coding and developing in punbb, and for a 15 year old, that's good.


(124 replies, posted in News)

conan wrote:

what ?! my forum is deleted ?????

Your forum has notthing to do with this topic..

and punbb support forum DONT host sites, so we cant be responcible for your host.

Please go to your host support forum and post there .

yeah 1.3 would be good... but people would have to get used to the way it works....

the are's would have to be...wide... i could code something, but not style it.

.tpl files cannot have php code in. you gotta remove them and use <pun_include "FILENAME">

you only need

<div id="punwrap">
<div id="pun<pun_page>" class="pun">

once in the main tpl

you are closing the head more than once

have you tried padding??

cron job?? you want that, but i dont know much about them

User Management Created by Connorhd. The User Management plugin can be used to prune user accounts based on the age of the account and the number of posts made by the users. Additionally, the plugin can also be used to add new users.


(3 replies, posted in General discussion)

can we see the code?? is this a modifyed copy or a fresh copy of the arcade mod?


(7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

the database must be created first in mysql, and a user must have access to it! You most likly havnt got the information correct or set mysql up

search on punres for html mod smile

guests can see who has given thanks, but they cant give it becuase though it is only samll they can abuse it... And if its set only to members, it would give them another reason to join.

why dont i just edit the reputation mod, and where it has the topic, have all the standard rep code, and then ill add in X Thanks for this post. But not listing names

thats for each user though, isnt it? I have done this for posts. And the reason for a block. is when you might get over 100 members thanking it will look rather messy any other way..

Like i said erlier if your going to "thank" users for each post you may aswell use the reputation mod and re-word it lol.


(47 replies, posted in Programming)

Is there any update on this scirpt? is it near to testing or releasing?? Im willing to pay a bit for it..


Just done exaclty what it told me in the read me and it worked. Why dint it work for you?

You have to have 1 "thank" for it to show up.
The creator cannot thank.
Names are formated ( with , )
Guests cant see it at the moment.
can only "thank" once.
and all thanks will be gone when a topic is removed.
Thanks will stay with the topic aslong as it always has the same ID.
"1 person is thankfull" turns into "X people are grateful" when more than one name

"Report | Delete | Edit | Quote | Say thanks"

Stuff you can do is,

Link to profile..
Allouw Thanks to be given in topics if the creator wants.
Remove thanks???

erm... tbh if you want to show appereation, use the repputation mod. not a thank you mod, which does the same thing for each post.

so inset of giving them a thanks you give them rep smile  seems like a better idea wink

any improvements.

Im working on making it so the creator can chose if they want the "thanks" mod enabled smile

Cheers. Sorted it..

There is still lots of room for improvement, all minor things. but this will do for now.


Has install_mod.php and readme.txt to help...Ill put it on punres soon. when you test it to see if i missed anything wink

EDIT : Sorted the problem.. used RAR lol


still making it wink do you want guests to be thankful aswell???