
(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

if you enable debug, they will show. (As seen on my screenshots on the attachmod)


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ah ok, thnkx for the info smile


(87 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

is "PUN_INACTIVE" the same as guest?


(3 replies, posted in Feature requests)

My attachment mod should be out in a few weeks (You can take a peak at the progress here). I've got some exams coming up at the moment, so I need to prio that, + the mod is quite extensive, so the writing of the installation might also take some time. But it will arrive in a little while. smile

For the other things, I let Kennel answer wink


(2 replies, posted in General discussion)

ah ... no wonder I couldn't access it earlier, but I actually got messages about it not finding the include/maintenance.tbl or something similar smile

I have put my server as far in into the closet (one that you can walk into) ... no noise in the rest of the apartment and impossible to shut it down by mistake big_smile


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

ah now I understand too...

hmm... have you looked at the PunBB code? in that case you will notice that it's built up by php & html ... where the php only is used where it's needed to ... there's alot of html in it.


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

heh, thanks guys, yeah it's defenetly more than an hour of work put into it, and it needs it as attachments is really a security risk if everything is allowed etc.

And I must say that I really don't get that 'sale' system, or the use of it, is there an example of a similar thing around?


(16 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

Are you aware of the fact I'm doing an attachment mod for PunBB?

If not, take a peak here and you will see how the mod will look like in a near future


(21 replies, posted in General discussion)

fine with me, as I have it toggled off


(1 replies, posted in Archive)

Den här modden är nog vad du söker efter



(14 replies, posted in Feature requests)

T.J. and Thijs wrote:

yet another English mistake in the source code: "en_register.php": "You must enter a valid e-mail address as your password will be sent to that address"... "as" has to be "because"

doens't look wrong to me ...

Thesaurus.com gives:

Entry:   because
Function:   preposition
Definition:   on account of
Synonyms:   as, being, considering, due to, for, in that, now, over, owing to, seeing, since, thanks to, through, whereas
Concept:   reason/excuse

but perhaps it would just need a comma after "e-mail adress".

Yep, rather that I guess (a much faster script then) smile

that on the other hand might as well be included in the 1.0 release

hmm... no idea why I would need that, but perhaps I'll add it in a later version, the first version will have the rules you see above.

(it might require quite bit of rewriting on some parts, as the rules are saved as forum specific, not usertype specific, and as of now I'd rather finish up the 1.0 release...)


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

thanks smile

yeah, the listing isn't anything more than a feature request ... so implement it when and if you want big_smile

works for me in RC2 also btw... after moving out the $img and $text and renaming them smile

hmm... you got me in the mood for coding ... smile

hmm... a question to you all ...

How should I implement file extention restrictions?

1. Use one ruleset over the whole forum (quickest)

2. Use one ruleset for each forum (slower, and more to administrate, but much more 'dynamic')

what do you all say? (i.e. this will be then next thing I'll dig into) smile


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

well lets say you have :smilie: and :smiles: and :smiley: to use the image.gif smile icon, you have to write these together in the arrys, not to let any other smilies com inbetween

the smile array (':smile:',':other:',':smiles:',':smiley:')

the image array ('image.gif','other.gif','image.gif','image.gif')

it would result in first one decleration, then the other, then the last two with an AND inbetween them, although they use the same image as the first one...

But if one is limited to put them like this

the smile array (':smile:',':smiles:',':smiley:',':other:')

the image array ('image.gif','image.gif','image.gif','other.gif')

then it should be fairly easy to generate the text with AND as long as the filename doesn't change...

bad explanation ... but hopefully you get what I mean smile


(10 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Well I've been thinking of this a while, and I haven't still installed 1.0 stable but I tested some on this installation ... and it seems like alot of the help.php file is more or less just text, so if one adds more smilies the help.php isn't updated automatically, or click the helplinks on the left of where you write the message I'd love to see small <a name> tags, as if you click on smilies and have a small screen, you need to scroll down to see the smilies, so you really don't get what you click for.

It's not much, and can be made as an mod, but I guess more people might need it than they think, as I've had a couple of requests in a limited crowd (2 of 10 asked where to find info about the smilies)

also the little script that's needed to display all currently 'installed' smilies would probably be best generated, instead of people having to manually edit the help.php. And if people write them in the order so that they write all different smilie codes that uses the same image grouped together, it's easy to get the ' AND ' text between multiple smilie codes ...

These things aren't probably the most needed items, nor high priority items ... just some things that have been in my head for a while smile

thnx smile

Well not really ... but I've got 2 weeks of exams coming up just now, so it probably won't be ready whithin that time, as I must write the documentation how to add it also ... and that will take alittle while, but I'm still on RC2 so I will install 1.0stable later on another server and try updating that and write the docs in the same time...

but 3 weeks perhaps, but that's not a promise, just a guess, considering the time on my hands atm.

thnx, doing the best I can smile

I just thought perhaps I should write alittle changelog here ... so you all know how it's progressing smile
I don't know how much longer you have to wait, but probably not that long, as the admin interface is almost ready too ... I'm currently just finishing up all those small things, so the 1.0 release will actually be quite complete ... no 'special hardcoded' stuff of the look of it now smile

The changelog will be in the first post, and I won't bump this thread when I update it, just peak in from now and then I guess... wink


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

bra, då slipper jag  (admin delen av attachments var klart o-kul) big_smile


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

Kennel wrote:
Tja, du kan ju fundera över saker som:

1. Ska man kunna vara medlem i flera användargrupp?
2. Vad ska i så fall hända om rättigheterna i dessa grupper "kolliderar"?
3. Ska man själv kunna gå med i vissa grupper eller ska admin/moderator hålla i detta helt och hållet?
4. Kommer det påverka prestanda och i så fall hur mycket?

Sant ...

1. Ja det tycker jag
2. Beror hur man sätter rättigheter, kan ha ett val för hela forumet om allow o deny ordning. Jag tar hellre Allow override... så att säga.
3. Tja, inte så hemst mycket mer, en flagga i databasen o kanske 2 php sidor mer? Men just denna klarar jag mig utan smile
4. Ja, både på gott o ont. Kommer troligtvis ge en lite längre tid innan man vet om man får eller inte får komma åt det man försöker komma åt, men man kan då göra flera 'gömda' forum åt olika grupper av människor. Vilket i mina ögon i slutändan ökar prestandan (gissa vd jag behöver den till) big_smile

*phew* the admin pages are a ----- to make ... think I'll do a quite simplified version on the 1.0 rerlease, where one needs to write the rules with binaries ... or decimals really ... ie. 204 = mod and admins up & download ... 207=mod&admin up, all but guests download ... and such ... will make it easier to make a functional adminpage ...

furthermore ... things like browsing attachments, etc. will probably be put to unknown time ... I guess a delete is neccessary though ...

(the admin funcitons and such is actually more to code, than just the up and download, and check for rights... lol ... really didn't think it would be this much lrger.. but there's small bits and pieces in alot of php files smile)


(12 replies, posted in Archive)

*bump* big_smile

grupper är en sak som jag gärna skulle se inom en mycket snar framtid, eftersom forumet jag bygger upp just nu, gärna skulle kunna gruppera lite folk, samt ge rättigheter till olika forum beroende på grupp, för admin&mod räcker inte riktigt till ... tyvärr... och jag vill helst slippa att använda phpbb eller dyl (har använt det förut, men ogillade det)

dessutom när man har några moderatorer på forum, blir det rätt tjockt ... skulle vara trevligare att bara ha ett gruppnamn istället för 8 namn inklämda ...

Downloads functional smile

admin pages still to do, here I come smile

(oh, some things I won't do for the 1st version ... like deleting files when a post gets deleted (will do a script in admin interface, that searches for orphans) ... those small things ... that's just a little timesaver ... wait for the 2nd version if you want everything 100% functional)