That sounds like an even better idea :)
6,852 2003-12-27 11:34
Re: PunBB Resource (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
CSpotkill wrote:
Oh and btw, Kennel, I just love PunBB. It's great for modding to fit any website, since the code is relatively clean and easy to understand, with just the essential features. (I like adding my own Javascript extras, like buttons with dropdowns for writing posts, but it's great to have a clean slate to start with)
Cool! If you want to, you could make mods out of some of these changes. I know buttons for bbcode when posting (like in many other forum software) is a frequently requested feature.
6,853 2003-12-27 11:30
Re: My site w/ integrated design and my own userlogin (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)
Nice :)
6,854 2003-12-27 11:30
Re: Function for printing spacing (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Not a bad idea at all. I'll work on that today.
6,855 2003-12-26 20:23
Re: PunBB Resource (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Nice job Cactuz! I've just posted a news bit about the new launch. Hopefully mod developers will see it and upload their creations :)
6,856 2003-12-26 13:34
Topic: PunBB Resource is up again! (0 replies, posted in News)
As some of you might have noticed, Cactuz has opened the gates to the new and improved PunBB Resource. Good job! Since most of the old content was lost in a hard drive crash, it would be excellent if all mod developers could stop by and upload any mods they have lying around. I have a feeling PunBB 1.1 isn't more than a few days away now though, so you might want to wait until then and modify your mods to work with 1.1 before you upload.
Visit the PunBB Resource.
6,859 2003-12-25 23:24
Re: I have a problem (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
Nevermind! Cactuz came up with an idea that I believe will work just fine. I'm gonna work on it now :)
6,860 2003-12-25 22:49
Topic: I have a problem (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)
People have been reporting that the JavaScript alerts that are displayed when you submit an incomplete form aren't translated. This is a known issue that I just haven't worked on before because I didn't know how to solve it (I still don't). An example is when you don't fill in the username. The alert would say:
"username is a required field in this form."
Nothing wrong with that. However, if the forum language is set to swedish, the alert would say:
"username är ett obligatorisk fält i detta formulär."
As you can see, "username" isn't translated (the swedish word is användarnamn). The reason is that the error message is displayed by a JavaScript function that simply goes through all form elements and locates the ones starting with req_. If an element starts with req_ and isn't filled out, the function displays an alert starting with the name of that element (minus the req_). The user pettan suggested that I translate the names of the different form elements. The form element "username" would in swedish be translated into "användarnamn". There is however a problem with this approach and that is that the HTML standard has strict rules regarding the naming of form elements. The standard says:
"ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")."
Which practically means it's impossible. I have no idea how to solve this and would gladly accept any ideas and suggestions you might have.
6,861 2003-12-25 22:19
Re: Mass Erase (2 replies, posted in Feature requests)
If you don't understand what Cactuz pasted, have a look at this topic :)
6,862 2003-12-25 19:27
Re: PunBB Resource Center Open-ish (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Search for recent discussions in these forums and you will find several topics on the subject.
6,863 2003-12-25 00:59
Re: PunBB Resource Center Open-ish (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Please don't take it like that. I would love for you to compete with Cactuz. But do it by using PunBB and do it by offering something special and extraordinary.
6,864 2003-12-24 11:44
Re: PunBB Resource Center Open-ish (7 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
I hear Cactuz is working on the next version of what he calls The PunBB Resource. He will be using PunBB and not a standard installation of some forum/portal system. What are people gonna think when they visit the "PunBB Resource Center" and it isn't even powered by PunBB? Cactuz has been spending time actually programming his site from the ground up.
I'm happy you are committed to PunBB, but considering your website is powered by some other forum system and that it has no special features one would expect from a modding community, I'm gonna have to wait for Cactuz's site before I decide on which one I recommend officially.
6,865 2003-12-24 01:40
Re: alertscript vid registrering (7 replies, posted in Archive)
Jag skall fixa detta till 1.1, men har kört i väggen big time. Lösningen som pettan föreslog är snabb och enkel att implementera, men den har ett allvarligt problem. Jag trodde inledningsvis att alla ascii-värden var OK i NAME-attributet, men så är ej fallet. HTML-standarden säger:
"ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods (".")."
Man är alltså kraftigt begränsad vad gäller namngivning av formulärelementen. Om t.ex. $lang_common['Username'] innehåller ett mellanslag blir det problem. Det som händer i praktiken är att browsern ersätter mellanslag med underscore. Detta blir inte bara fult i felmeddelandet utan innebär också att man i koden måste se till att de översatta orden inte innehåller några mellanslag. Man måste göra samma sak när man tar emot POST-data. Det finns vad jag vet ingen lösning på detta. Grrrr.
Edit: Problem löst:
6,866 2003-12-23 23:54
Re: Any one follow International Cricket? (13 replies, posted in General discussion)
Ok, cool. It's odd how sports can be so dominant is some countries and hardly even recognized in others.
6,867 2003-12-23 23:52
Re: Major punbb mod required (6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
Harddrive space is hardly ever a problem. It's the bandwidth that costs.
6,868 2003-12-23 23:52
Re: !!***!!!! (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 modifications, plugins and integrations)
The URL to his (working) website is
6,869 2003-12-23 23:34
Re: Any one follow International Cricket? (13 replies, posted in General discussion)
True, true. However, I don't believe I have ever seen cricket on swedish television. Not even Eurosport has cricket. How do you follow a sport that isn't even aired? :D
6,870 2003-12-23 22:54
Re: Any one follow International Cricket? (13 replies, posted in General discussion)
Cricket isn't very big here in Sweden, so no :)
6,871 2003-12-23 21:42
Re: Posts Since Last Visit (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
That functionality is being greatly improved in PunBB 1.1. In 1.0, if you log out between visits, it doesn't work.
6,872 2003-12-23 21:40
Re: Forum Announcements (6 replies, posted in Feature requests)
It's a feature of PunBB 1.1.
6,873 2003-12-23 21:40
Re: Auto Subscribe (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
JoeWesthead wrote:
Wouldn't it produce a higher sever load too?
To some degree, yes.
6,874 2003-12-23 20:20
Re: Auto Subscribe (7 replies, posted in Feature requests)
I'm kind of opposed to that feature. I have noticed that people have a tendency to "overuse" it. They subscribe to topics all the time even though they aren't really interested in getting notified or when they check the topic through their browser all the time anyway.
6,875 2003-12-23 20:17
Re: Forum Announcements (6 replies, posted in Feature requests)
Done. Here's how it looks: