(20 replies, posted in General discussion)

quakers_wife wrote:

Yep, I'm real!

And I have a photo to prove it:



(13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)


The buttons looks good, when will you be updating the extension on this board?


(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

What amazes me is that 48 hours after I informed those in charge of this forum of the spammer eken, that the user is still allowed to have an account on this forum.

Maybe it's about time the user database is purged of apparent bot and spammer signups, you know the ones, those that have a group_id of 32000 and user names like !!-credit-report-!!.



(9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

I received my second such mailing today.

Yeah, like I'm going to provide them my bank account and for safe measure I'll also forward you my social security number while I'm at it.

I think it's time to change my email address on these forums.

MattF & sirena,

Let's agree to disagree.

Life is not fair; get used to it.
Bill Gates

sirena wrote:
hcgtv wrote:

The IE users just need to upgrade to a compliant browser, welcome to the World Wide Web.

Try telling that to your corporate IT department sometime if you are in some huge business or govt agency lol

No IT department wants to cause themselves work, so they'll stick with whatever they are running until the users or their bosses start complaining. Been there, done that.

If we still cater to IE6, IT depts have no reason to upgrade cause whatever browser their users use to work on their Intranets works just fine on the Internet. Now if Betty from accounting uses IE6 to enter orders and then decides to go out to the Net and investigate something she may need for said order and the site she visits looks like sh*t, then she'll complain. Same goes for the boss, who probably has no proxy filtering his moves, he'd be the first one to call Bob in IT and say, hey dude, how come sites are starting to look bad to me?

We have to start somewhere, cause for the most part users have no clue, they need an education and the only way to give it to them is by example: Phasing out support for IE 6 across all 37signals products on August 15, 2008

NetworkShadow wrote:

Somehow I doubt they care about IE 6, being a Mac forum and all.

I'm not a Mac user but I don't care much about IE6 either.

I think we've reached a point in alternative browser penetration that IE has become less important. Yes, I look at my Apache logs and on some sites IE is in the lead, by a small percentage, but on other sites, it trails badly.

If I check a site against W3C and it contains no errors and it looks good in Firefox and Opera and Safari and Konqueror, well then, that's all I need to know. The IE users just need to upgrade to a compliant browser, welcome to the World Wide Web.

Hi Matthew,

Interesting ideas you have and I welcome them. Wish I could help but I'm already involved in more things that I have time for, but if you post your progress in this thread, I'd be more than glad to offer my critique.

One question, will you be using PunBB 1.2 or 1.3 as the basis?

The LOLCODE forum: http://forum.lolcode.com/

Maxtrix wrote:

Safari 3.1.2 on Mac OS-X 10.5

Get a real browser, just kidding smile

Why not try it with Firefox and see if you get the same results. Often times I experience strange things and fire up Opera or IE to compare, just to be on the safe side.

Another thing you could try is to clear the cookie for this forum and try again. I know I was having some weird things going on when Firefox 3 came out and this forum changed versions, so I cleared everything and started over.


(5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)



(11 replies, posted in News)

lie2815 wrote:

What? Is PunBB going to use Paul's markup, too?

I don't see why not, I think it's best for both projects to be on the same page come 1.3 stable. After that, they will start to deviate no doubt, but hopefully for good reasons, not just to be different.

Another hosting service to consider is bayimg: http://bayimg.com/

It's from the same folks that bring you PirateBay, so there's no problems with reaching bandwidth limits or images not accepted for not being up to standards.


(4 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It's in your profile, show all posts.

http://punbb.informer.com/forums/search … ser/12506/

Here's something that's web based, but on someone else's server wink


yonnermark wrote:

I wonder if my host will complain at increased resources being used????

Probably, most do.

Another solution is to use IRC, check out Freenode.


(11 replies, posted in News)

grudon66 wrote:

Is the markup that paul did in the svn?

The new markup isn't even in the FluxBB svn yet.

Reines wrote:

Anyway sites that play music inside them are horrible.

MySpace comes to mind, here I am surfing, quietly listening to Winamp and I happen upon one of those really nice looking pages with all the clever animated graphics, flash based scrolling photo galleries that suck the life out of my processor and the music widget blaring out some crazy tune.

Quite large forum: http://www.pokeplushies.com/forum/


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

In the Private Messaging mod by Connor, he creates a messages file that has a subject:

$sql = 'CREATE TABLE '.$db->prefix."messages (
                    id INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
                    owner int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    subject VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    message TEXT,
                    sender VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    sender_id int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    posted INT(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    sender_ip VARCHAR(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
                    smileys TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,
                    status TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    showed TINYINT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
                    PRIMARY KEY (id)
                    ) TYPE=MyISAM;";


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Hi Rich,

The first message of a thread goes into the topics file, which has a subject field. Every subsequent message goes into the posts file, which doesn't have a subject field.

So you're looking at more that a php file change, you'd also need to affect the database. I don't know how you would go about it, there may be a mod at Punres?


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)

Oh, can it be user configurable so that it could be made longer than 24 hours.

There are times when I would like to see the last 48 hours of posts.

I know you can change search.php, but I can't on here.


(70 replies, posted in News)

Anatoly wrote:

You are welcome to use public SVN to track changes: http://punbb.informer.com/svn/punbb/

Another checkout, my SVN directories have had a lot of changes lately. Seems like all the projects I follow have been changing their repositories. I archived the old SVN for nostalgic sake, it had the history of the 1.2 branch.

To be a rock, and not to roll.


quaker wrote:

hcgtv, most of these guys are a way lot younger than we are...

Doctor to patient: I have good news and bad news: the good news is
that you are not a hypochondriac.