(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Well I don't want to get into this much more (as people's temper usually boil over when discussing politics and religions wink), so this will be my last post about this topic.

I won't comment your last post more than (all nations you say???  And he had agreed to disarm WMDs, and so far nothing have proven the opposite, so the propaganda must have hit someone else than me... also US have the capacity to make WMDs, I guess it does mean US create WMDs as much as possible...)

Either way, Bush wouldn't have let Saddam take troops into the USA to count every single one of the many nuclear missiles US possess either. And Saddam didn't take the 'coalishion's invasions with open arms either...

I just think some things the US have done during his regime has't been right. (The Kyoto protocol is another thing, heck even Russia have agreed with it, Bush turned around(US was positive to it earlier, not any longer))

Anyhow ... this was my last post on this subject...and nothing will make me return to this discussion...


(133 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yeah, those living outside of US really must be those affected by the propaganda roll
(3 persons in here has entered from a US location, the rest is outside of the US)

A fact that I think is very disturbing is that during Bush regime, the US went against the UN, clearly not caring about the UN opinion, or the fact that Erik Blixt hadn't found any evidence of mass destruction weapons. And when no weapons were found, the focus turned onto what Saddam had done when he attacked Kuwait etc.
(Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, recently talked about it, and Bush's actions weren't liked)
If US get away with this, then the idea of the UN in itself has failed, and suddenly there's no reason for any of the countries to listen to the UN... it's a sad thing really... the UN has offered some stability during it's time in existence, and helped alot of people...

By the look of it though, neither of the candidates seem to be that great...


(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

have you noticed the setting where you can choose "Show users of status" and be able to select Admins, Moderators, Members or all?

or do you mean they should have different colors and stuff?


(12 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

considering you didn't take the blue pill, nothing, if you had taken the blue pill we can only dream of what would have happened big_smile

Edit: errr .... oops ... "dream of" could be taken in a way I didn't mean ... oops ... "we can only guess what would have happened" sounds much better big_smile


(6 replies, posted in General discussion)

Rickard wrote:

Lost in translation smile


"I don't see any bananas" => "Don't sees all bananas"

"4 wheel drift is when 4 wheels loose grip" => "l'azionamento of 4 small wheels is, if 4 small wheels to relax the fist"

"To post a reply, press the reply button and fill in your message. Then press Post" => "The end to announce it an answer, the key of the answer of and complementate that you he worked in your warning. Then it presses l'alberino"

"Let us eat a bowl full of porrage!" => "A washbasin of the river of porrage totally that we eat!"  ... really, I'm not that hungry ... really big_smile

"Please wash my mouth, it is making a horrible sound." => "It requests washes my opening, terrible noises of the form."

"I am tired" => "They are tired" ... heey, we were talking about me big_smile

"Let us go to bed separately" => "Exclusively to the base we go"

lol ... I can do this all day ... big_smile

Edit: best one today: "Translate a silly sentence and watch the result." => "The idiot of the phrase translates one and she observes the result."

"Microsoft produce high quality products"=>"Products of products of Microsoft"

"I stand on the pavement"=>"They judge the Plasterung"

"Quit it, it is annoying!" => "it is arrested, to disturbar!" ... ok I'll quit it big_smile

or ... here's my last few ones big_smile
"I swung my sword and cut down some apples from the tree" =>(+j+c+k) "The drink of the measurer of the mine of Apple in me of the fine, is reduced and the fines to her vibrate" ... almost obscene big_smile
"The devil has horns" =>(jck) "The demon is a sergeant of Jr,"
"crazy, I say crazy stuff" =>(jck) "One becomes, the qu'il is the material alcohol-ill person, of whom inner transforms it into badly of the alcohol"
"my job is boring" =>(jck) "My Hymne of the newspaper is acid" ... no thanks, no drugs for me big_smile

Ok, now I quit ... (I think) big_smile


(9 replies, posted in General discussion)

Yep, I pay no traffic fees, and the server has not much load

UNIX load averages         0.00 0.00 0.00 (2 users online)

I also use some avatars etc that I have on my server on other forums (that require hotlinking for avatars), and some other things.... + intentional hotlinking for a script that produce standings for an online racing site, was easier to do that than to rewrite the pages alot (imports tables of data from my server) big_smile
(PHP/4.1.2 is the browser for those ... lol (as I fetch it into the page with php fopen(url) smile)
But ... I guess those things aren't really hotlinking ... as it's me that have done all those things ... big_smile

nice smile

I don't understand what you are trying to do. You do not need to edit files for setting what forums users are allowed to post files in.

Go to Admin-Forums, and you should see some extra controls for the attachments, one control for each forum (there you allow who may post and download file, how large files may be, and what files to allow)

I use it successfully with 1.1.5

Here is the attachment mod release thread

The first post in that thread will have links to all neccessary tweaks that needs to be performed for it to work good with 1.1.5

Locked this topic, better to ask any questions you may have in that thread instead (most issues seems to be covered in there)


(5 replies, posted in Archive)

antar att du missade att man inte skall logga ut som admin om man gått in i maintenence mode.

tror att det står i FAQ.html hur du stänger av maintenence mode (man måste ladda upp ett script till forumet och köra det)

Edit: Saxat från FAQ ...

2.5.  I've set the forum into maintenance mode and I'm logged out. How do I turn it off?

Copy/upload the script turn_off_maintenance_mode.php from the directory scripts/ into the forum root directory and run it through your browser. A message will appear when the operation has completed. Don't forget to remove the script from the forum root directory when finished.

I guess it would be possible to do, but that module would be ineffective for everyone (info not used in that particular tool, but are in the users table as some other tool must use it), and if someone suddenly realise he/she needs to redo some parts of it to suit his/her needs, they other must also agree/disagree and perhaps alter lots of code to comply with the changes made.
And a big issue, different developers have different opinions on what's safe and unsafe, how one should solve some issues, etc. ... It's not a blakc & white world we're living in wink

I understand why you want this, but it will really make life hard for everyone, except those that install more than the forum, like the gallery or something.

Best is probably to wish that someone with lots of time has time enough to make a bundle of different things ... but, it will require lots of work, no matter how one do it... like some have made with some cms systems etc.

as always in mod bughunting ...

Make sure you have installed the mod correctly!

the more steps, the larger the possibility that one step has been skipped, or that it haven't been done in the correct way.

(I searched a bug in the attachment mod for a while, until it was discovered that a line hadn't been replaced... it's very easy to forget one step (and perhaps have serached it, but forget to paste something) ... so this is why I recommend taking a look once more that everything is in place)


(1 replies, posted in Feature requests)

some browsers have this built in (or as easy mods, myIE2 have it), IMHO a better way than adding alot of classes etc in the rendered page (as one need to go through it again, doing an eregi or something for the whole page more or less)

Also Ctrl+F & F3 work good IMHO (I use it quite alot when searching through google etc.).

I rather see this as a mod than built in, but... it's as always up to Rickard, I have naaahthing to say about it, just expressed my opinion big_smile

Edit: Here I found a thread about it with some discussions...


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

then you need to fiddle with javascript I would guess ... someone else need to help you with that...


(6 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

your ' signs are way off ... rewriting it as best as I can ... not 100% it will work ...

$tpl_temp = $lang_common['Logged in as'].' <b>'.pun_htmlspecialchars($cur_user['username']).'</b>.<br>'.$lang_common['Last visit'].': '.format_time($cur_user['last_visit']).'<br>The current time is: <b>'.date("D dS M,Y h:i a").'</b>';

perhaps work?

links work for me (look in the last post with a link to a rar file)


(277 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

perhaps a bit extended aswell, so the modders know how to use different things, now with the new usage CSS and such wink

hmmm ... a thought just struck me ... IIRC I read somewhere that there was a limit on the 'cookie array' you can have. What I don't remember is if it was an IE, Apache or PHP limit tongue
OTOH it's perhaps big enough for people never experiencing it? wink

they loose 1000$ that could have been put to better use ... just like if a small company would have done the same thing ... it's dangerous for a company to start throwing money away... then you're in trouble quitefast...

So, you think abuse is ok, as long as it's possible to perform it? wink
Making worms is then by the same means just as good and fun, as it's possible to do it and MS have not put the appropiate things to block it? wink

Sad imho ... one of those things that can make service worse, when people abuse it (as he didn't need that many) ... sigh

I'm guessing automated service ... but I guess schools etc might take a few of them...

Those 1000$ as he estimated could have gone to fixing one more bug wink


(4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 show off)

FF 1.0PR I guess (I have FF 0.9 still) big_smile

JMelhuish wrote:

3)  Feature requests:
?    File uploading for registered users (PLEASE)
?    File uploading might need checks and restrictions on file size, file type (extension) etc.
?    Possibly combine file uploading with GD or Imagemagick to force resize on large images

Well I have done the Attachment mod for pre 1.2 versions, and as soon as 1.2 is ready I'll start rewriting it (and adding some features, like saving on disk instead of database), those 2 first points are covered in my mod (and at least earlier Rickard said he didn't want attachments in the forum base, so the mod will likely be needed to get attachments)

What I won't make in the attachment mod is resizing of images, it can bring down a server to a standstill, and the image quality is often much better if the person who made the image will make it in correct size first.

So, as soon as 1.2 is released, I'll start working on convertin my mod (but looks like a complete rewrite due to usergroups and other features ... and I'll try to make the mod easier to install wink)


(27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

jly wrote:


Send info to those and you have done what you can. If it's an abuse/spam/virus matter...

http transfer and/or serverside ...

do a search on this forum, and you'll probalby get a few discussions about this ...

sure, some have it... and to do it in a nice, effective way is hard...