you mean add bbcode for them?

my list is done. i just need to package them nicely and present them.

any more anyone would like to see?


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

if i were to do that it would cost alot more than $50. but then again i don't know Joomla all that well so it could be alot easier than i'm thinking.


(4 replies, posted in General discussion)

i guess it would all depends on what they wanted and wanted it for. if it's for say a personal site or blog and they don't mind pre-cut scripts (PunBB, wordpress, etc) and all you have to do is install, then $50 is fine. if you have to do alot of modifying and customizing then you should set an hourly rate that you could live on + a little extra.

keep in mind that professional web designers are EXPENSIVE in most cases. especially for one-off work.

all in all it would really depend on if YOU feel you are getting what your time is worth. if not charge more, people will come to you regardless.

all in my own opinion.


(17 replies, posted in Programming)

that player in the first link may come in handy. thanks. big_smile


(17 replies, posted in Programming)

@MO: YouTube is out of the question. their quality is horrible for what i want these to accomplish. there is no way around it. i'll investigate those links though.

@eric: i understand the concern an exe would spur however i personally have been using BB FlashBack for quite some time and trust it completely. the quality it(exe) outputs plus the small file size is unmatched so far in my testing i've done. i'm most likely going with flash since it's the most compatible. although i guess i could just do it ALL and provide links for each one. big_smile

i appreciate the input none-the-less guys. wink

just an example of the quality vs filesize that BB FlashBack's exe export outputs:

a 2m45s video shot at 1600x1200 full color, 30fps, in a self contained exe is only 1.7m.

hcgtv wrote:

Looking at my crystal ball, I envision being able to use PunBB embedded into you app of choice.

Stay tuned smile

browsing the dev site i noticed this little gem:



(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

when it's done and not a minute sooner. patience brings good things. big_smile


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)


(17 replies, posted in Programming)

pogenwurst wrote:

Publish to Flash, AVI, WMV, EXE and PowerPoint.

Your best bets for cross-platform use will probably be Flash or AVI.

yeah i kinda figured that. i was hoping that it was possible because of the clarity the exe offers. i'll experiment with the avi and flash settings.

thanks guys, carry on. wink


(17 replies, posted in Programming)

it's a self contained video w/ player all in one .exe file exported from a vid cap program called BB FlashBack. VERY tiny file for what it outputs in quality. but i'm looking for cross platform compatability which i'm sure the .exe file is not. it's to do with my PunBB video tutorial project.

when i get a response from Rickard i'll be posting them up for use here shortly. just need his blessing on the content. if anyone is interested in giving a conversion a try i'll be happy to send you a link.


(17 replies, posted in Programming)

is there such a thing? if so is there a converter that convert from win/exe to *nix/version.

same thing for mac if possible.


(26 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i really dig how the center image scrolls but the outer image stays put. small touches like that make for impressive websites.

rondy wrote:

I have installed  PunnBB at I notice that I have turn off my "Zone alarm Security Suite" to post a message.
How do I get my PunnBB to work so users do not have turn off there security fire wall to post a message on my Forums.

i would check YOUR firewall settings to make sure they aren't set too high.


(24 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Shedrock of PHPFusion fame. big_smile

that's a standard "feature" in PunBB.

my board:

edit: i think i know what you're referring to. you want to know what file specifically generates those "stats"? if so i don't know.

edit2: try footer.php

might work.

mootools forum

what stats are you referring to?


(89 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

gil wrote:

...More easy as to find a good extension when computer or internet is not your job and you want to find a good and easy forum for your site...

you just negated you argument in one sentence. wink


(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

i like it. i would either make the background images full screen or fade them in though. the hard edge distracts.

i've already got that one done. if you want start on the list i've got in the first post that would be helpfull.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

remove <pun_title> and <pun_desc> from include/template/main.tpl

noted, thanks.

Strofanto wrote:

I've seen many users having problems finding out how to lock, stick and delete topics. In short: some basic moderation tutorial would be very useful to the community.

i'll add it to the list. thanks.

i have the first set done and uploaded(installing PunBB). i need another set of eyes to check it for errors for me.. it's 3:50am here and i am going bugeyed. email me and i'll send the link. please and thank you.