Thanks, will do.

I hope chacmool is reading this as his Poll Mod has a similar query in it.

Kennel wrote:

Well, some queries work fine in both mysql and postgresql. If you show me the query I can tell you if it will work in postgres.

Here it is

$query = CREATE TABLE '$db->prefix.'ranks_g (
                  rg_on tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
                  rg_adv tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
                  rank_pip varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'img/rankb.gif',
                  rank_gpip varchar(100) NOT NULL default 'img/rankd.gif',
                  admin_pic varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
                  mod_pic varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
                  show_amtitle tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
                  show_ampic tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
                  show_amexpips tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
                  ) TYPE=MyISAM;';

It's the last line which leads me to believe this is mysql specific.

I have been looking at PunBB's install.php and noticed that it is using a switch to run different queries to create tables in postgre and mysql. What I was asking is do I have to do that in a mod install script. I don't know anything about postgre so I have been assuming that a query that creates a mysql table will also create a postgre table without any problems.

If an install script creates a table and/or alters an existing table do you have to do anything special to support postgre. I figured that since PunBB supports both mysql and postge then maybe mod installs should do the same.

Thats what I was thinking. I think the suggestion was one sig per poster per topic. Wouldn't that require an array of flags keyed on member name/id.

Agreed. Thats a very good idea. How to go about implementing it is another matter altogether.


(2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Kendo, you have the same set up I have which is "". Just run the install as "". If you have already tried this, at what stage do you run into problems with the install.


I noticed that your site is showing Forbidden 403. You won't be able to run install.php if access to the site is forbidden. I also noticed that you domain is showing as "registration being processed". Is everything actually set up.


(2 replies, posted in Programming)


I understood the SQLite support was built into PHP 5 which is why I find it surprising that somebody hasn't already done this.


(8 replies, posted in General discussion)

Kennel. Totally off topic but not worth starting a new thread for. There is a spelling mistake on your website.

"there is now a PayPay donate". Should it not be "PayPal". Unless of course you want people to donate twice smile

Thanks. Everything seems to be working OK now.

I am trying to add a couple of radio button options to admin_options.php.
I have added the items without any difficulty and they work perfectly in that
they post the relevant info to the database. However, the radio buttons won't stay
illuminated i.e. after submitting the radio buttoms return to being blank.
I am sure I am missing something really basic. This is the code which is really
no more than a cut and paste job from the existing options.

        <!--Start Ranking Graphics Mod-->
            <td class="puncon1right" style="width: 140px; white-space: nowrap">Ranking Graphics  </td>
            <td class="puncon2">
                <table class="punplain" cellpadding="6">
                        <td class="punright" style="width: 35%"><a name="rank_p"><b>Use Graphics for Ranks</b></a><br>Enable this to use graphics to represent user ranks. See <a href="admin_ranks.php">Ranks</a> for more info.</td>
                        <td style="width: 65%"><input type="radio" name="form[rank_p]" value="1"<?php if ($options['rank_p'] == '1') print ' checked' ?>> Yes   <input type="radio" name="form[rank_p]" value="0"<?php if ($options['rank_p'] == '0') print ' checked' ?>> No</td>
                        <td class="punright" style="width: 35%"><a name="rank_adv"><b>Use Advanced Settings</b></a><br>Enable this to enable advanced settings for rank graphics. See <a href="admin_ranks.php">Ranks</a> for more info.</td>
                        <td style="width: 65%"><input type="radio" name="form[rank_adv]" value="1"<?php if ($options['rank_adv'] == '1') print ' checked' ?>> Yes   <input type="radio" name="form[rank_adv]" value="0"<?php if ($options['rank_adv'] == '0') print ' checked' ?>> No</td>
        <!--End Ranking Graphics Mod-->


I think I fixed it.
// The first 48 elements should be options and the rest permissions
list($options, $permissions) = array_chunk($optperm, 50, true);

Kennel, if you read this could you confirm that changing 48 elements to 50
elements does not mess anything else up.

The other alternative would be to have the category header bar visible under the blue bar on all pages not just the index page.

I use it to go back to the index page as well. In fact I would change it so it says "Board Index". I would rather change it so it included Category Name as well as the board index

Index Page - Category Name - Forum Name - Thread

If the problem is framed based redirection, isn't there some easy way of automatically breaking out of the frame and forcing the site to reload at its true location. Of course you would then get the sites real address showing up rather than the domain.


(46 replies, posted in Programming)

I have come up with yet another variation. In keeping with PunBB's lean and mean design I now have a version which does not use any graphics.  Take a look at

This has only been tested with IE6 and Firebird. I would be grateful if some people could test this using other browers and let me know how it looks. Forget version 4 browsers, it disintegrates in spectacular fashion but then so does PunBB so I don't suppose it matters.


Thanks to dues I now know it doesn't work in IE5 but seems to work perfectly in current versions of Opera and Mozilla. More tinkering to be done then.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

If somebody really does want to ban a narrower range of IP addresses isn't there a way to do it with .htaccess?


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

Have you checked whether this persons registered email addresses are genuine. If he is using fake email addresses then you might cure the problem by enabling email validation at registration time.


(11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)

I am sure someone will answer this very shortly. Just a suggestion though. I think you had better do a trace against the IP before banning a large range which is dynamically assisgned. If it turns out to belong to one of the mega ISP's or even your local ISP you could find yourself accidentally banning a whole load of members.

Hewitt wrote:

ps21 wrote:Was there anything you thought could have been done better/different, anything missed, anything you would like to see added etc.

Well...I would certainly welcome an even deeper guide. Maybe just some cool little tricks, or ps21's top 10 ways to make punBB look sweet. wink

I'm working on it. In particular I am in the process of trawling through old posts looking for questions relating to styles and/or templates with the intention of adding a FAQ at the end of the quide. I am certainly going to put more stuff about templates, how to put a 3D border around the whole board without graphics, how to add graphic logos, how to make rollover menu buttons without graphics , how to add graphics for those who just have to make the board match the rest of their site etc. And just as I am finishing it Kennel will release v1.1 and it will be back to the styling board smile

Nice one. Been there, voted, got the T-Shirt and returned intact. Everything seems to work fine. One question. How do members start on new poll, I could not see a link? Or is the idea that only admins/mods can start polls.


(46 replies, posted in Programming)

mannesan wrote:

Now for version 2, configure it through admin, name the graphics files anythng you like, upload graphics files just like avatars

an I really do that trough admin? I dont have anything new on admin/ranking sektion!
Maybe uploaded the files incorrect, or something! smile

Give me a chance, I haven't written it yet smile
I was talking about an updated version of the current mods not the alternative version with the different colour pips.

Nice looking mod you have there.

If you are going to allow users to change the question and/or answers that would be OK provided the poll is reset to zero otherwise the votes would be meaningless i.e people have voted for one thing but you then change it to something else (a bit like political parties really). It is probably easier just to scrap a defective poll and start again.

BTW. Your signature looks somewhat familiar.


(46 replies, posted in Programming)

Thanks. Glad to have been of help. As for being skilled, not really, but its surprising how far you can get with just a basic knowledge. I should thank you. I'm trying to learn php and the best way to learn coding is a real project, even a small one. Much more fun than reading a book.

Now for version 2, configure it through admin, name the graphics files anythng you like, upload graphics files just like avatars  smile

Frank H. If the install is complicated maybe you want a non-expert to test it out. If so let me know. I have a test board up on a server just for that sort of thing.


(46 replies, posted in Programming)

The new alternative versionis available for download as at

The way it works is that normal ranks get blue stars upto 5
At rank 6 members start to get red stars
Mods gets blue stars + red stars + 1 gold star
Admins get 2 gold stars.

If you want to change the number of normal ranks open ranking.php and change the value of $nrank (its at the top).

Everything else works as before. If you want graphics for mods and admins they still replace the stars.