(6 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Is this a mod or an actual feature being included in a new release of PBB?


(7 replies, posted in Feature requests)

There should be a way to auto subscribe to any topic you post in.

Example on how it would work:
User goes into their Profile and clicks on a chechbox that denotes they want to subscribe to every topic they post in automatically.

I may take the time to make this myself, but if anybody wants to race to see who can get it done first I'm all for it. big_smile


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Slowly still. I've been working on a new version of my game instead of the PM mod. A working beta of the PM mod should be done by January though.

I lost the mod when I formatted my computer, I will remake it though.


There is no such thing as unlimited hosting.

I'm glad my database-dump is working for you.

* flexes *

I lost the mods files when I formatted my hard drive not too long ago. I will remake it though. It was a very easy mod to make.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

The backup file is 12megs...


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

I have a 2.0.0 backup file that you can use...

What does "Other" stand for? I mean like, what part of the converter is classified under Other.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

I'm using it on all my new sites. I can't use it on www.medievalbattles.com because I would lose a lot of important threads. I am just waiting for that converter to be done.


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Awesome. Thanks man. No I won't use it all. I just love the simplicity of it. Maybe that's why I love PunBB...

Why are you waiting for SQLite support? What is SQLite?


(17 replies, posted in General discussion)

Would I be able to use the design from www.PunBB.org for one of my websites?


(142 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 discussion)

This forum has 25 registered users, 23 topics and 991 posts.

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That is the greatest site ever!


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

It's coming along slowly.

How is the converter coming?

Needing to click a lot of boxes has its good sides too. If you have a link that says, Check All, and you accidently submit it. The results could be devastating. So taking the time to check every box for every forum you have will lessen the chance of making somebody a mod for everything, if you don't want them to.

That is friggin' sweet.

Wasn't this already proposed?


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)


Question, how do you get around script timeout. I have never learned that because I never needed to know.


(15 replies, posted in Feature requests)

Yeah i'll make a mod for sure. I have a private messaging system within my game so I can just modify it's code.

Kennel: You want me to try to stick with the same coding style as PunBB?


(18 replies, posted in Feature requests)

There are some scripts out there that you could use to backup a MySQL database.


If you'd like, I can try to integrate this script (or another) into PunBB and offer it as a mod.