Have you made any modifications to register.php or installed any extensions?
152 2009-01-18 01:00
Re: [hooks] adding new users permissions (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)
Cheers. Will be fixed soon.
153 2009-01-18 01:00
Re: Checkout this Snake Game! (8 replies, posted in Fun)
That's my snake game. Why can't you just paste a link to it?
154 2009-01-18 00:58
Re: No close mark inside the topic (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
Cheers. Will fix soon.
155 2009-01-17 19:09
Re: desactivate : Confirm action (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
Apparently, this only/mainly happens if you are an admin.
So your normal users are probably not suffering from this bug
In the beta stages it used to be only for admins when submitting forms, Now its for eveyone.
What version are you using?
156 2009-01-17 19:05
Re: How do you Use PunBB Forums? (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
You need to unextract it using either windows buit in unzipper or programs like winzip.
then you need to upload it to your webserver using FTP, create a database and install it
157 2009-01-16 23:18
Re: I am running the latest version, how do I de-admin someone? (9 replies, posted in Discussions)
User 2, this user cannot be removed. Are you trying to remove it?
158 2009-01-16 22:59
Re: I am running the latest version, how do I de-admin someone? (9 replies, posted in Discussions)
To change someones user group you must go into their profile and administration. However the admin may not be the main admin with the user id of 2.
159 2009-01-14 20:17
Re: HELP!!! Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3 (4 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
To upgrade your Punbb 1.2 forum to Punbb 1.3, you should follow these steps:
Download the latest Punbb version from the downloads page.
Upload all Punbb 1.3 files from the upload folder within the downloaded zip file.
Run admin/db_update.php (e.g. open http://example.com/myforums/admin/db_update.php in your browser).
Make sure you have a back up of both your database and files.
If you still cannot do this, use the forum email to send me a message and I can do it for an agreed price.
160 2009-01-14 20:15
Re: PunBB 1.3.2 (27 replies, posted in News)
I've read the instructions but don't understand how to upgraded from 1.2 to 1.3. Can anyone help please? It's for our community garden bulletin board. Willing to pay. Please reply to pcw [at] paulwest.com. Thank you!!!
To upgrade your Punbb 1.2 forum to Punbb 1.3, you should follow these steps:
Download the latest Punbb version from the downloads page.
Upload all Punbb 1.3 files from the upload folder within the downloaded zip file.
Run admin/db_update.php (e.g. open http://example.com/myforums/admin/db_update.php in your browser).
161 2009-01-14 20:10
Re: Private forums (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
esupergood wrote:with careful planning you can achieve this with standard user groups I'm sure
That seems impossible. The simple fact is that 1.3 doesn't allow for users to belong to multiple groups.
Nor did 1.2 Until you modify it. It can be done. Just you have to spend time on looking at how the old modification to 1.2 works then do the same, for 1.3.
162 2009-01-14 17:55
Re: Styles Directory Beta (13 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
They will be offical Punbb forum ones, I belive just for this forum (http://punbb.informer.com/forums/)
163 2009-01-14 00:01
Re: Language Directory (27 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 additions)
KeyDog, could you please add Sweden - Swedish under "Interest for following languages known to exist "? Unfortunately I'm too busy at the moment to do it, and it doesn't look brighter in the near future as I'd hoped.
Hope you dont mind KeyDog, I done it
164 2009-01-13 23:58
Re: [Request] Ads Management (23 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I would be willing to start developing something like this (and other requested extensions) However, On the Wiki it says that Punbb dont provide support for third party extensions, However (though I disagree with it allot) Am i classed as a community extension developer Who knows.
165 2009-01-13 23:26
Re: SpinkBB 1.3 ! (9 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
I'm split on this one. I really like this version, and i think I would actually use it when starting my own themes, however for a normal user, it might be hard work and a long process to go through compared with the old version.
166 2009-01-13 23:20
Re: How to sending a mass PM (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
We have a page here which I have added the request to.
On a side note, As far as I am aware, the developers should have been back. However. They arnt.
167 2009-01-13 21:48
Re: How to sending a mass PM (11 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
I will inform the developers of the request.
168 2009-01-13 21:06
Re: Private forums (8 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 discussion)
The way to do this is make a user group with access to the forum and then assign members you wish to that user group.
169 2009-01-12 22:59
Re: After upgrade unable to receive alert emails. (5 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 troubleshooting)
That code is 1.2 code and you are using a 1.3 forum. The extensions and modifications do not mix.
170 2009-01-12 22:58
Re: Smilies Sets - giving Credit (2 replies, posted in Discussions)
To me, you could have credits in the footer, however I personaly wouldnt. I would put them on the help page (though only a small amount of members look at them) or on the post /edit.php pages somewhere.
171 2009-01-12 22:56
Re: Can you help.... What version is this forum? (4 replies, posted in Discussions)
43 querys ? That seems an awful lot.
172 2009-01-12 22:54
Re: A question about extension (10 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
It seems that I have got two friends now, Keydog and Graciat. Others don't help I will do what you advise
Others will help I could see that the members above handled the problem efficiently and their was no need for another input
173 2009-01-12 22:51
Re: Extension Directory (32 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 extensions)
Im not saying we will officaly use this, but we will give it some though. I dont know what the other developers idea's are on this. We might need something on a bigger scale.
However if you are willing to support this on your own, then we will encouge users to look at it.
174 2009-01-12 22:45
Re: Reasons for "unable to fetch user information" error (2 replies, posted in PunBB 1.2 troubleshooting)
It's just that your website has exceeded the maximum number of mysql connections allowed by your host.
Each host sets a maximum number of mysql connections per website on their servers and if a website exceeds that number then no futher people can connect to the site until the number of connections drops back below the permitted number.
If you get this problem repeatedly then you may need to look at hosting your website on a Virtual Dedicated Server - where you can set your own number of max sql queries.
175 2009-01-12 22:30
Re: Duplicate Email accounts (3 replies, posted in PunBB 1.3 bug reports)
If i remember correctly there was a bug report over at fluxbb about this. When registering, the email address has to be unique, however, when changing it in the profile, it isnt checked to see if its unquie.
This should be sorted once the Devs chase this issue up.