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JoeWesthead wrote:
Not sure about that picture, why would it matter how many new posts there were? If you were going to click the link, wouldn't you do it regardless of how many new ones there were?
Maybe, but on that basis it is also irrelevant how many posts or views there are for a topic. Whilst you might click a link anyway a user might very well decide to look at the topic with most new posts first. In any case, if you are going to have a link then you might as well use it to convey information. Plus of course, the presence of a number does signify that the link does something important.
A final thought. If I were modding a board to include this feature I would do one of the following
1. Scrap the new posts graphic alltogether and replace it with the number of unread posts in that topic. The number would be a link which would take you to the first unread post in that topic. The column would be headed "New". Not only does this give you the link you are looking for but it provides more information in that you also get the number of new posts. If you wanted to keep the graphic then you could align it left, align the number of new posts right and have both though you would have to widen the column to accomodate it in which case you could give it a more descriptive heading like "New Posts".
2. Add an extra column between "Views" and "Last Post" headed "New". In that column would be the number of new unread posts. The number would be a link which could be clicked on to take you to the relevant post. In order to avoid taking too much width from other columns I would get rid of the seconds display from the time of last post so that column could be made narrower.
Kennel wrote:
ps21: Yes, I like text links, but what should the link say and how should it look?
Something like this:
This is a very popular topic [1 2 3 Unread]
This is a newish topic [Unread]
This is another top [1 2 3] [Unread]
Another new topic [1 2] [New Posts]
All you would be doing is adding an extra link after the page number links. This seems a logical approach since all the links which allow users to jump to particular posts in the topic will be together. You could put the page numbers and link to unread posts on a new line which I have seen on other boards like this
This is yet another topic
[1 2 3 4] [Unread Posts]
As an alternative, instead of putting the link on viewforum.php why not put it on viewtopic.php. What will happen is that when users click on a topic they will go to the first topic as usual. You would then include a "GoTo First Unread" link in the topic header where you currently dispaly the page numbers links like this
Not quite. Take a look at the first post in the test forum to see what I mean.
Actually, I think I agree with chacmool. I can't see any reason why using the existing image as a link is a problem. If somebody wants a graphic free board then then could just replace the image with a plus sign or something similar as a link.
You could just use a text link in the same place as the page numbers. I have just put a post in the test forum so you can see what I mean. Of course the page numbes and the "New" link could be styled differently to stand out from the subject.
The only problem with putting a text link before the subject line rather than a graphic is that it will al get a bit cluttered if the topic is sticky.
Did the reinstall of IE work?. Just a thought, if you do not have an internet connection did you select to install the communications modules when you installed Win98.
You probably need to install or reinstall Winsock 2. This is a bit of an odd problem because it usually only happens with really old versions of Wndows like 95 or the original 98. Which version of Windoze are you running?
Doing what you have done should work perfectly, it does for me. In fact, there is no need to get rid of the background-color property, you can just add background-image after it. The most likely thing that could be wrong is that the url to the image is not correct. Incidentally, I just looked at your site and there is no sign of an image url in the css file for your forum. There is also no sign of a background-image on your main website.
See my previous post. You have not set cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 in the first <table> tag ie. the second tag from the top in the code you posted.
If you need the fresh air you could always try trainspotting.
Kennel wrote:
Well, it seems to work for me. However, in the forums, the drop down links have a different background color than what you have on the other pages. Is that on purpose or was that the problem you were talking about?
Interesting. I tried it in IE6, IE5, IE5.5, Firebird, NS4.8, Moz 1.4 and couldn't see any sign of a dropdown.
Set cellpadding and cellspacing to 0 (zero) in the first <table> tag so it reads like this.
<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=760 align=center>
Got it. Try your Lycos forum now. The problem is that Lycos ftp is unreliable. You think you have copied everything to the server only to find a lot of files are missing.
JoeWesthead wrote:
Actually they went down about 2 hours after going up.
There are lots of host companies offering Free hosting for PHP & have MySQL databases.
Trouble is, I don't know what the heck I'm doing. Would anyone be willing to upload files to relevant places & help me get set up?
Sure. Email me at with the details and we will get it sorted out. When choosing a free host make sure they allow forum scripts, some don't. Also make sure they don't use a framed redirect otherwise you can get login problems.
Make sure users have cookies enabled and they are not using any security apps that block cookies.
JoeWesthead wrote:
And now they are down ![sad](
Well Joe, I make that 23 hours and 3 minutes of happiness. You have used up your entire bliss quota for November.
The easiest way is to add topmargin="0" marginheight="0" to the <body> tag of your page.
Open one of the existing stylesheets in the style folder. Change the values to suit and then save it with a new name e.g. school.css. It will then automatically be available for selection as your default style or by users. If you want to get rid of the existing styles just remove them from the style folder.
Just realised there might be a problem incorporating PunBB into an exsting portal, namely that most/all of them use sessions.
Are we talking about a bespoke portal for PunBB or a PunBB module for PHPNuke, PHPWebsite etc.
If the former a good place to start might be to have a look at the lite portal that now ships with Invision Board. Personally I would have thought that a PunBB module for an existing portal is a better solution since it would promote PunBB among the huge number of existing Nukers.
Welcome back again.
Life is certainly interesting for you customers of
P.S. phpfreaks is now showing 432 downloads of PunBB.
Welcome back.
I have just been having a look around phpfreaks. PunBB has 418 downloads. Yesterday it had 409. It also has a 5 star rating. Pretty good going.
Kennel wrote:
Excellent! The index and download page are updated.
Typo on website
Download the "lang pang" from the download page.
Sad isn't it. Nothing better to do than find typing errors on other peoples websites.
Have you checked the chmod folder permissions? It sounds like read access has been disabled.
Failing that, you could try manually creating the PunBB folder structure and then just copy they PunBB files from the archive into the relevant folders.
I can't think of any problems with this, except of course people who pay money expect you to be sitting at the end of a support hotline.
In fact it could be a good thing, I am sure that mysql has only developed so far so fast because the commercial licences are funding the development. There is no reason why you couldn't sell a commercial license right now if you wanted to on a one off basis if somebody approached you about it.
Posts found: 2,851 to 2,875 of 2,958