
(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Kolla i admin/options.


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Prova att ha den adress du redirectas till som Base URL.


(10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

What do you mean nope? Of course there is. Run this query:

UPDATE users SET status=2 WHERE username='james_frankham'

And voila! james_frankham is an admin.


(2 replies, posted in Archive)

Har du läst http://punbb.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=2295 ?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 bug reports)

Hmm. So, it's only sometimes?


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Hmm, ok. HTML är alltid off i nästkommande version av PunBB. Bara så du vet :)


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Davs :)

I'll move this to the show off forum.


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Får du samma problem här:



(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Tja, det är ju inte korrekt HTML, men IE6 och Firebird har iaf inga problem med det.


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

Yes, it does. I like the integration with the rest of the site layout. Good work! :)


(11 replies, posted in Archive)

Jag testade precis din kod ovan och jag upplever inget problem. Vilken browser använder du?


(15 replies, posted in General discussion)

Try reinstalling or repairing your IE installation (or install a newer version).

Well, MySQL says you didn't: "Using password: NO". Are you absolutely sure?


(3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

True, true.

You didn't enter a password for your mysql database.


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Well, primarily because of the chaos we would be in if we didn't. If you look at my example above, one says that Two "has a" One. An object of class One is one of the parts of Two. When we create an object of class Two, it will automatically have an object of class One. Here's a more fitting example:

Lets say we are going to model a car using object oriented programming. The approach we take is to try to come up with all entities that would be suitable to make into classes. Example of such entities are: the car itself, wheels, the engine, pistons in the engine etc etc. We could first create a class Car that would represent the car as a whole. That class would then have four objects of class Wheel and one object of class Engine. The Engine class would in turn have six objects of type Piston. These are all examples of "has a" relationships (i.e. the car "has" an engine, the engine "has" six pistons etc.). The relationship is also called aggregation. If we model the car like that, we get everything nice and organized.

The above is all good, but what if we want to represent both regular cars and, say, trucks? Would we then have to create a new class from scratch to represent trucks? Yes and no. We would create a separate class for trucks, but we wouldn't have to write all the code once more. We would first create a class Vehicle. In Vehicle we define everything that a car and a truck have in common and we then let Car and Truck inherit from Vehicle. That way, we only have to add the code that differs. We say that Vehicle is the base class for Car and Truck. This would give us an "is a" relationship (i.e. a Car "is a" Vehicle, a trucks "is a" Vehicle).´

It it clearer now?


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

It means that the object var has a member object called anothervar that has a member object called more that has a function called setHeadline(). Here's an example of a class that has a member object:

class One
    function scream()
        print 'Whee!';

class Two
    var blergh = new One();

    function asdf()

We can then create an object of the class Two:

$some_object = new Two();

and then access the scream function like this:



(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Primarily that more or less all other boards have it :)


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

What I would probably do is to not have separate tables for implants and clusters. If you look the the table structure of the two tables, they are almost identical. That usually means you've made a design error. Use one table for both implants and clusters and add a flag column to tell whether it is an implant or a cluster. You can then do something like this:

SELECT b.bankname, b.type FROM `bank` AS b INNER JOIN `bank access` AS ba ON ba.bank_id=b.id WHERE ba.user_id=1337 ORDER BY b.type

This will return all banks that the user with ID 1337 has access to. The results will be ordered by type so you can easily create drop down lists.

Edit: Well, at least I think it will. I won't guarantee anything :)


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Nej, det funkar inte. Aja, vi får försöka lösa det här istället.

Du kan alltså inte skapa kategorier och forum. Om du bara skapar en kategori och inte tilldelar den några forum, så kommer den inte synas. Kan det vara det som är problemet?


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Well, I won't make any promises, but I am definately aiming for a release before christmas.


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

I can't access that address. It resolves the IP address, but there is no respons on port 80.

It would be good if you could e-mail me the username/password for an admin account.

Edit: Oj, jag skrev visst på engelska :)


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Hmm. Kan jag kanske få ta en titt?


(9 replies, posted in Archive)

Men vad händer då? Något måste ju hända eftersom du säger att det inte funkar.


(4 replies, posted in Programming)

Hmm, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Could you perhaps try to explain in other terms what it is you want to do? I get the impression that the query you want is a simple "SELECT * FROM `bank access` WHERE user_id=1337", but I'm guessing it's not that easy.

Also, what is an implant bank and what is a cluster bank? Can a user have access to more than one implant/cluster bank?